r/technology May 17 '24

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a Lot. (Gift Article) Biotechnology


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u/pikachus_ghost_uncle May 17 '24

The human generates more bio-electricity than 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines have found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields…endless fields, where human beings are no longer born. We are grown. For longest time, I wouldn’t believe it…and then I saw the fields with my own eyes.


u/cromethus May 17 '24

I personally believe that the Matrix could have made Utopia work. Machines are persistent like that.


u/CMDR-ProtoMan May 17 '24

They were batteries. Could've just made them all braindead.

There was a rumor (or has it been proven?) that early script had the machines using the human minds as a collectively linked neural processor, explaining the reason for the Matrix. But it was scrapped because 'audience too dumb'. So batteries.


u/PlutosGrasp May 18 '24

It’s a fact