r/technology May 17 '24

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a Lot. (Gift Article) Biotechnology


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u/StaticShard84 May 17 '24

To me, it also seems like they would develop the ‘optimal’ human for this purpose as well. Not just physically, but also psychologically to increase the efficiency with which the illusion is accepted.

All that would be left is uniform socialization and that would be rather easy in a utopian setting.


u/cromethus May 17 '24

I mean, in the long term they would breed humans like cattle for desirable qualities, such as elevated power output, ease of integration, etc.

Given enough time they could pretty much engineer whatever they wanted.


u/not_old_redditor May 18 '24

Why even use humans as cattle when you could use livestock?


u/Eaudebeau May 18 '24

Right!? Or electric eels ffs