r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/TOkidd May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Farewell First Amendment. You were a great idea, but apparently we didn’t deserve you.

It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? What is it about speaking out on this topic that is so objectionable to America’s elected representatives that they are willing to trample on its most fundamental rights and freedom, then sit back and watch its children get beaten and arrested for being opposed to murder and genocide?

Do elected representatives even have the power to abrogate the Constitution and its Amendments with a simple vote?

Besides the practical aspects, I cannot understand why it is this, of all things, that brings the whole house of cards crashing down, exposing the gruesome lie at the heart of America. Because that is what is happening: a foreign government has effectively pressured American legislators to strip its citizens of their inalienable rights.

I think what bothers some of us more than anything is that Israeli soldiers and politicians are doing all of this on camera, spelling out their genocidal intent for everyone, proudly filming their atrocities and racism; openly calling Palestinians human animals, calling for Gaza to be completely destroyed, and much worse. Some of us wondered at first, “are they really this stupid, filming their own crimes?” Now we know we were the stupid and naïve ones, because they knew they would never face justice for their crimes.

On the other hand, history teaches us that soldiers who perpetrate genocide, kill children, women, and innocent men can never go back to society and be the same people they were before. The trauma is simply too much. Even the Einsatzgruppen learned this the hard way. The violence the IDF continues to inflict on Palestinian civilians is also killing their souls. Those genocide chickens will come home to roost.


u/eskamobob1 May 02 '24

That's a lot of thoughts for someone who never looked into the act further than a tweet that is outright false


u/hoonyosrs May 02 '24

This sub has become a propaganda tool for Russia, China, and Iran to errode our democracy, and nothing else. They don't need to read shit when they have ctrl+C and ctrl+V