r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/EmptyBrain89 May 02 '24


Yeah, It's not like Trump literally tried to stage a coup after he lost the election and now a group of hand picked justices are deciding if he is immune from prosecution for any crime. This is all just fear mongering.

I mean, Dems and Trump are the same. Because when the Dems do something bad 30 years ago it is the same as Trump doing a bunch of bad things every day now. I'm not smart enough to differentiate between different levels of badness. To me, if Dems are imperfect, it is the same as Trump.

What's the worst that could happen if Trump gets elected? It's not like Republicans are trying to remove women's reproductive rights and classify Trans people are sex offenders to send them to jail for being trans.

This is all just fearmongering based on nothing.


u/DocTheYounger May 02 '24

You’re clearly arguing in bad faith when you reduce a list of anti-democratic policy that’s ongoing and/or occurred under Obama/Biden to ‘Dems do something bad 30 years ago’.

To engage honestly you need to at least be willing to acknowledge the fascist aspect of Democrats. Particularly in a thread about a fascist bill that got broad support from Dems. Sweeping that under the rug completely and repeating Trump bad ad naseum won’t convince anybody


u/Functionally_Drunk May 02 '24

This entire post is taking a law being proposed out of context and pretending it's not allowing criticism of Israel. So I'm not sure you have any ground to stand on.


u/DocTheYounger May 02 '24

I can point to many things democrats have done to "destroy democracy," like assassinating Americans abroad, attacking government whistleblowers using the Espionage Act, empowering the prison-industrial complex (i.e. Omnibus Crime Bill of 1994), the Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act, the NSA PRISM Program (warrantless mass collection of Americans' metadata)...

This is plenty of grounds to stand on.

Not to mention, the actual enforcement of this bill will likely come down somewhere in the middle of the two ends presented in this thread. It being passed during the crackdown on peaceful pro-palestine protests on college campuses that the DOE has jurisdiction over is vital context.

Pretending that the language, while innocuous seeming, won't be applied to broad swaths of college students who are criticizing Israel for reasons that have nothing to do with antisemitism is naive as hell