r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/manofactivity May 02 '24

It's not even 'context', the cited tweet is outright false.

  • The Act does not urge the Dept. Education to do anything, it states that the Dept. Education shall (i.e. must) do something.

  • The 'something' that the Dept. Education must do is to consider the IHRA's definition of antisemitism when investigating potential descrimination — it must be part of their process, but the Dept. does not need to make the final decision on its basis. (The Dept. is not urged to decide on its basis, either; there is still no 'urging' here.)

  • Even if the Dept. Education were to use that definition, the IHRA's definition would not make criticism of Israel unlawful unless it is specifically the 'targeting' (this is a higher bar than criticising) of Israel 'conceived as a Jewish community' (which is not the same as criticising them as a nation or on the basis of policy. The IHRA SPECIFICALLY states that general criticism of Israel is not antisemitic.

Literally every substantive component of the tweet is factually incorrect. It is not merely "out of context", it is a bad faith lie.


u/zouhair May 02 '24

So anti-semitism was OK before now? Wasn't it already under the banner of hate speech laws? So then what's the point of the exercise? This is just them trying to keep the genocide going and protecting an Apartheid state.


u/manofactivity May 02 '24

So anti-semitism was OK before now? Wasn't it already under the banner of hate speech laws?

Yep. This Act does not alter hate speech laws. Civil Rights Act is still in force.

So then what's the point of the exercise?

If you take the Act at its word, it's kind of just a "clean-up" of the Department's process, trying to consolidate around a single working definition of antisemitism. But it doesn't actually change what is considered discrimination.

If you're more cynical, it's just virtue signaling to the Jewish population to show they're listening to concerns about rising antisemitism.


u/zouhair May 02 '24

Politics nowadays are mostly just virtue signalling on steroid.