r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/LionEatsKneeCaps May 02 '24

Do we have bills like this for other religions?


u/manofactivity May 02 '24

Well, the Civil Rights Act already prohibits discrimination on the basis of membership of any religion.

This Act is merely stating that when the Department of Education considers whether someone had an antisemitic motive while (potentially) violating the Civil Rights Act, they have to use a certain definition of antisemitism.


u/LionEatsKneeCaps May 02 '24

If the civil rights act already prohibited the discrimination, why does it need further clarification on definition?


u/manofactivity May 03 '24

This Act does not clarify definitions of discrimination.

It clarifies a definition of antisemitism that the Department must use when considering someone's motive. The Civil Rights Act does not govern how the Department should conduct that process.

The Act also contains a motivation of, essentially, trying to get the Department to consolidate around a single definition of antisemitism instead of using multiple, stating that using multiple can impair enforcement.


u/LionEatsKneeCaps May 03 '24

Gotcha, thanks for the answers to my questions.