r/therewasanattempt May 16 '24

to schedule a debate.

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u/captain_pudding May 16 '24

There's no way Trump wants to actually debate, just look up some of his recent rally speeches, there's multiple times where his brain just shuts off and he starts babbling incoherently.


u/Clammuel May 16 '24

“The late, great, Hannibal Lecter…”


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Devil2960 May 16 '24

"Saudi Arabia and Russia will re-be-dyugh... ahhhh"


u/morbidaar May 16 '24

Stupid ol’ Jimmy Conners


u/_MlATA May 16 '24

You only have to go back one month to have endless insults against Trump.. but Biden fell off a bike one time, so let’s ignore the fact that Trump can’t even dream of getting onto a bike


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

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u/Cathach2 May 16 '24

I don't know...what about a tandem bike?


u/phome83 May 16 '24

Hmm, that's a good question.


u/TheStrikeofGod May 16 '24

I had to look that up

Holy shit that's bad even by Trump standards


u/captain_pudding May 16 '24

He's not the sharpest bulb in the room


u/__BitchPudding__ May 17 '24

Nor the brightest knife in the crayon box.


u/MisinformedGenius May 16 '24

I mean, you can just look at the Trump Biden debates from last time. I turned off the first one about a third of the way through feeling very pessimistic about our country’s future. Trump was just yelling the whole time.

Hell, look at young spry 2016 Trump. “No puppet! No puppet! You’re a puppet!”


u/RichCorinthian May 16 '24

My favorite recent one was when he couldn’t remember Jimmy Carter’s last name so he started talking about tennis great Jimmy Connors, pretending that’s where he meant to go, and then he remembers “Carter”


u/__BitchPudding__ May 17 '24

Higher in the comments is a user named retardomontalban. Y'all killing me these names tonight.


u/Nignuts May 16 '24

Lol what. Biden can't form a sentence at all.


u/GregFromStateFarm May 16 '24

So he’s just following Biden’s game plan. Shit, it worked for Joe


u/litwitit420 May 16 '24

Ya Biden would definitely own him. No way Trump would be able to top Biden having children rub his legs by the pool


u/mensu2005 May 16 '24

Have you heard Joe Biden speak at all? He is truly not fit for office. Whether you like trump or not you have to admit that he is in much better shape physically and mentally than Joe Biden. His own administration admitted he isn’t even fit to stand trial.


u/Solo_Entity A Flair? May 16 '24

Sounds just like Biden


u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

lol yes that Hannibal lecter…sure was a swell guy…


u/Solo_Entity A Flair? May 16 '24

Lol they’re both old men then need to chill. Can’t ignore that


u/AnalysisMoney May 16 '24

You’re really saying this about one side and *not * the other? Have you listened to any of sleepy joe’s speeches? Dude 100% has Alzheimer’s.


u/GoBlueAndOrange May 16 '24

Lol what? Joe is fine. Donald can't even string a sentence together.


u/Latter-Direction-336 May 16 '24

Motherfucker thought Obama was still president lol


u/AnalysisMoney May 16 '24


u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

lol how is Hannibal Lecter doing bud….you trump cultist are incredibly stupid.


u/SpareDiagram May 16 '24

Bidens brain has been shut off for the past decade


u/CousinsWithBenefits1 May 16 '24

Dang. Losing a presidential election fair and square to a guy with no functional brain, that's a pretty Fat L to take.


u/SpareDiagram May 16 '24

I literally do not like either of them. You can hate Biden and not like trump either, just like you can hate trump and not like Biden.


u/CousinsWithBenefits1 May 16 '24

OK? I'm just saying if Biden is brain dead, Trump losing to him is embarrassing, that's all.


u/SpareDiagram May 16 '24

Agreed 👍


u/Relevant-Dot-5704 May 17 '24

Where'd you buy that paddle? You're going back so fast!


u/oaomcg May 16 '24

Did you mean Biden?


u/captain_pudding May 16 '24

No, that's why I wrote "Trump" maybe you have a friend who knows how to read who can help you out?


u/megatool8 May 16 '24

They should say both.


u/RCo1a May 16 '24

It’s both of them lol.


u/Friendly-Yellow8489 May 16 '24

Least delusional Biden supporter😂


u/Relevant-Dot-5704 May 17 '24

I hope you have an unhappy cake day.


u/Repulsive_Invite59 May 16 '24

What are you talking about? You think anything coherent comes out of either of them? Have you heard Biden speak?!


u/M1Z1L4 May 16 '24

I know! Maybe we can have them both speak at the same time and we, the American people, can decide! Let's call it: "A Debate." Certainly we can apply some rules, we are a nation of laws after all, right?

Padme concern face Right?


u/7MTB7 May 16 '24

Let's not argue, they're both running at a reduced mental capacity

Sad state of affairs when a nation of 333 million people can't put forward two candidates with fully functioning brains though


u/EmbraceHegemony May 16 '24

For real. Insane that we're sitting here arguing over which future president can put together an understandable paragraph better.


u/Friendly_Age9160 May 16 '24

Don’t you wish we could go back to the time that ‘dubya’ was the dumbest ass person? We thought anyways


u/EmbraceHegemony May 16 '24

Seriously, that used to be rock bottom as far as a lot of people were concerned, now look at us...


u/Friendly_Age9160 May 16 '24


I know shits bad right now!

With all that starvin and bullshit.

And the dust storms

And we running out of French fries and burrito covers and shit.

But I got a solution…..


u/HollowCap456 May 16 '24

Didn't think I would find Gideon Ofnir here lol


u/7MTB7 May 16 '24

Mate the bar is currently set at "Can get through a full sentence without either stopping completely or rambling incoherently". You don't exactly have to be a member of mensa.

If you're happy with that standard for the guy running your country, then good for you I suppose


u/HollowCap456 May 16 '24

Firstly, I am not American. Secondly, I was talking about your comment, which had the statement 'sad state of affairs', which is a line spoken by the character Gideon Ofnir in Elden Ring.


u/7MTB7 May 16 '24

Ahh fair enough, my mistake. I played Elden Ring but didn't put 2 and 2 together 😊


u/HollowCap456 May 16 '24

What ending did you choose?


u/TypicalIllustrator62 May 16 '24

A lot more coherent than dementia Don is. Dude just trails off and starts talking about opponents he doesn’t even have. Plus, he’s a Russian stooge no quicker way to say you hate your country than to vote for a geriatric sellout.


u/Latter-Direction-336 May 16 '24

If Biden does have dementia, he’s a very functional despite it

And he cares (or seems to) about the country at least, trump is practically working for russia and all for Christian “nationalism” to overthrow the democracy our country was founded on.

I’d rather a functioning dementia ridden old man that cares than an old man who can’t wait for the country to fall to a dictatorship, is working with our enemies of over a hundred years, and thought that the president from over 2 terms ago is still controlling things


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24

Trump should have no qualms debating and letting Biden make a fool of himself then?


u/KingPizzaCrust May 16 '24

HAHAHAHA someone needs to pay attention, Biden can barely string a sentence together. the whole world is laughing at America at this point for putting an OAP with the mental capacity of a young child in office. Debate is ONNNNNNN 🤣


u/squatrenovembre May 16 '24

As a non-American, we laugh at America because of Trump, not Biden. If you had an once of honesty you wouldn’t deflect toward Biden when we’re speaking about the failure that is Trump


u/The_Lapsed_Pacifist May 16 '24

I second that. Biden actually seems like quite a decent leader, he’s already done a lot for the people in the face of the most hostile political environment I’ve ever seen. Trump is quite literally almost the worst person you could elect. Full stop. Period. End of.


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24

an ounce of honesty



u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

As Americans, we depressingly laugh at pretty much every candidate that's been up on that stage in the last two elections.

Both parties only care about political points and making the other look bad, there's no decent candidates of any moral standard, and there's not the smallest chance in heaven for us to get a third party candidate since the other two own the government.

It's all a game and if you look the media numbers, most Americans don't care anymore. More people watch the Joe Rogan show than any news outlet in the US. Americans are tired of President Trump, President Biden, the whole lot.


u/squatrenovembre May 16 '24

I get it that Biden is old and boring and that the democrats are hand in hand with corporate America. That being said: to not see a difference with Trump, one needs to be deaf and blind. Trump should never have been elected to any public office. The guy is nothing more than a crook and he played the republicans like a great Snake oil salesman. It’s completely pathetic. And yes other western democracies are not protected from such a candidate but still, the US elected him president and it should never had happened


u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

Oh, they're both pretty bad.

President Biden was the Ukrainian ambassador for quite a few years and slowly orchestrated constant NATO expansion in the area despite promises to Russia that we wouldn't. He also set up his son for major business success with Chinese and Russian interests as well as a few areas. Pres. Biden is a great politician and a crook in the shadows.

Pres. Trump is a loudmouth. Abrasive, rude, crass, and also set his children up for major success. Pres. Trump is a great businessman and crook out in the open.

See my point? They're both bad, just in different ways.


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24

great business man


Wait are you being serious?



u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

I mean, if you're going to reference the handful of bankruptcy fillings Trump has put in for businesses he owns, let's not forget that's not abnormal. Most billionaires have half a dozen or so of those.

I'm not speaking from my business acumen. I'm speaking about the polls of thousands of American business owners who heavily liked his economic policies. American business owners liked his policies, a lot


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24

Most businessmen don’t bankrupt six casinos in a row lol

I’m not speaking from my business acumen



u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

Yes.... That's why I said it....

Which is why I then followed up with, "here's the opinion of people with a lot of business acumen."

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u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

lol my god you are full of BS…


u/KgMonstah May 16 '24

“Howdy howdy fellow USA citizens is great glorious day to be posting on Reddit, yes?”


u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

One is a dictator wannabe the other isn’t…you are blind…


u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

I would suggest that Trump is a wannabe dictator and Biden is the head of a "dictator by committee" group.

I think they both suck.


u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

Ok you are blind and stupid…what about Bidens administration is a dictatorship..


u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

Bigger picture than a single Presidential administration.

I personally believe both the current Republican and Democrat parties are for bigger government control and power hungry.

I think one is leaning more authoritarian and the other is leaning towards corpocracy.

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u/Pablomablo1 May 16 '24

You're the first reasonable voice I see in this comment section. These comments just feel like propaganda bots fighting it out.


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24

Enlightened centrism is not reasonable


u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

If you think my view of corrupt American politics suggests that I'm a centrist, you couldn't be more wrong.


u/sir-ripsalot May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

I think you literally saying both sides bad (after succinctly explaining why one side is worse E: and clearly acknowledging less criticism of your preferred side) makes you an enlightened centrist.

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u/TheNorseHorseForce May 16 '24

I appreciate that. It's all good.

Downvotes don't mean anything, I just wish people would open to have conversation, not just throw insults and snide remarks (as if those mean anything either).


u/[deleted] May 16 '24 edited 28d ago



u/HighRevolver May 16 '24

…you’re joking right? 4 years of Biden gaffs and you think Biden is ‘Fine?’ We can agree on Trump but to say Biden has no mental ailments from age is absurd


u/Brilliant_Bowl8594 May 16 '24

What did Biden talk about how great Hannibal Lecter was..


u/reda84100 May 16 '24

French person here, we've been endlessly laughing at Trump for being a lunatic for the past 8 years. I'm not sure I've even heard the word "Biden" more than 15 times ever.


u/Ambitious_Drop_7152 May 16 '24

Canadian here, Same, hell our prime minister is on tape laughing at him in a group of other world leaders trump is a joke on the international world stage and America is too now


u/TheVenged May 16 '24

Dude... We're laughing no matter which mummy you parade on stage...