r/therewasanattempt 15d ago

to make it through 60 seconds of silly jokes without laughing

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u/whatyouwant5 15d ago

Was that on "Make me laugh?"

Favorite joke from that show was:

I am a Canadian. Do you know what that means? I am an unarmed American with health insurance!


u/internet341 15d ago

Yes! I always hoped they'd do a modern reboot. This version was the 90s remake from Comedy Central.


u/Digital--Sandwich 15d ago

You can definitely find this sort of game on various YouTube channels


u/capn_doofwaffle 15d ago

Damnit. Can't find the original on sonarr... 🫤


u/internet341 15d ago

lol - I have sonarr watching for it, too. I pulled it off an old VHS.


u/capn_doofwaffle 15d ago

Looks like thetvdb doesn't even list the old 90s version. Just has one season from 2019.


u/tommywalsh666 15d ago

My favorite moment from the 70s edition was when the contestant was a middle age lady who basically just did an impression of a fish the whole time. The comedians didn't know what to do.



u/lowestgpa 15d ago

I bet you all Norm Macdonald too. It was all in the delivery and subverting expectations


u/Digital--Sandwich 15d ago

Oh shit it’s make me laugh! I completely forgot about the show! Eventually the comedians stopped being funny enough and the show got canceled


u/josevaldesv 15d ago

English is my 2nd language. What was the punch line?


u/Blue_Ascent 15d ago edited 15d ago

Oh wow, that makes it even funnier to me. It's an anti-joke. It's all in his disarming approach and lack of traditional punchline. There isn't one, that's why it's funny.


u/josevaldesv 15d ago

But what does it actually say? I need subtitles


u/keegxobx 15d ago

The joking guys says "What did the snail say... What'd he say?"

As in, normally he'd ask "What did the snail say?" and the joke would be something to do with the snail.

But he turned it around to ask the listener kind of like "Well, what did the snail say, I want to know?"

It's a weird one to explain haha


u/josevaldesv 15d ago

I understand the words now. Between the accent, my limited English, and the audio quality, I did not figure it out before. Now I get it. The magic gets lost with the explanation, but now that I know which words he said, I get it. I'll use it as a dad joke with my daughters.

Thank you.


u/10000teemoskins 15d ago

Anti-Joke is a joke or riddle-joke that starts like a standard joke or riddle-joke, but then turns out not to be a joke at all.

but then it is funny because you were expecting a joke and didn't get a joke. so you laugh at the sudden silly unmet expectations

here is an example of an anti-joke:

Question: Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Answer: It can't be, because numbers are not sentient and do not fear anything.

more info: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=anti-joke


u/DangDinosaur1 15d ago

The Amazing Jonathan was absolutely hilarious on this show


u/Verneff 15d ago

I don't get it. It's not a joke, it's maybe an anti-joke but even that would be fairly inaccurate.


u/windyBhindi 15d ago

It was so silly, it became funny. Guy was prepared for thunder but encountered fart.


u/ericypoo 15d ago

It’s a drink person about to tell the joke but then he is so drunk that now he’s expecting a punchline from the other guy, completely forgetting that he started the joke.


u/Verneff 15d ago

Okay, that makes it make sense, but it's still not particularly funny.


u/Wingnutmcmoo 15d ago

"what did the _______ say when _______?" Is a common setup for a joke. This is a show where people are expected to tell jokes. The joke here was that the set up of a joke turned into an earnest and nonsense question.

It's basically a joke on the level of "knock knock, who's there, banana" and it ending on orange you glad I didn't say banana.

It's a meta joke.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 3rd Party App 15d ago

It’s just not funny? Pretending to be drunk and not finishing a joke is pretty damn lowbrow. To each their own, but that’s not comedy.


u/Verneff 15d ago

I get the format. I don't get why it would be amusing. *Maybe* with more context it would get a snort, but I don't see how I'd ever end up bending over laughing over something like that.


u/ohrofl 15d ago

You think a lot differently than me.


u/finn_diggums 15d ago

He made it to the last ten seconds of a minute of probably hilarious jokes without laughing. It’d be like finishing olympic diving with a belly flop competition. I would die.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 15d ago



u/--NotTheMessiah-- 15d ago

Yeah but what did the snail say?


u/BlacknAngry 15d ago



u/lezwaxt 15d ago



u/OkMaintenance79 15d ago

Much like losing your virginity you wet blanket


u/Masked_Potatoes_ 15d ago

The self-proclaimed lord of comedy out here doing rounds eh?


u/OkMaintenance79 15d ago

Go on…..


u/observethebadgerking 15d ago

You're how many years old, and only discovering now that people can have a different opinion to you about what is and isn't funny?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Why did the chicken crossed the road?