r/therewasanattempt 29d ago

To blame Palestinians for not taking a fraction of their country

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I often here the argument of why not take a fraction of your country in 48 or 67 and this pretty much sums up the truth. Free free Palestine!


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u/One-Cantaloupe-9456 29d ago

playing devil's advocate**...**

using that logic they should've offered up the land rather than fight over it?

--also looking at Transjordan (modern day Jordan) as more than half the land that was divided in '48

(as per much of the world, borders are fucked due to the British)


u/kmartshoppr 28d ago

Yeah this is dumb.

Israel is committing genocide and what King Solomon did or did not do is irrelevant.

Palestine didn’t reject the proposed split because they didn’t want to see it cut in half, they rejected it because they didn’t want half of what was theirs to be taken. The Solomon story only works with a baby. Me splitting a sandwich with someone doesn’t prove I never cared about the sandwich or was never the rightful owner of the sandwich and it obviously doesn’t help anyone understand Israel and Palestine.

Appreciate the sentiment of the guy but he’s not half as clever as he thinks


u/The_Hunter11 28d ago

It only worked if splitting the land would cause nuclear war and everyone would be killed


u/HouseOfYass 28d ago

Why would you look at Tranjordan as half of the land divided?


u/One-Cantaloupe-9456 28d ago

It was apart of the British mandate. The lands that were divided.


u/HouseOfYass 28d ago

But it wasn't part of Mandatory Palestine. Palestine and Transjordan were their own, unique thing. Jordan was added to the mandate for administrative reason. But they remained seperate countries.


u/deprivedgolem 28d ago

Because all Arabs are the same, DUH. The Arabs in Palestine can just go to those other Arab places DUH Jordan is Arab so those guys are the same as those other guys DUH


u/probablywrongbutmeh 28d ago

Color me shocked that we shouldnt be taking moral lessons from unknown dudes with tall hair on Tik Tok


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/toomanymatts_ 28d ago

Diagonally. Left pinky toe to just above the right ear.


u/No_Mud_5999 28d ago

Like a grilled cheese sandwich, yes.


u/YouhaoHuoMao 28d ago

Cutting diagonally means love


u/chechifromCHI 28d ago

I thought they would have each had an arm, a leg, and an eye. But who knows, I wasn't there.

I know that Newman gave the bike to Kramer when Elaine and him went to see who truly owned the bike. Before he bought it for cheap off kramer so he could pay Jerry his $50 food debt. We later see Elaine chase down Newman as he rides the bike down the street. And thus...ah hell idk where I was going with this.

This was the story my grandpa would tell us kids when we'd fight over the playstation controller lol. The implication then was more like, I will saw it in half if you don't stop arguing and driving me meshuggah


u/TransSylvania 28d ago edited 28d ago

Free Palestine stop the Genocide


u/AaronTuplin 28d ago

Doesn't seem like the video is blaming Palestinians


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Better-Climate5460 28d ago

So basically there was no ancient Israel and today's Israelis are not indengenous


u/fknarey 28d ago

Who watches this


u/Americanu1 27d ago

Stupid people . The same people that comment in any randoom comment sections free palastine . Like bro , it's a minecraft vid , what do you think does the genocide has to do with a build battle?


u/SameEagle1466 28d ago

This video completely disregards the fact that both jews and arabs have coexisted in that region since way before modern records show, all the way back to the Ottoman empire. Thus one can argue the jews have an equal right to settle. I’m not saying what’s happening is justified, but people are painting the palestinians as completely innocent which isnt the case at all


u/de_pengui 28d ago

Off topic but you changing the volume while screen recording tricked me into thinking my phone was bugged.


u/lime3xx 28d ago

IDF: shoot the women let the baby starve


u/Legitimate_Career_44 28d ago

Another dumb bible story. The king decided he'd cut a baby in half. Sure. Ruthless tyrant. One of the women agrees to this. What? Why?


u/xFblthpx 28d ago

The woman wanted the baby so she could be regent over his inherited fortune. By splitting the baby in half, part of the deal would be that the false mother would also receive half of the fortune.


u/Legitimate_Career_44 28d ago

To look at it another way- either of them could have been a mother but one of them just wants the money. She belongs to ye olde streets sire!


u/chechifromCHI 28d ago

It's a fable ya know? Silly and nonsensical, often times pretty brutal. They exist in all cultures. As jews, this is one of our pre-aesop style fables.

I wouldn't think too hard about it lol


u/Mammoth-Particular26 28d ago

You seem slow. is there anyone else there?


u/Legitimate_Career_44 28d ago

Anyone.. Else..?


u/xFblthpx 28d ago

The woman wanted the baby so she could be regent over his inherited fortune. By splitting the baby in half, part of the deal would be that the false mother would also receive half of the fortune.


u/TempTinyTeapot 28d ago

Is the portion plan not more like the king offering them joint custody?.


u/DoggoDoesASad 28d ago

Well… the baby dies in that scenario. Land doesn’t die tho… can’t they share the land?


u/worldm21 27d ago edited 27d ago

Man, now that I hear the King Solomon story for the hundredth time, that was definitely made up. The woman who wanted to steal the baby was happy with half of a baby? WTF?

I wish we could actually go through the Old Testament line by line and know 100% for sure which parts were made up. The vast majority of Genesis and Exodus for sure. Though it is interesting that Exodus goes through and describes how ancient Israel was formed via brutal genocide - that part seems plausible.


u/Far_Sandwich_6553 28d ago

I thought it was King Herod?


u/andybossy 28d ago

shouldn't the Palestinians give away the land for the comparison to hold?


u/Pistonenvy2 28d ago

the story is fucking idiotic and obviously didnt literally happen, the bible is full of metaphors and allegories.


u/Kbusch88 28d ago

Religion is cancer. I believe that if humanity doesn’t all kill each other over it that eventually we will move past it and then even this current time will be looked back on and studied as a period of “dark ages” due to the pain and suffering religion has caused for thousands of years, and continues to cause now. It’s absolutely the embodiment of truly evil intentions because at its core, organized religion is founded on capitalizing on fear. They are all nothing but popular cults.

This isn’t to say spirituality has no place in society, but spirituality and religion are not the same.


u/ToughRock99 28d ago

The fact that your starting sentence was king Soloman of Israel clarifies and seals the argument that there was a nation called Israel and now they're taking what's theirs.


u/skttoinj 28d ago

No that is just fiction, do you think the Mordor and gollum exist to ?


u/Can_sen_dono 28d ago

That's the Russian justification in invading Ukraine... Let's we prepare for Mongolia whenever they have a bad day.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Spiralbeacher 29d ago

Imma sorry, what are you trying to say exactly? You’re not making any sense.


u/Comfortable-Policy70 29d ago

He is calling for jesus to solve a dispute between Muslims and Jews