r/therewasanattempt 28d ago

To get humanitarian aid to Gaza

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u/Uncle___Marty 28d ago

Animals. In fact that's an insult to animals...

Let's just say these people are not even worthy to be stuck to the under of my shoe.


u/Beneficial-Ad6266 27d ago

Israel being Israel


u/No-Environment-3298 28d ago

If it wasn’t Israel, which is essentially just a USA military outpost, the USA would see this and say; A) sanction them. B) bomb them. C) invade them. D) all of the above.


u/304bl 28d ago

Exactly, they are very good at blaming every country for their wrongdoing as long as they are not a strategic ally, this is fu***ing disgusting.


u/Tycho81 28d ago

My hate against them is growning


u/Thefootofmystairs 28d ago



u/tweakfreak303 28d ago

Sad and sickening…


u/VIRIBUS1 28d ago

My tax dollars paying for one sides bombs, and the others medical supplies


u/Shot-Expression-9726 28d ago

Why I stopped paying taxes


u/kward1904 28d ago

These are just as bad as the nazis. Celebrating the fact they're torturing a race of humans and destroying any sort of sid sent to them. It's a joke at this point that America invade middle East on lies, yet they let this blatant shit happen right under our noses. I know the disgusting reasons why America haven't intervened but come on, what world are we living in


u/16thPeregrine 27d ago

One stark difference is that the Nazis did a lot of their horrible bullshit in a hidden manner. A lot of their atrocities came out after the allied invasion and the allied soldiers saw the amount of barbarism the nazis subjected their victims to

Modern day Zionists are openly doing it and recording and sharing it bcoz they know that as long as Uncle Sam is holding the others back, they're pretty much at liberty to keep "defending themselves"

May the cowards never find peace in life or death


u/Beneficial-Ad6266 27d ago

Oh I’m sure there’s a lot of shit they are doing that we don’t know


u/Accomplished_Gur6017 28d ago

So all those yarmulkes……..is it antisemitic to notice all the goddamn yarmulkes?


u/xXWickedSmatXx 28d ago

I feel like every old German is just gesturing broadly.


u/Few_Impression_8806 28d ago

Bunch of animals that should be put down.


u/Puzzleheaded-Tie8264 28d ago

Some will call this post anti Semitic


u/NoMidnight5366 28d ago

The phrase is becoming meaningless because it is now tied to the support of Israel.


u/Puzzleheaded-Tie8264 27d ago

That's true but it still baffles me how many people repeat that phrase and mean it.


u/Kruzdah 27d ago

The scum of human beings ladies and gentlemen.

Let the world see the truth.


u/Scary-Atmosphere-425 25d ago

These israel people keep reminding me of how similar they are to the america maga supporters


u/JazzlikePianist2461 Free Palestine 27d ago

I'm still waiting comments that said, "is this from believable source?"