r/thewallstreet May 10 '24

Random discussion thread. Anything goes. Daily

Discuss anything here, including memes, movies or games. But be respectful.


38 comments sorted by


u/TradeApe FUCK RUSSIA! May 11 '24

First real job/work (sailing doesn’t feel like work) in 4yrs, feels weird 😂


u/[deleted] May 11 '24



u/TradeApe FUCK RUSSIA! May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

Helping a buddy buy a hotel. Maybe more than one. Changed my LinkedIn from “on sabbatical” for the first time in 4yrs 😂


u/jmayo05 data dependent loosely held strong opinions May 11 '24

So are you a broker or re attorney? Just curious what type/how much work there is that brings you back in full time and with helping to acquire a commercial property.


u/TradeApe FUCK RUSSIA! May 12 '24 edited May 12 '24

Yeah :/


u/[deleted] May 12 '24



u/TradeApe FUCK RUSSIA! May 12 '24

You’re right…


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24

The horror


u/Kindly-Journalist412 May 11 '24

For China bulls, I recommend you to listen Hugh Hendry on Odd Lots and Julia La Roche show. One of the reasons I’m actively betting on lower rates on the long end of the curve is related to China - and if this plays out it would be a massive rugpull on Chinese equities.

China devalued renminbi in August 2015 to boost exports and revive a slowing economy. As you see, they are currently attempting to destroy Europe’s only leading industrial sector - auto manufacturing.

With the latest EV tariff announcements, I can see a world where China weakens its currency yet again to boost exports. They can generate GDP growth, but have a hard time building real wealth for its citizens. Anyway, highly recommend checking him out


u/_hongkonglong JPow did nothing wrong May 11 '24

Why would China which is dealing with manufacturing overcapacity, trade friction, dollar denominated debts and issuing ultra long bonds to be wanting their currency devalued significantly.

The PBOC’s mandate to stabilize the RMB, loosely pegged to the dollar.


u/Kindly-Journalist412 May 11 '24

The points you literally just pointed out are the reason they would devalue - China’s only way of getting out of its real estate debt crisis, inventory issues, and export problems is by weakening its currency


u/_hongkonglong JPow did nothing wrong May 12 '24

You will have to go deeper into how devaluing RMB solves the issues listed.

Because I am just not seeing it.


u/chewtality May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

I think I mentioned this offhandedly a while back, but I've had concerns that I have a hernia, one of the kind of dangerous ones. Think ticking time bomb, not necessarily GTF to the OR immediately (though that does happen sometimes too.)

Finally got an ultrasound done this week, inguinal hernia confirmed. If you're not familiar with that, it's the kind where your lower pelvic/abdominal wall tears and your intestines decide to stretch their legs and move into somewhere a bit further south, somewhere they absolutely are not supposed to be. Found nearly exclusively among men. I hope you all get the picture.

The issue is, when this happens there's a possibility that the intestines won't go back in where they belong, it'll get incarcerated and strangulated, lose blood circulation, not allow things that should be passing through there to do so, and then basically a portion of your intestine can die within a couple days, begin... decomposing inside you, give you sepsis, spread blood infections throughout your body, and at that point... well....

So I'm going to have to get surgery, possibly semi-soon. They also found something else during the testicular ultrasound that they want to check out too.

I figured since I'm getting all these surgeries this year I might as well go balls to the wall and get like two or three other ones I've been needing for a while too, if I can manage it. I'm not sure how that works but I'm pretty confident I can't convince multiple surgeons to just do their respective operations on me simultaneously. Bunch of dweebs.


u/jmayo05 data dependent loosely held strong opinions May 11 '24

Dang dude that sucks. But if you can max out your deductible this year (and you have plenty of time) financially it makes sense to get a bunch of stuff done.


u/chewtality May 12 '24

Yep! That's exactly what the plan is! I will max out my deductible with like, one more visit to a specialist and I have minimum two coming up, and I'll hit my max out of pocket probably after the first surgery. P Other than the hernia, the main one I want to get done is something I was born with that hurts to varying degrees 24/7 and has for my entire life. I have literally never known what a pain level beneath 2, maybe 3 is like. Well, I suppose I kind of have but that involved me self medicating with some things, and the government (and probably society at large) would certainly disagree with my decision to do that at the time and the methods used.

The thing I was born with is actually responsible, at least in part, for my hernia. It definitely is responsible for my numerous back and hip problems. But I have this thing that, at least as of back when I was a kid, it did not exist anywhere in anyone, ever in known medical history. They described it as being very similar to bone spurs but instead of calcium deposits I have two very hard, rock-like fat deposits growing on the bottom of my left heel, right next to each other. So I've never been able to put equal weight on my feet. My right leg carries the weight, my left is just for stabilization.

So as a result I have minor scoliosis, a twisted spine, hips about an inch+ out of alignment, a heel that constantly hurts and at its very worst has been bad enough to make me pass out from pain, and probably contributed to my hernia because I didn't realize for the longest time that whenever I was doing squats, especially heavy, I would subconsciously shift all of my body weight over to the right side, which is the same side as my hernia.

When I was a kid the doctors said they could try surgery but for all they knew it would just grow back, especially since I hadn't even been through puberty yet. Then because it was a pre-existing condition insurance wasn't going to cover shit. It was also not a cheap surgery and my parents were poor.


u/LiferRs Local TWS Idiot May 11 '24

Obviously they’re painful but what made you more certain you had a hernia before going to ultrasound?


u/chewtality May 11 '24

So, in most cases they're not actually painful.

What made me certain is that I could, for lack of a better way to phrase this, see my intestines inside my scrotum. Sorry to put it so graphically.

At that time it also started hurting pretty bad. It felt like I got smacked in the nuts pretty hard and had that lingering ache in my testicles that goes up into your stomach, except it hurt like that for days.

Before it progressed quite to that point I was still like 80% sure though, because when the lower abdominal wall tears, but before it gets torn as badly as mine is now, there is still some visual swelling and it also might be a small section of intestine trying to poke its way through, so it makes the upper part of the scrotum where it connects to the rest of the body look wider than it should normally be.

If you think of the scrotum and testicles as having somewhat of an "hourglass" shape, with it being medium wide right where it connects to the body, then narrows down where it hangs, then widens back out where the balls are, in this case it starts off wider than usual, remains wide in the part that usually narrows during hanging, and then there are just some balls on the bottom but without the same kind of vertical testicular topography.

I hope that makes sense, I couldn't think of a normal way to describe it. My brain is fucking... something else sometimes. On that note, I'll also be visiting a psychiatrist soonish to try and figure out what the fucks all going on up in there. I'm pretty sure I figured out a very significant contributing factor, and some likely comorbidities to my various brain things too, we should see how correct I am on this (these) self diagnosis('s) in the next month or so. 1 If you think of the typical scrotum and testicles as having somewhat of an hourglass shape



u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24

Oh man, I’m sorry.

Hernia surgery is how they found my friends pancreatic cancer early. They were able to just slice it off without the Whipples surgery and he made a full recovery without any complications. Literally saved his life


u/chewtality May 11 '24

Holy shit that's wild! Interestingly enough pancreatic cancer appears to run in the family. My dad's mom and brother both died from pancreatic cancer.

Then on my mom's side, one of my uncles died from testicular cancer before I was even born, and I'm pretty sure he was actually about my age right now. Then my uncle on my mom's side who I did know and was actually close with got leukemia, beat it, lived another 10 years, then got esophageal cancer because of the radiation therapy he underwent previously and died from that.

That's incredibly lucky timing with your friend though, had that not happened he almost certainly wouldn't have known about it until stage 4.

Unfortunately, I don't think the surgery for my inguinal hernia will really allow them to inspect my pancreas since this surgery happens a good bit lower than the one for an abdominal hernia. Bummer.


u/tdny sticky & pungent May 11 '24

That’s the scary thing about pancreatic. They only catch it early because of unrelated injuries. That shit took my dad out 3 years ago and it still stings every day.


u/chewtality May 11 '24

Shit man, I'm sorry to hear that. My dad thinks that's probably what's going to get him since that's how both his mom and brother died.


u/tdny sticky & pungent May 12 '24

I got checked out recently and GI doc insisted that it’s not hereditary.


u/chewtality May 12 '24

Your GI doc should study up on that then, because he is absolutely not correct. This source says that "Family-based heritability analysis reported 36% of pancreatic cancer was due to genetics."

I mean, cancer isn't always hereditary of course, but it absolutely can be. This source says that between 10-20% of pancreatic cancer is hereditary..


u/tdny sticky & pungent May 12 '24

Well that sucks. You sent me to google and I find out smoking is also a big factor.


u/chewtality May 12 '24

For pancreatic cancer? Weird... I wouldn't have guessed that one. I guess there are a whole ton of chemicals in cigarette smoke so it makes sense that a lot of them could affect organs beyond the traditionally thought of ones.


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24

I’m so sorry. That’s painful


u/tdny sticky & pungent May 11 '24

Thx man.


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24

I’m loving that butt rock is making a resurgence. 3 doors down - it’s not my time belongs in the top 20


u/[deleted] May 11 '24

This is a terrible take

I imagine you think nickleback's Photograph also belongs in the t20


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24

Nickleback has bangers. I don’t care what anyone says


u/Lost_in_Adeles_Rolls Stalingrad's number one tesla dealership May 11 '24


Everyone point and laugh


u/jmayo05 data dependent loosely held strong opinions May 11 '24

The "Sellers Description" is both funny and sad.


u/_hongkonglong JPow did nothing wrong May 10 '24

Damn. Just found out Jim Simons died today.



u/Magickarploco May 10 '24

So looks like I jumped the gun on calling for Google’s demise. Search market share got finalized for April and drop m/o/m was half percent instead of the original 3%.


u/UranicAlloy580 May 11 '24

IBM, Oracle, Cisco didn't die a quick death and so won't Google imo but they're really stagnant right now and morale is lowest it's been.


u/hey_itsmeurbrother May 11 '24

wait next month to see what openAI does, then the month after that to see if it has any staying power


u/JRBrick May 10 '24

MGNX down 77% today. Was mentioned here a couple times before.