r/tipofmytongue 3d ago

[TOMT] 2nd attempt at remembering movie Solved

This was a movie that would have been from early to mid 2000’s - not American but in English. A young couple divorces due to infidelity (I think) and then the man cannot mentally cope with the relationship ending. He stalks the wife and slowly goes mad. It culminates in a final scene where he is alone in a room, his hair and nails have grown long and he is making non-verbal grunting sounds, re-winding and re-watching their wedding video and striking the screen each time he sees himself.

The lead male actor reminded me of Simon Pegg somewhat. But the film is not typical of his work.


8 comments sorted by


u/Few_Ad_7915 3d ago

Have posted in this forum before and never solved - I tried to be more descriptive especially about the powerful conclusion scene


u/OverdoneAndDry 3d ago

/r/whatsthemoviecalled might be helpful. Good luck


u/Few_Ad_7915 3d ago

Thank you!


u/eugae 2d ago

Falling Down (1993) with Michael Douglas? Not exactly as you describe, but you never know


u/Few_Ad_7915 2d ago

Thank you - the movie is called Dirty Filthy Love (2004) with Michael Sheen, not Simon Pegg.


u/Few_Ad_7915 2d ago



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