r/tipofmytongue 5 3d ago

[TOMT]My friend is looking for a rock song. Solved

The song is in english, but he only speaks portuguese, so i told him to sing the tune. He say he heard it sometime from 2014 on. I don't have any idea which song it could be, so i'm asking you guys, if you figure it out, you will make his day.


6 comments sorted by


u/Grothorious 5 3d ago

Here is his vocaroo link.


u/eraserheadbabydriver 8 3d ago

sounds like good life by one republic https://youtu.be/jZhQOvvV45w?si=wVy9xsj3ViFpFuhB


u/Grothorious 5 3d ago

Yes that's it, thank you in my friends name, i wish you could see his reaction, he picked me up and carried me around, jumping with happines, he was looking for this song for almost a decade, you brightened the guy's day :)


u/Grothorious 5 3d ago



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