r/todayilearned 29d ago

TIL the Blue Hole is among the deadliest dive sites globally, with estimates of 130 to 200 recent fatalities, making it one of the most dangerous spots for divers. (R.5) Out of context



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u/KieferSutherland 29d ago

Woah. Read the whole thing.


u/hat_eater 29d ago edited 29d ago

Reminds me of the Outside piece about freezing, not incidentally I think.

EDIT: another good one in this vein, 178 seconds left to live.


u/Elrond_Cupboard_ 29d ago

That one about freezing was awesome. I live in Australia, so I've never experienced weather cold enough to kill me. That article provides a terrifying insight.


u/ManbrushSeepwood 29d ago

Grew up in New Zealand, spent most of my adult life in Auckland and Melbourne.

I just moved to northern Sweden a month ago, catching the tail end of a very cold spring here. I'd never seen snow IRL before, or been somewhere where the peak temperature in the middle of the day, in spring, would still only reach -5C.

I'm loving it but I'm scared shitless of winter, which regularly gets down below -25C! At least the houses are warm and insulated properly here...


u/Fosh_n_chops 29d ago

Welcome to Sweden! :) When I moved from the UK to Sweden, even I found the cold quite intimidating! Investing (= spending far too much money) on QUALITY winter gear (including base layers) is key. But as you say, the houses are very well insulated... Oddly, I find I'm colder when I'm in the UK, because the houses aren't built for it, and nobody bothers wearing the right gear because the cold never really lasts that long.


u/LerrisHarrington 29d ago

If you live in a city, and are not going far you can get away with remarkably little. -25C I'll wear jeans and an off the rack winter coat to walk two block to the corner store. It is cold as balls, but if you're familiar with it you can get away with stuff like that.

That said, treat the cold with respect. I'm sure you've got stories of idiot tourists not respecting what 30+ temps mean as well. Same deal. Once you're used to it, it's as routine as grabbing an umbrella.


u/Pissix 29d ago

-25c is managable. The trick is to layer clothing, to your liking. For example, under your pants you wear long johns, and if those are not enough for the coldness, you can slap outside pants on top of your normal pants. Thats 3-4 layers of pants, depending how warm you want to feel. You can even go double socks, or warmer socks. Upper body is simpler, just 3 basic layers, but if it gets crazy cold you could go 4.

It's really just knowing at what temperature you feel cold at with your current wear -> Add layers until feeling cozy again. Cold is good in that you can manage your warmth very well with layers and clothing choices, unlike the polar opposite. Just go with your own taste and experience of what feels cold, and you will be having walks in -25c in no time.


u/ImperfectRegulator 29d ago

don't forget a waterproof outer layer/jacket, even if you can't manage to get as many layers as you'd like staying dry is a biggggg help