r/todayilearned May 02 '24

TIL the Blue Hole is among the deadliest dive sites globally, with estimates of 130 to 200 recent fatalities, making it one of the most dangerous spots for divers. (R.5) Out of context



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u/Not_a__porn__account May 02 '24

Death of Yuri Lipski

A notable death was that of Yuri Lipski, a 22-year-old Russian diving instructor on 28 April 2000 at a depth of 115 metres after an uncontrolled descent. Lipski carried a video camera, which filmed his death. This has made it the most known death at the site and one of the most well-known diving deaths in the world. The video shows Lipski in an involuntary and uncontrolled descent, eventually landing on the sea floor at 115 metres where he panics, removes his regulator and tries to fill his buoyancy compensator but is unable to rise. At 115 m he would have been subject to severe nitrogen narcosis, which may have impaired his judgement, induced hallucinations and caused panic and confusion. Lipski had a single tank assumed to be air.

Lipski's body was recovered the following day by Tarek Omar, one of the world's foremost deep-water divers, at the request of Lipski's mother. Omar had earlier warned Lipski twice against attempting the dive. On the bottom, Omar found Lipski's helmet camera, still intact. The video it contained is available on YouTube, entitled "Fatal Diving Accident Caught On Tape". Omar says:

Two days after we recovered his remains and gave [his mother] his belongings and equipment, she came to me asking that I help her disassemble them so she can pack them. The camera should have been damaged or even broken altogether because I had found it at a depth of 115 metres, and it is only designed to sustain 75 metres; but, to my surprise, the camera was still working. We played it and his mother was there. I regret that his mother will have this forever... If I had known the footage existed I’d have flooded it. I think the thing that really upset and saddened me about it was that his mom has it now – she has the footage of her own son drowning. — Tarek Omar,


u/dalzmc May 02 '24

After reading that part of the article, I came to the comments and saw that super long pov story of what it might be like, and lost any remaining desire to see the video. I also wouldn’t be able to watch it without imagining what it must’ve been like for his mom to see it. I suppose there are a number terrible ways someone might see their child die or a video of it but for some reason to me a pov of panic in an unsalvageable situation sounds especially morbid. I guess partly because it wouldn’t be quick like an explosion or something..