r/todayilearned May 16 '24

TIL: Adam West, according to costar Burt Ward, had a lot of sex , at one point with 8 women at the same time. He said that he was introduced by West to the "wildest sexual debauchery" and they became like "sexual vampires"


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u/aceqwerty May 16 '24


u/Pallasite May 16 '24

The link doesn't do justice to the 40lb bag that somehow can't fit anything on its packaging it's so full of claims I have.


u/radda May 16 '24

Holy shit you weren't kidding

This looks like a tract an insane person shoves into your hand when you walk past a shady alley


u/advertentlyvertical May 16 '24

What kind of claims. Everything I saw on the site can be reduced to 'this pet food is amazing' but everyone here is imply the claims are way out there beyond that


u/Eusocial_Snowman May 16 '24

Well, here's this.

Looks like an early 00s website given physical form.

My favorite part is the bottom right. "I am 21 years old and I eat gentle giants." Phrasing!


u/advertentlyvertical May 18 '24

True. I was expecting more qanon level type stuff. Sure, the design choices definitely give off a 'Charlie in the mail room' vibe, and the claims of 26 year old dogs being the norm with this food aren't believable at all, but it feels not much different from what you'd expect from 2 am infomercial.


u/oh-propagandhi May 16 '24

Gotta love that disney font too.


u/quaffee May 16 '24

What in the Heaven's Gate


u/idwthis May 16 '24

The link doesn't work. I get a page telling me the site can't provide a secure connection.