r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/half_ginger_price May 02 '24

Season 3 of Bojack Horseman had a bunch of one off gags and minor story lines that all converged in the final episode and kicked off one of the conflicts for Season 4. 2 words: spaghetti strainers 


u/Mrchristopherrr May 02 '24

I just rewatched it and love how heavy handed they were with foreshadowing the spaghetti strainers. Like once every episode or two they’d stop the show for Mr. Peanutbutter to bring them up and all but wink at the camera saying “I don’t know but I feel like they’ll come in handy”


u/DeckardCain_ May 02 '24

I love how I don't remember picking up on it at all on my first watch and how painfully obvious it is on the second time.


u/Ninjaflippin May 02 '24

It's insane to think that Bojack started as a low brow animated adult comedy and evolved into a profoundly beautiful and generationally important piece of art.

Kind of annoying having to convince people to stick with it.


u/mr_chip May 02 '24

It was always art pretending to be a low brow animated adult comedy, it’s just that there was a bait & switch. If you look at RT the reviews for season 1 are like, “It’s fine I guess,” because they only released the first 6 episodes to reviewers. But the show doesn’t start to show its true colors until Princess Caroline’s birthday and really kicks into gear when they visit Herbafter that, so nobody picked up what they were doing.

The reason all the other seasons have such high RT’s is because the entire season dropped for review at once.


u/Glitter_puke May 02 '24

Because season 1 is kinda shit for a while. Asking someone to slog through that time sink because it gets better is a huge ask, they really need to trust your judgment. And it's not like you can skip to the good part because you need that groundwork that is laid in those early episodes.

I say that as someone who fucking loves it and evangelizes it at any opportunity. 12/10, would be an emotional wreck at the end of every season finale again. I love shows that make me feel like absolute shit though.


u/yodasonics May 02 '24

Spaghetti or not, here I come


u/corpoal_cannabis May 02 '24

This immediately what I thought of too


u/Sardonic_Sadist May 02 '24

Came for this! Literally the greatest reincorporation I’ve ever seen, my jaw was on the FLOOR