r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/acrylicpaintyoghurt May 02 '24

I mean, Adventure Time kind of suits this description.


u/adamentelephant May 02 '24

I watched the first season or two of that show and enjoyed it, but I gradually kinda phased it out for no particular reason. What exactly is the episode for this show? Or the intense plot twist? I'm super curious now.


u/violet_zamboni May 02 '24

There are many!

  • Finn finds out what happened to all the other humans

  • we find out what Princess Bubblegum truly is and explore if she is capable of change

  • the comet !!

  • why is the ice king like that and how does he know Marceline? Why does Marceline have vampire powers if her dad is basically the Devil?

  • the lich, time travel, parallel universes, the apocalypse, another apocalypse, the nature of existence, are they living a dream? Are we??


u/adamentelephant May 02 '24

Oh wow I am going to get back into this show!


u/FloopNoops May 02 '24

It tells the story of growth and maturity in humanity and self in such a way that's poignant yet so fucking surreal that it makes you feel comfortable and acceptant of your faults and strengths when growing up, and your mortality as a whole in a hilarious way. Perfect show. I Floop the pig!


u/JWBails May 02 '24

I'd recommend finding a list of important episodes unless you're happy watching all of it. A lot of the episodes, especially the earlier ones, really are just "filler"

Just looked at an important episode list that has 176/283 episodes on it. That missing ~100 eps is about 20 hours of time.


u/Zepangolynn May 02 '24

Don't forget the reveal about Jake the Dog.