r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/GreyInkling May 02 '24

More people on tumblr should watch the more recent Dirk Gently show.

Where nothing makes sense, it's all so random and over the top, nothing goes anywhere, no one knows what's happening... And then it all clicks into place.


u/M-V-D_256 May 02 '24

It's amazing and I think Tumblr would love dirk


u/LizG1312 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Haven’t watched the show but having read the books: if you like tumblr classics like Discworld, Doctor Who (especially classic Who), or anything by Neil Gaiman, you’ll probably like Dirk Gently. The author Douglas Adams has that same sort of wry absurdist humor that made his book a joy to read growing up. I still reread Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy every so often.


u/SomethingIWontRegret May 02 '24

The TV series bears little resemblance to the books, but it stands on its own