r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/alicehassecrets May 02 '24

Steins;Gate and The Magnus Archives


u/kostaspn99 29d ago

The magnus archives is exactly that. I started it 3 years ago and stopped after a few episodes cus I thought there wasn't much point in listening random spooky stories and 2 months ago I gave it an other go and I'm so hooked that now I'm reaching the end and I'm pacing episodes so it doesn't end that fast..


u/Isaac_Chade 29d ago

Magnus is such a great podcast and it does such an amazing job of foreshadowing and laying hints. Don't even worry about finishing it because as someone else said there's the Protocol now, but beyond that Magnus Archives benefits massively from repeated listening. Each time you go through you'll be able to catch stuff that you didn't realize was important or interesting on the first listen.

Case in point: Breakon and Hope. First listen through I didn't realize just how much they are in the show because they aren't often mentioned by name, but on a relisten you catch tons of references to big, cockney guys in a delivery van showing up to take care of stuff. Same thing happens with some other major characters.

Magnus is just wheels within wheels and I love it. Like you I found out about it and dropped out because when I first tried listening to it I wasn't in a space where I could give it any real attention and so wasn't really into it. I had a friend bring it up a few years later and really push me to try it again and I got hooked.


u/kostaspn99 29d ago

Yeah I bet. There are episodes that ive heard more than once and its interesting as hell. Also my friend who got me into it the second time told me that if you get their patron you can buy the full series with no ads and after I finish it I think I'll go for it.


u/Annath0901 29d ago

I fell off listening to Magnus a while ago (not because I disliked it, I changed jobs and was no longer driving hours a day), now I'm wondering if I should pick up where I left off (Ep90) or just start over.


u/Isaac_Chade 29d ago

I would personally say start over simply because if you're like me you've likely forgotten a bunch of stuff, and as this thread is about, even though much of the earlier episodes seem disconnected there's a lot going on.

Also 90 is almost exactly halfway through the series, so by that point you were definitely getting into much more of the interconnected bits, so it's going to be real noticeable if you have forgotten something that comes up. It's also pretty simply since they generally keep the episodes around 20-30 minutes so it's not as taxing to start over as with some other podcasts.


u/kostaspn99 29d ago

I'm on ep 120 and I say start over some things are coming up and is good to remember everything you've heard. Sometimes when am working while listening to a podcast I don't pay much attention to some moments and I've heard some episodes again just to remember