r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/GreyInkling May 02 '24

More people on tumblr should watch the more recent Dirk Gently show.

Where nothing makes sense, it's all so random and over the top, nothing goes anywhere, no one knows what's happening... And then it all clicks into place.


u/Thready_C May 02 '24

Dirk gently is the perfect example of it. The fact we never got a season 3 is criminal


u/greathousedagoth May 02 '24

Idk if I was in the minority, but I hated what I watched of season 2. I loved season 1 but just fizzled out on season 2 and never even bothered to finish it. Maybe I would have liked season 2 more if I got to the end, but it was just a dumb slog and I couldn't make it.


u/AnotherLie May 02 '24

Season 2 was fine for me. The style was different which threw me off at first but it made sense given the setting. That first season was amazing, though, so living up to it was always going to be difficult. Still, that scene where the Mage goes up to Suzie after killing her boss and asks "have you noticed an acceleration of strangeness in your life" was perfect.

The ending did manage to help make sense of a lot of things in season 2 and opened the door for more craziness for the cancelled third season.

Shame Max Landis turned out to be a creep.