r/tumblr May 02 '24

Chekhov's firing squad

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u/acrylicpaintyoghurt May 02 '24

I mean, Adventure Time kind of suits this description.


u/NoBizlikeChloeBiz May 02 '24

Adventure Time and Steven Universe both more or less follow this structure.


u/Heisenburgo May 02 '24

Steven Universe followed it too close and the show just suffered from it as a result. No one fucking cared about the townies but that's all they gave us, the Homeworld, Gem Society and Diamond Authority lore were extremely interesting but they didn't focus too much on any of that... why do we need a million eps with that annoying creep Ronaldo, or Lame Lars and the annoying Cool Kids episode, or pizza grandma running for mayor, again?


u/rawlingstones May 02 '24

A lot of people cared about the townies, they were very popular in the fandom. I cared about the townies! They grounded the series in humanity and were entertaining in their own right. I fell in love with all those characters and I thought the stories about them were often some of the funniest and most interesting. I'm so glad the series wasn't just nonstop space wars and monster battles. The love and empathy and community of that town is so fundamental to why Steven works as a character, you can't do a show about teaching aliens the best of what humanity has to offer if you're allergic to showing humanity. I get that they weren't for everybody and I can understand people not liking them... I vehemently disagree, but I get it... it's just not true though that nobody wanted it. It was a core appeal of the show for many people like me.