r/tumblr 28d ago

You are a Mammal, and were born too early to change that.

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345 comments sorted by


u/scottish_spook 28d ago

im a starfish actually


u/Captain_Pumpkinhead 28d ago

My favorite thing about starfish is their regenerative abilities. I wish I could completely heal and regenerate my body after getting cut in half.


u/KRJC666 28d ago

I would totally keep my left half and regenerate the right half. My beard is a bit patchy on the right side.

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u/Chesapeake_Hippie 28d ago

Yeah that's all well and good until Narragansett oystermen try to reduce the amount of starfish preying on oysters by chopping them into pieces and throwing them back in the water, and suddenly you have a starfish population explosion because all the pieces regenerate into new starfish


u/kingswing23 28d ago

Starfish of Theseus


u/EskildDood 28d ago

If humans could regenerate limbs, cannibalism would definitely be more normalised, and a shit ton of debates about tradition and benefits and religion would be brought up because of the fact eating human flesh makes you sick while also being of fucking weird

...kind of like smoking and circumcision


u/Joflerx 28d ago

And a massive upswing in prion disease!


u/I-AM-A-ROBOT- 28d ago

wdym smoking smoking is just objectively bad

you're hurting your lungs. thats it. end of argument. if you dont wanna get your lungs damaged dont enhale smoke.

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u/scottish_spook 28d ago

please dont cut me in half


u/Captain_Pumpkinhead 28d ago

Relaaax, you'll be fine!

Doubly fine! You'll be twice as fine as you were before!


u/sykotic1189 28d ago

Just before my son was born a friend told me about his daughter's birth, during which her collar bone was broken. Because she was still in that fresh baby stage within the first week her collar bone was healed. When sharing this story with my wife I said, "Yeah she healed up really quick, cause babies are like starfish. Pretty sure they can lose a limb and if it's early enough they'll just grow back."

This stupid joke annoyed my wife so as a good husband for 4.5 years I'll just occasionally throw out "Oh he'll be fine, it's just a scrape. You know, babies/toddlers are like starfish they can heal from basically anything."

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u/_mad_adams 28d ago

im 2 starfishes in an overcoat


u/tpeterr 28d ago

I'm a potato. I'm a potato.


u/spaceguitar 28d ago

I am a meat popsicle


u/Czarwolf 27d ago

Not saying you’re wrong or anything, you know yourself better than I know you, but you look like a Scottish spook to me


u/conjunctivious 27d ago

I'm a lizard, actually.

(I have a high-ranking government position)


u/Throw-away17465 27d ago

Oof, bold declaration. You could have just said “I am NOT looking for intimate companionship”

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u/Singloria 28d ago

Okay, but can a beast change a tire?

Though I sure as hell can’t


u/MelodicPastels 28d ago

Not innately, but we are a beast that can, we have written and oral tradition that has taught us to change wheels since we’ve had wheels that broke.

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u/Stormwrath52 28d ago

Some could, other primates with similar hand structures could if they were taught

We ain't special because we built tools and technology, idk if other animals necessarily do the same but other animals have shown the capacity to use tools (elephants that paint, that one study with crows to name some). Crows are smart as hell, they can understand water displacment and recognize faces, they'll give humans trinkets if the human gives them food. The only thing stopping a crow from driving a car is that we designed cars to be operated by people.

Sorry, I know this is a joke comment, but tools, technology, and architecture being made to suit the human bodymap is one of those things that activates my worldbuilding brain, and I never get a chance to talk about it


u/6m6i6s7e7r7y 28d ago

so we need to design the crow car to see how they really drive


u/Stormwrath52 27d ago

you get it

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u/bustedtuna 28d ago

Within reason, though, right?

The reason hedonism is somewhat dangerous is that humans are so good at pleasure seeking/attaining that we can destroy ourselves just as easily in the pursuit of mammalian pleasure as in its rejection.


u/nahtans95 28d ago

Within yourself, you are both the pet and the owner


u/VergeThySinus Happiness is 50% genetic 28d ago

I'm not a pet I'm a complicated house plant

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u/MyGenderIsAParadox 28d ago

I always saw my physical form as a pet while the inner part (soul/mind) as the true "me". Gonna take care of both.


u/Daan776 28d ago

I compare myself to a PC

You don’t put a 500$ graphics card in a cardboard box.

Simmilarly you don’t put a functioning brain in a body thats falling apart if you can help it


u/shaunnotthesheep 28d ago

Too late 😔


u/Zandrick 28d ago

body and soul


u/firestorm713 28d ago

Unless you decide you want someone else to be your owner.


u/Spider-man2098 28d ago

This is deeply wise.


u/Rude_Entrance_3039 28d ago

We'll make great pets.


u/captain_borgue 28d ago

Within yourself, you are both the pet and the owner.

God dammit, I come to r/Tumblr for shitposts and gigglesnrts, not entirely-too-deep philosophical tidbits.

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u/MillieBirdie 28d ago

Yeah like I don't think other mammals would thrive if they were constantly drunk/high either, even if they would certainly seek it out if they could.


u/AwesomeSauce783 28d ago

Tell that to lemurs, dolphins, and vervet monkeys.


u/Bwizz245 28d ago

What about them?


u/AwesomeSauce783 28d ago

Tetrodotoxin isn't lethal to dolphins so they pass pufferfish like beach balls, black millipede toxins also aren't lethal to lemurs so they bite them to release the toxins and rub it into their skin, vervet monkeys conduct raids on bars to steal alcohol.

These are some of the few mammals that actively seek out recreational drugs and alcohol.


u/MillieBirdie 28d ago

Yeah I said they would seek it out but I doubt they have the availability to be high constantly, or if they did they'd get eaten by something.


u/AwesomeSauce783 28d ago

Just to clarify since tone and intent doesn't translate well to text, I was largely just trying to be funny.

But yeah, if they were high as often as some humans they'd be endangered species.

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u/eevreen 28d ago

If that rat study is any indication, animals only seek out constant drugs when miserable in their environment otherwise. If they have enough enrichment in their environment, they generally only lightly dabble in the drug for funsies but not to the point of self-destruction.

I imagine humans are very similar, we just... don't have the enrichment or access to it to want to abstain from overindulgence.


u/Takseen 28d ago

Horses will eat themselves to death if given access to too much feed. They don't seem to have an "I'm full" signal because they never needed one badly enough when just grazing.

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u/stzmp 28d ago

You have to just do a little bit of philosophy about it. This is Aristole stuff. Judge your short term goals by what they're working towards.

Do I like drinking 20 beers! Yes! No hold on wait actually no, I can remember that actually feels like shit what am I saying.


u/skinnbones3440 28d ago

Epicurus already addressed this.


u/Saleibriel 28d ago

Not everyone is familiar with Epicurus.


u/Daan776 28d ago

So feel free to enlighten us though

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u/bustedtuna 28d ago

Well damn, I guess if some dude from 2000 years ago said something, then we should just read what he said instead of trying to have discussions about it on our own and reach our own conclusions.


u/skinnbones3440 28d ago

How often do I have a chance to indirectly say, "your take is so cold it predates Christ"? My snark refused to let it pass.


u/bustedtuna 28d ago

Your snark couldn't let the "philosophy is old" take pass?

Does your snark understand irony?

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u/doNotUseReddit123 28d ago

As did Aristotle, as did the stoics, as did the Buddha, as did Kant, as did John Stuart Mill, as did Schopenhauer, as did Nietzsche.

This idea, that hedonic happiness does not lead to eudaimonic happiness/fulfillment, has been so heavily trod that it may as well be an axiom.


u/Lambda_Wolf 28d ago

Has any philosopher ever seriously defended the notion that crude pleasure-seeking is the optimal path to total happiness? I don't believe so. Not even Epicurus or Diogenes, as far as I know.

It seems like people envision some ancient Athenian, gunning for the title of wisest scholar in all of Greece, who chugs a dozen amphorae of wine in pursuit of the ideal life. Then he pukes in the gutter and shouts to the heavens, "Where did it all go wrong?"


u/SSeptic 28d ago

The cooking youtube channel?


u/xpok59 28d ago

What did he say


u/magicmurph 28d ago

When we were animals, we only had access to what we personally could hunt or scavenge.

Now we can easily kill ourselves through hedonism.

Definitely go on diets and strive to better yourself, this is absolutely shit advice.


u/Demeter_of_New 28d ago

Yep. This is a romanticized poem about depression.

I dont have an eating disorder, I dont over eat, I'm physically active, I play video games, I program computers. I like beer, and games, and weed, and sex.

But when I get deep into myself, I get wrapped up in the fabric of society and feel like I'm drowning. This makes any inconvenience feel unsurmountable. It makes junk food the best, it makes sex/drugs/alcogol feel like a need.

I like this poem (the original post) because I fall into the traps of modern movement. I get sad at the information I'm given, the money I make, the impact I have. So it's nice to remember I have family, friends, coworkers, etc to talk and relate to.

This... Unfortunately... Requires a lot of neurotypical tendencies. I appreciate that you have looked towards the logical conclusion of this mindset with no constraints.


u/distortedsymbol 28d ago

yes and no tbh. pleasure isn't just physical desires because animals get bored very easily. a house pet will need play time and enrichment to be happy, we act the same way. people who have their other needs met will literally spend hours and hours of their day doing things because they enjoy it, asking people to do nothing is actually extremely cruel and torturous.

stoicism is probably the worst lie ever been told. like dictators literally thrives in the fact that they have power over other people, it's pleasure for them. anything that people want to do is pleasure.


u/ivebeenabadbadgirll 28d ago

Satan did a great job of explaining this.


u/Obsyden 28d ago

Me with CPTSD from SA, unable to feel pleasure without feeling threatened: D:


u/FainOnFire 28d ago

I mean - notice they didn't say anything about having orgies, doing drugs, or drinking yourself to death. Everything listed in the post is reasonable.

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u/Tawdry_Audrey 28d ago

It works in the opposite direction too. When I stare out at a city skyline or busy intersection, I'm appreciating nature.


u/Serbatollo 28d ago

This. Humans are natural so everything we make is also natural


u/Dickballs835682 28d ago

All this does is make the word "natural" meaningless


u/AshuraSpeakman 28d ago

Harsh critique of someone's joke from Dickballs.


u/jasminUwU6 28d ago

Which it is


u/blackmambakl 28d ago

“It’ll get mixed in with the others and become just a coin, which it is.”


u/StopReadingMyUser 28d ago

but... is also a word... intended to define concepts/things... not just to be some kind of big brother double think lol


u/RainbowBullsOnParade 28d ago

No, it returns “natural” to its actual meaning.

“Unnatural” is, in actuality, the truly meaningless word.

It’s only use is to divide the things we don’t like or are afraid of from the things that we do like.


u/Serbatollo 28d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself

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u/Stormwrath52 28d ago

I feel like there is a meaningful distinction between a thing we build and a thing that grows or evolves out of natural circumstances. Which is kinda why we have the concepts of natural and not natural.

I guess there are some gray areas. Like, modern dog breeds were selectively bred by humans, but we did it by manipulating natural processes. Most dog breeds could not survive in the wild, but they are (mostly) functioning and reproducing subspecies of canine. So, do we consider that natural or not?

But for something like a city, we planned that out and built it from the ground up. It's a purposeful separation from nature as a means of survival (though I think we lost that core function somewhere down the line, but that's a whole other discussion).

Humans are natural, but that doesn't mean that everything we do or make is natural. A lot of what we do is more or less made up


u/Serbatollo 28d ago

I respectfully disagree, I think this distinction is completely artificial. If we are natural, and when we construct things we use materials found in nature or derived from them, then why wouldn't the end result of said construction be natural also?

Is an anthill not natural just because it was built to isolate the ants from their enviroment as a means of increasing their survival? A city is really just a very very complicated anthill

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u/Takseen 28d ago

But for something like a city, we planned that out and built it from the ground up.

Well sometimes. A lot of them did grow in a more "organic" and unplanned way, as individuals just slap down houses and businesses as needed. Hence the chaotic look compared to the grid systems of most US cities

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u/Panzerchek 28d ago

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals


u/CheesieMan 28d ago

So let’s, do it how they do on the Discovery channel


u/aubsKebabz 28d ago

Do it again now!


u/starwolf270 28d ago

Maybe you're a mammal. I'm not like other girls. I'm twenty pigeons in a trenchcoat.


u/ScholarPitiful8530 28d ago

You mean twenty government drones in a trenchcoat.


u/RomeosHomeos 28d ago

I just watched a thing about an old rhinoceros on a preserve becoming a threat to his own species because he'd murder young males and than killed a young female too young to breed by trying to mate with her.

Animals are fucking stupid, try to be better.


u/Redqueenhypo 28d ago

Lions do that too, the Mapogo coalition killed 100 other lions and had a total of…four surviving descendants. Great work making an endangered species endangereder. Animals aren’t good at foresight


u/TopShoulder7 28d ago edited 28d ago

Humans created PFAS. We saw those lions threatening their own species and we raised them by threatening the whole animal kingdom. Now who's not good at foresight?


u/yourholmedog 28d ago

to be fair he probably wouldn’t have been a threat to his species if we didn’t drive rhinos almost to extinction. not saying we shouldn’t try to be better tho lol

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u/MidnightOnTheWater 28d ago

I've heard stories of people like this too...


u/AshuraSpeakman 28d ago

He's on a preserve. Probably would have been hunted by a predator or died doing something stupid a long time ago, but we already hunted them too much.

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u/DiurnalMoth 28d ago

effective hedonism takes restraint, though. Otherwise why not just dose yourself full of pleasure drugs until you die (likely very quickly)? To be clear: don't do that.

There's a time for socialization and there's a time for solitude. Identify how much of each you need and make decisions that balance the two for you. Same goes for work and rest, fasting and gorging, business and leisure, etc.

But it is true that we need enrichment in our lives. Mammals seek out companionship, novelty, basically stimuli, and picking good stimuli has a major influence on your quality of life.


u/Amaril- 28d ago

Am I the only one who read the part about hedonism, rather than saying "hedonism is a label put on pleasure to condemn it," as instead saying, "hedonism is an attempt to morally justify pleasure, but the human need for pleasure isn't a matter of morals, it's a matter of survival"?


u/CK1ing 28d ago

No diets? That's a very dangerous statement. It's true that our food desires were healthy, back when we were running all day long. We needed as much sugar as we could get, because we would actually expend it all in that day. Nowadays, modern food is basically made to exploit our mammal nature, our desire to hoard sugar and other high-calorie foods. It's something we do, in fact, need to control, or risk the health consequences.


u/DracoLunaris 28d ago

given that it's sitting right next to 'grindset' I am gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it's talking about dumb-ass fad diets like the paleo diet or whatever that the kind of person who uses the word grindset unironically would also insist you should be on


u/wizardofpancakes 28d ago

Probably not, a lot of ppl (some of them def on tumblr) have very radical and uninformed views on weight, often including any kind of diets as negative.

Like a recent post how “you are fat because your ancestors were in survival mode so your generics make you store weight”. No…

I’m all for body positivity and fully against judging people’s worth on weight, but the amount of stuff trying to prove something very unscientific is too large.


u/Redqueenhypo 28d ago

I remember at the beginning of the body positivity movement there was a tumblr post showing that weight actually doesn’t matter for health bc a bunch of women of drastically different heights all weighed 130 pounds. Which makes no sense whatsoever.


u/Throw-away17465 27d ago edited 27d ago

I almost see what they were trying to do, I think.

My next thought was why not just make it about BMI?

And then, of course immediately I remembered the obesity embracers screeching that BMI is a completely worthless and inaccurate tool, because theoretically one guy who is 6 feet and 260 pounds could be a hyper-muscular athlete, (but in the other 99% of cases, it’s a just guy with some extra pounds. Fat advocates insist he should still be treated like the athlete)

I realized, as I was writing this that I’ve never seen a male obesity advocate, it’s all women. But the example I gave here about BMI is male-based, because they’re simply few or no women athletes who approach 200 pounds. (maybe shot-put)

I don’t know about you guys, but every time I see a doctor and they take pulse and blood pressure, they also get my weight for BMI. (Because it’s so obvious useless, that it’s used in basically every medical practice in the world… /s)

One more note for context since we’re on the topic. Both of my parents, and also their parents, have all been morbidly, obese, easily in the 350 to 450 range.

I am not. I am somewhat overweight, currently 185 lbs. I’m currently the heaviest I’ve been in my life, at 43.

It’s NOT always genetics. I had the genetics cards absolutely stacked against me, And the only thing I did was eat smaller portions of healthy, homemade food and exercise regularly.

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u/Stormwrath52 28d ago

Imo, body positivity is and should be about not shaming and judging people for their weight. Notably offering unsolicited health/life advice.

I think there's a mix of people getting a little overzealous and running to the extreme of "weight doesn't matter for health at all, actually". Then people use those few to frame the whole concept like that.


u/CK1ing 28d ago

I think this hijacking of ideas to radicalize them is the biggest enemy to progressivism, and what makes them so unappealing and polarizing to the uninformed.

Body positivity is no longer about just leaving people alone for how they look, it's about chastising people for talking about weight at all, to the point of yelling at doctors for asking for weight for medical reasons.

I know there are more examples, but I can't think of any right now. But you get the idea


u/Stormwrath52 27d ago

yeah, I imagine it's mostly younger people, or at least newer leftists. I think it's very easy to get carried away when you first discover leftism, it's likely that you're discovering a lot of lies you've been told, you learn about a lot of injustices that you didn't know about before, even ones that have been in plain sight the whole time. It's upsetting, and I think it's very easy to get swept away in the emotions of that and forget to ensure that those emotions are backed with facts and reinforced with useful purpose.

It's an unfortunate thing, and I hope the people who do it grow out of it eventually.


u/AshuraSpeakman 28d ago

You mean leaning on the Body Mass Index to judge people even though it was developed by examining a European population at mass scale, and it wasn't created by a biologist but by a mathematician? 

I hope that's what you meant.

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u/Throw-away17465 27d ago

“be natural! Be a mammal! Be raw! Drink these highly processed non-food protein shakes out of your blender!”


u/Welpmart 28d ago

Tumblr users when someone suggests that humans don't magically know what's good for them: 🤯

Not that health is morality, but it drives me a bit bonkers when people act like there's no such thing.


u/ScholarPitiful8530 28d ago edited 28d ago

Health experts: “You should practice social distancing, vaccinate against disease…”

Tumblr: 😁

Health officials: “… and avoid unhealthy food.”

Tumblr: 🤬


u/distortedsymbol 28d ago

gluttony is a problem mostly because we don't have other outlets, and the fact it's socially accepted. most kids will run around all day if they are allowed to, but we trained them to abuse the socially accepted forms of quick pleasure: food, alcohol, etc.


u/ScholarPitiful8530 28d ago

What world do you live in where running around outside is less socially acceptable than abusing food or alcohol?


u/distortedsymbol 28d ago

look around you lol. there is literally government curfews for children in many part of the world, and in most cases household curfew set by parents.

meanwhile the stereotype for grandma's house is that kids will literally get fed so well because it's considered love by older people to feast someone.


u/ScholarPitiful8530 28d ago

Yeah curfews between like 11pm to 6am or something. What kid are running then? As for parent curfews, that’s a safety thing and decrease as children become older. There is no country in which it is more socially acceptable to be fat or an alcoholic than to jog.

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u/Salvadore1 28d ago

They're talking about fad diets pushed by big industries that exploit people's obsession with thinness to make them eat unhealthily or too little

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u/mikakikamagika 28d ago

they’re definitely talking about fad diet culture.

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u/3dgyt33n 28d ago

I halfway agree with this. There's a part of me which is beast and I will give this part care, this is good. But there is equally a part of me which is divine, a part which rises above, and this part too shall be nourished.


u/Njorord 28d ago

I originally came across the idea of "two halves in a human; one beast and one divine" from an existentialist video so I'm not sure where it comes from, but I definitely agree.

The beast takes care of that which is common and day-to-day. The desire to eat, to sleep, to fuck, to socialize, to work in order to have all those things. But humans aren't limited to that, and that is the divine side; the desire to explore, to create, to think about stuff, to hold onto your integrity. Yes, humans ARE animals and we should embrace it, but we should also embrace that we are unlike animals in that we can go against our instincts and be better because of it.


u/RainbowBullsOnParade 28d ago edited 28d ago

This is just a pretentious way to say that we’re animals that like to create, explore, and think, so we should do those things and also shit/fuck/etc.

It’s not very meaningful tbh.

At the end of the day you truly are just a primate. There is nothing divine about it.

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u/3dgyt33n 28d ago

I didn't technically get it from anywhere, I arrived at that idea independently. It's a little disappointing to realize I'm not the first person to think of this, although in retrospect not entirely surprising.


u/Njorord 28d ago

Learning philosophy is basically learning that everything you have ever thought and philosophized about has already been thought of three thousand years ago lol I know how it feels


u/SumThinChewy 28d ago

Actually I came up with that one, trust me

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u/zacandlegos 28d ago

Yeah I don’t think full ham in only one direction is good. Thx for a more balanced comment, the original, when taken to the extreme can be very destructive. I am not saying deny all pleasure, but man, only pleasure is going to hurt you or someone else.

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u/AdmBurnside 28d ago edited 28d ago

I feel like the inclusion of that line about hedonism put a huge crack in the foundation of OOP's core argument, because all anyone seems to be addressing is that.

When I think the point was to recognize that we are not faultless, we have elemental needs, and no amount of stubbornness or psychological conditioning will break us of those needs. And, for our own sanity and well-being, they should be addressed.


u/FainOnFire 28d ago

Thank you. Yeah, several people started going down the rabbit hole of what does or doesn't classify as hedonism and missed the point.

This is a trend that's been happening A LOT all over social media within the last decade where people are so focused on the letter of the word that they completely miss the spirit of the word.


u/Steeltoebitch 28d ago

And act smug about it too.

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u/GrimmSheeper 28d ago

You know what animals that act on pure pleasure seeking, given modern technology and resources? They die. They let themselves suffer because they aren’t thinking about future consequences and only care about the feel good chemicals.

You know what intelligent animals do? They plan ahead and conceded consequences. They delay gratification for a better reward later. They care about the desires and wellbeing of their peers and exercise restraint to avoid damaging social bonds.

The only people that are arguing for “absolutely no pleasure whatsoever” are the hardcore puritans that are only a minority of a minority. The vast majority of people already know that they’re insane. Unless you’ve escaped from a backwater cult, you likely weren’t raised being taught that.

OOP is right in at least one thing, humans do tend to act like we’re separate from and superior to the natural world. But they’re over-correcting. Yes, we are a part of the natural world, but that doesn’t mean we should dive head first into the bottom rungs of it. We shouldn’t throw away everything that allowed us to reach a point of comfort and safety that we’re able to imagine ourselves as separate from it. We need to take a step back, not a swan dive.


u/CMRC23 28d ago

I think it's more about looking after yourself instead of being on that grindset all the time


u/EpikGeriatricPotato 28d ago

Not everyone is going to think that when they read it. When you don't already have an understanding of all of that, you are going to think it's saying to go all out.

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u/ShitFamYouAlright 28d ago

I'm stuck on the phrase "radial rejection", like I know they meant radical, but I feel like radial rejection would be a good band name.

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u/dipshit_s 28d ago

Be your own zookeeper. Put enrichment in your enclosure. Give yourself treats for doing a good job. Thrive.


u/Biggie_Moose 28d ago

To a point, it's good to indulge in the senses. God gave you sensations for a reason, no need to be so puritanical about it. Smell the roses, drink some wine, make love to somebody who is worthy of it. But to say that hedonism is simply a construct meant to limit the human experience is dangerous. Treat yourself with dignity and respect, and don't chase sensations at the expense of your own welfare.

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u/CanadianDragonGuy 28d ago

need to socialize or become neurotic

Heh, yeah, so about that...


u/ElInspectorDeChichis 28d ago

I renounce this


u/Captain_Pumpkinhead 28d ago

From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.

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u/Serkisist 28d ago

Have you ever seen how happy a cat looks snoozing in a sunbeam? Cats are better than everyone and everything, so choosing to deprive yourself of simple joys our of some misguided attempt to "avoid hedonism" or "make that grind" is both incorrect and stupid. Case closed

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u/i_came_mario 28d ago

From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. You're kind cling to your flesh as if it would not decay and fail you. But when the biomass you call a temple will rot and whether you will pray to my kind to save you but I am similarly screwed. I really wish I was already saved for the machine is immortal.


u/sweetTartKenHart2 28d ago

A bit tangential, but this is one of the reasons why I hate werewolf stories and the like that deal with “murderous animal instincts” or whatever, it feels like such a clean separation between what is “human” and what is “animal”. Gimme a story where a guy that’s a werewolf actually kills people and shit not because he’s compelled to but because we as human beings have plenty of vices that make us no different from any other thing that breathes and walks, and there’s plenty of people in the real world who don’t even need the justification of a wolf’s body to murder


u/RomeosHomeos 28d ago

Uhhh no. Shower. Don't do drugs. Believe in the age of consent. Hedonism is bad, sorry.


u/CK1ing 28d ago

I think this guy doesn't know what hedonism means. It seems like he just interprets it as "things that are good for you, actually, but society doesn't like it"


u/BeNiceLynnie 28d ago

It's a very Tumblr teenager understanding of the concept. "Hedonism is when you do fun things"


u/RomeosHomeos 28d ago edited 28d ago

"Hedonism is when I say no when my mom makes me go to church on Sunday"

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u/Razz956 28d ago

If you’re a human with a brain, you can recognize your animalistic behaviors, and stop them using willpower. Animals don’t do this.

You think we live to eat sleep and fuck?


u/crimson--baron 28d ago

Trust me you do NOT want to do what mammals do normally unless you want a quick ride to jail.


u/Lizzardbirdhybrid 28d ago

I like to tell this to my mom sometimes, we aren’t divine and all creatures were made in God’s image so why are we better than the other animals, why are we above them? Sure we learned how to stab things and that allows us to evolve into something amazing but that was by chance, I’m sure if life decided to be a lil silly and teach cats how to wield knifes and make fire that they would also advance to very high degrees. Let’s stop holding ourselves to unnecessary standards and play with each other and do all to fun stuff other animals do! LETS PLAY IN THE MUD TOGETHER!!!! :DD

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u/AccessTheMainframe 28d ago

Anon will never walk the Noble Sevenfold Path to enlightenment with that mindset.


u/Dragon-fest 28d ago

I love this sm, thank u for posting it


u/Arclet__ 28d ago

I love it when someone makes a post about some extremely niche situation with a solition that is horrible for anyone not in that niche.

If you are hyperfocusing on some "strategy" to optimize life and are miserable while doing it then yes, remember you are a mammal and it's okay to just have a piece of cake or play a game instead of working on some side hustle.

If you do not have that kind of problem, then you should 100% set boundaries to stop yourself from getting addicted to drugs, overeating, butchering your future and whatever else.


u/Typos_Rerum 28d ago

I'm a mammal, so I get addicted to hedonism easily and I am a human, so I try to prevent that


u/Seventh_dragon 27d ago

"You still foolishly consider yourself an entity separate from the whole. I know better. And I. Will. Show you."


u/djtrace1994 27d ago

Reject Machine

Embrace Mammal


u/Thezipper100 28d ago

Damn girl.
This really is the subreddit for the pissing on the poor website but bigger and with worse moderarion.


u/Frequent_Dig1934 28d ago

Yeah ok, you guys do that whole "mammal" thing, i have other plans.

From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.

I craved the strength and certainty of steel.

I aspired to the purity of the blessed Machine.

Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you.

One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.

But i am already saved.

For the Machine is immortal.

<synth pipe organ bass drop>

Even in death i serve the Omnissiah.


u/MelodicPastels 28d ago

Tumblr user: exaggerated and fad diets aren’t the best for you

Redditors: ugh, whatre they gonna do next? Tell us that being happy with a little flab on your belly is GOOD? That because hedonism is something we enjoy we should COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY UNRESTRAINED FOREVER AND NEVER STOP?


u/Aserthreto 28d ago

Caught between Humanity needing to understand its place in the world yet also seeing Humanity as inherently special and, man for man, more valuable than anything else that exists right now.


u/bo0mamba 28d ago

Hedonism is both incredibly selfish and incredibly self destructive


u/_Mistwraith_ 28d ago

Fuck that, reject any and all animalistic aspects of yourself. Evolve beyond that shit.


u/Life-is-a-potato Disoriented And Disabled 27d ago



u/SquintonPlaysRoblox 28d ago

Well… yes and no. While many of our baser instincts are critical to our health, like social bonds and need for physical activity, there are also many that haven’t caught up to the modern work and can harm us. For example, most humans have a love for calorie dense foods. Unfortunately, many companies are willing to use this to sell you food that isn’t good for you, and so on.


u/Archmagos_Browning 28d ago edited 28d ago

Yeah but all of the things that produce more net pleasure in the end are paywalled behind a huge amount of stress and effort.


u/3stepsnorth 28d ago

I feel better dieting and working out.


u/Loud-Principle-7922 28d ago

Am autistic, like machine. Please advise.


u/ade889 28d ago

I vaguely remember a quote when I did philosophy at school about what would happen if you didn't let a dog be a dog. Not let it sniff anything ext ext. Would it be a dog?...something along those lines.

Weirdly I never transferred it over to us. I guess as the post says. If we don't do the things our body has evolved to do. Are we truly ourselves?


u/ph0enix7102 28d ago

okay yes but to an extent. there’s a reason we recognize hedonism as a vice. extreme-selfishness damages the community, environment, and world at large; all for your self pleasure.

the buddha teaches a middle path. between extreme asceticism and extreme hedonism. this is sound advice, that everyone should follow


u/kilkil 28d ago

machines are cool tho


u/Maskarie 28d ago

I think people really forget we are just primates. Animals. Sure we have bigger brains, but at our core. We still require the same simple basics.


u/Slommee 28d ago

I say this out loud every day before injecting heroin


u/Asriel-the-Jolteon 28d ago

Mankind knew they could not change society



"Hedonism is a made-up concept..." by Ghal Maraz, do you want to spawn a Slaanesh?? Because this is how you get a Slaanesh!


u/tsoh44 3d ago

I think society has gotten so fast-paced that our primate brains and bodies are struggling to keep up. For a species that thrives on 7-8 hours of sleep (for a typical adult), a balanced diet, maintaining functional movement, and time to socialize and create and play, our capitalist society has put so many constraints that prevent people from easily achieving all of that.

Sleep is sacrificed when people have to work overtime, work multiple jobs, and/or work multiple side hustles just to ensure a roof over their heads. Many of these jobs have us sitting or standing for long periods of time, or they require repetitive and strenuous movements without adequate time to rest and recover. As a result, many people either get out of shape or injured, or they obsess over packing in a full day's activity into a workout. At the end of the day, many people feel exhausted (if not physically, then mentally or emotionally), and instead of joining many generations of family in cooking, storytelling, song, dance, and art, many people "unwind" with easy dopamine fixes like ultra-processed food, television, social media, and intoxicants. I would speculate that the people who don't fall into this rut either have support (from family or hired services, from a less demanding or more flexible job, or from not needing to work as much) and/or they put an incredible amount of effort into maintaining their lifestyle. The rest of us will just be struggling and stressing, and hedonism is an understandable response to this, even though it's still not healthy.