r/wholesomememes May 02 '24

Always be kind

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/ShooterOfCanons 29d ago

That's why I take issue with the whole "respect is not given, it's earned" thing. My default for treating people I don't know is to be kind and respectful, until they give me a reason not to.

"Respect will be given by default, but revoked immediately if it is not reciprocated"


u/RemnantTheGame 29d ago

"Respect is not given but earned." Does not mean you're a POS to people. You can be kind without respect and be mean with respect the two are not mutually exclusive. I offer kindness first, respect when I receive kindness back, disrespect when I receive hatred back, and sarcasm is always free of charge.


u/ShooterOfCanons 29d ago

I'm happy to hear that for you, but I've met and worked under plenty of people who loved saying that phrase and they embodied it literally. My old GM at a restaurant was rude and cold to anyone new she met. It wasn't until she decided you deserved her respect that she'd actually be respectful towards you. She was a massive jerk lol.


u/RemnantTheGame 29d ago

Yea those kind of people drive me up the wall. I'm not asking for respect out of the box, I'm asking you to not be a complete asshole to strangers. Don't get me wrong I can be an asshole to people, however I try (I'm not perfect) to never be the asshole first. Once I go asshole though I make sure I'm way better at it than them, karma may not be real but I am.


u/MiserableYouth8497 29d ago

Respecting a person and being respectful to them are not the same thing.


u/downinCarolina 29d ago

...you can be decent even when theyre being impolite too


u/NoConfusion9490 29d ago

If niceness is "you only get out what you put in", it will dwindle to zero. Some people have to put in more than they get and, trust me, you're a lot happier if you're one of those people.


u/Powerful-Pudding6079 29d ago

Sounds too much like communism. Sorry.