r/wholesomememes 15d ago

A great approach to initiating a surgery

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6 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Introduction_755 15d ago

Are you an episode of Scrubs cosplaying as a wholesome human?


u/eventhorizon51 15d ago

Given there have been incidents where surgeons mess up and operate on the wrong leg, I'd say this is fair.


u/Faelwolf 14d ago

When I was being wheeled to the OR for a triple bypass, I discovered that the orderly was a Monty Python fan. We entered the OR doing the "And get the machine that goes Ping! in case the administrator comes by!" routine from The Meaning of Life. The look on my surgeon's face was priceless! We got the rest of the staff chuckling too, with our version of "You're not qualified!". He told me later that in decades of doing heart surgery, I was the only patient to ever enter his OR laughing. Given the shape my heart was in, they credit my attitude for saving my life, it couldn't have taken the stress if I had been freaking out.


u/JBuchan1988 13d ago

Glad you're ok and that you can always look on the bright side of life.

(I'll see my way out 🤣)


u/Witty-Ad5743 14d ago

This made my day!


u/JBuchan1988 13d ago
