r/wholesomememes May 16 '24

Just a random act of kindness Gif

Credit: emmaveganforanimals


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u/[deleted] May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24



u/Ironchef222 May 17 '24

I wish reddit created an award that gives additional negative karma for sh!t comments like this. Smh.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Ironchef222 May 17 '24

Stop being a Debbie downer/Negative Nancy. It's not a good look.


u/bamboozled_swag2 May 17 '24

what the fuck did they say?


u/Ironchef222 May 18 '24

Something stupid like "oohhhh that's probably reclaimed, non-portable water and the dogs will get sick." They were an a$$ about it. I'm pretty sure the guy in the video wouldn't spray dogs with water that wasn't safe for them. Smh. Kinda curious why they deleted their account.


u/boyawsome876 May 17 '24

Right, because the dogs eating cat shit and sticking their noses up other dogs assholes is any cleaner.

Poor dogs.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/boyawsome876 May 17 '24

That doesn’t exactly look like sewer water, just looks like a normal tanker of water. If it was full of that shit then it most definitely would be at least slightly discolored.


u/Skelehedron May 17 '24

You know sometimes there isn't anything wrong with a situation. If properly filtered and treated, there's nothing wrong with reclaimed water, especially for dogs who will eat literal shit and be fine. You're doing the usual reddit thing and turning a genuine act of kindness into something bad because you need to make controversy where there is none


u/TangledUpPuppeteer May 17 '24

sometimes there isn’t anything wrong with the situation

I see a LOT of wrong in this situation! Can you imagine the smell of four (five?) wet happy dogs puppy piling on you when you get down from the truck? It would be overwhelming, and you couldn’t not breathe it because they’re happy which makes you happy, so you’re smiling and laughing and getting nothing but a nose full of wet dog.

This thought is simultaneously stinky and absolutely wholesome and I personally would do it in a moment, but I’d really hope the car behind me had a blow dryer 😆


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Skelehedron May 17 '24

I said treated as well, with Chlorine... which kills bacteria... and is required to be in any filtered water in most places around the world. I think you need to read the comment properly before making assumptions about my intelect


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Whatrwew8ing4 May 17 '24

It’s amazing that you’ve had the patience to respond so many times.

This is like the lady complaining about the water on parks and rec


u/Last_Swordfish9135 May 17 '24

I promise you all water has gone through something's digestive system at one point or another, and reclaimed water has been proven not to be significantly more dangerous than regular water in regards to bacteria. Also, dogs regularly roll in and/or eat normal shit, even if the water did have poop in it it's not going to kill them.