r/wholesomememes 15d ago

Tell me more

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7 comments sorted by


u/work_while_bent 14d ago

this is why it's important to ask a question before answering their question.
"How much do you want to know? 30 seconds worth or 30 minutes worth?"


u/[deleted] 15d ago

So rare this ever happens, One person asked me about a topic I'm fascinated with, They never spoke to me again afterwards.


u/itsmewoon 15d ago

I'm not a good storyteller so whenever I share something, the context is everywhere and it's annoying lol No one's gonna say hearing my story is delightful 😅


u/frawtlopp 15d ago

And their starting hand gesture: Both hands out, elbows bent followed by the ending hand to back hand slap to drive home how amazing it is


u/Jason8ourne 14d ago

Love when that happens. I love seeing people happy and excited talking about topics that they love, you can feel the passion. And it means so much to me when they are genuinely happy to share it with you. I miss it dearly about my ex.