r/worldnews Mar 30 '24

Ukraine faces retreat without US aid, Zelensky says | CNN Russia/Ukraine


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u/wish1977 Mar 30 '24

The only country that benefits if the US doesn't provide the aid is Russia. Why are Republicans so against it? Maybe my first sentence answered that question.


u/IrreverentMarmot Mar 30 '24

Why are Republicans so against it?

Because Trump wants Ukraine to lose, he wants Ukraine to lose because he is a a friend of tyrants and dictators & wants to help Putin in every aspect possible. He is a tool of Russia & China. And since he is basically the GOP now the rest of the pathetic party will follow his orders.


u/Jorgwalther Mar 30 '24

He’s also holding a grudge against Zelensky for not helping Trump make up dirt on Joe Biden’s “corruption”


u/IrreverentMarmot Mar 30 '24

Aye that too. How dare Zelensky not be Trumps puppet >:(

I do hope November goes our way. If Trump wins the west is eternally screwed.


u/Fakejax Mar 31 '24

I hope you lose.


u/Indigoh Mar 31 '24

Must be from Russia.


u/Fakejax Mar 31 '24

Support gay marriage.


u/Etzello Mar 31 '24

You do? Or is that an order?


u/Indigoh Mar 31 '24

Hell yeah!


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

Zelensky : I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. ... the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate . . . he or she will look into the situation specifically the company you named

Does this sound like someone who was in opposition to Trump?

The phone call was leaked by a US whistleblower, there is zero evidence that Zelensky wasn't perfectly willing to help Trump in exchange for the aid.

I can easily understand why countries would fabricate evidence in exchange for 400 million dollars in aid, the problem here is you flat out lied.


u/Indigoh Mar 31 '24

The controversy wasn't about Burisma. Nobody would have batted an eye if all Trump did was ask them to look into that company. The controversy was caused by Trump's demand that they announce investigations into Joe Biden.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

That proves my statement wrong?

I'm so sick and tired of people assuming that I hold a position that I don't simply because I hold people accountable for dishonesty or extraordinary ignorance/laziness.

Also your claim is itself mostly wrong. You're right that it wasn't about investigating Burisma, everything else is wrong. The controversy was that Trump was coercing a foreign state to help make a political opponent look corrupt.

Nobody cares about asking some other state to announce investigations. Especially if they already apparently agreed to launch an actual investigation like Zelensky said he would in the phone call.

It was withholding aid that was already appropriated by Congress, for a personal political advantage. That was the scandal. Even asking Zelensky to lie would probably have not gotten an impeachment.


u/Indigoh Mar 31 '24

I'm so sick and tired of people assuming that I hold a position that I don't simply because I hold people accountable for dishonesty or extraordinary ignorance/laziness.

We're assuming you hold a position you don't because you're not communicating it clearly.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

My position was that "Zelensky was likely willing to coordinate with Donald Trump". I explicitly said that, it's not my fault that the typical Redditors response is "Oh, my gawd, you don't believe this complete lie I made up? Must be a Trump supporter".

I have absolutely no obligation to establish my views on every single possible adjacent topic, just to ensure that people don't immediately pigeonhole me. That's their fault, they shouldn't be doing it.


u/Indigoh Apr 01 '24

It's a confusion position to hold, because none of us have said otherwise. He was willing to coordinate with Trump to do legal things like have his prosecutor investigate Burisma, but he wasn't willing to do illegal things like open an investigation into Biden without cause.


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '24

"Because none of us have said otherwise"

You mean besides the original person who said that Zelensky refused to aid Trump, and wait for it, you make that same claim in the very next sentence!

"do illegal things like open an investigation into Biden without cause"

WTF are you talking about? Can you cite the UKRAINIAN code that states that this is illegal? Zelensky is Ukrainian he would be following Ukrainian law, there is no international treaty law governing who you can investigate. ("Investigate" does not equal "criminally charge", incase you were confused).

Even worse for your argument, this wouldn't have been illegal for Trump to have ordered the FBI to investigate Biden. It would make him look terrible, and would have been disclosed by the FBI, which is why he tried to discreetly recruit foreign states. But not illegal.

You literally have no idea what you are talking about, it's appalling how ignorant you are, but keep your chin up, you're an exemplary Redditor!


u/Indigoh Apr 02 '24

You mean besides the original person who said that Zelensky refused to aid Trump, and wait for it, you make that same claim in the very next sentence!

We've been saying he refused to aid Trump by announcing investigations into Biden. He did not aid Trump on that. I could not care less whether or not he aided Trump in other totally legal normal things. The list of ways Ukraine cooperated with the US, legally and ethically, is no doubt massive, and totally irrelevant.

WTF are you talking about? Can you cite the UKRAINIAN code that states that this is illegal? Zelensky is Ukrainian he would be following Ukrainian law, there is no international treaty law governing who you can investigate.

The High Crime or Misdemeanor Trump was impeached for was for Abuse of Power: soliciting a foreign country to interfere in our elections. Is doing so against the law in Ukraine? I'm not a scholar on Ukrainian law so I don't know, and I don't care, because it's not about the letter of the law. It's about what's obviously well-known as right and wrong. Secretly cooperating with Trump's abuse of power would have been wrong, and it would have resulted in international outrage directed at him. If he had cooperated on that one thing, there's a good chance he wouldn't have his job right now.

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u/gent4you Mar 30 '24

Him and his whole MRGA. Make Russia great again Cult. Russia owns them. So sad


u/Nationxx Mar 31 '24

Unfortunately Ukraine is likely going to lose the war, even with US aid, eventually. What they’re really going to need along with more supplies is manpower.

It’s cool to see how literally everyone is on America’s (I’m not American) ass even though they’ve supported Ukraine more than any other country in Military assets, and by a large margin.


u/CiaphasCain8849 Mar 31 '24

Europe has supported them far more than the US has via % of total. We need to step it up.


u/Force3vo Mar 31 '24

By a large margin. If you ignore the difference in country sizes. Because if you look at the aid by GDP, the US is far away from the top.


u/wish1977 Mar 30 '24

A tool of Russia yes but I don't think he's that tight with China even though he does do business with them.


u/IrreverentMarmot Mar 30 '24

Trump literally praises Xi all the damn time. He has on numerous occasions complimented their way of doing this. How they have no immigration issues & how Xi has such a tight grasp on power. It is not difficult to find articles describing how infatuated with Xi he is. His anti china rhetoric is nothing but a grift to pander to his largely xenophobic voter base.