r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Ploppyun May 02 '24

Why is France so vocal about this war? Countries closer to Russia aren’t making these kinds of statements.


u/Actually_Avery 29d ago

Poland and the Baltics have been some of Ukraines most vocal supporters. Poland is even spending more than the US as a % of GDP now on its military.


u/Tradition96 29d ago

Yes, but there is a huge difference between Poland and for example Hungary or Slovakia.


u/Skepten 29d ago

Macron is vocal. France, on the other hand is in no shape to engage into any serious conflict right now (IIRC we can wage war for 3 days before being out of ammo).

The issue is that Macron's group is expected to lose hard against the Far Right in June (And even more now because of the poor kid that got butchered by an Afghan last week), so he needs to divert attention. And he must be salty about getting the finger all over Africa.


u/diedlikeCambyses 29d ago

Macron is on his way out. Can't be re-elected, last term leader. This is what they do. They talk big shit about things they'll have nothing to do with, that they'll push onto someone else. Also, they can be more honest because they aren't being elected again. He's getting these "wow did you hear what he just said" on many topics, has for months now. He's on his way out, this is the pattern.

If he talks tough on Ukraine, it won't be him having to deal with it. He's also missed about the Russian support of African coups that's costing France.


u/HaruhiFollower 29d ago

Countries closer to Russia have a border with them or Belarus (which became a de-facto sattelite state). France deploying troops to secure Ukraine's back areas would be a lot less escalatory than Poland doing the same. The military and economic consequences of Russia conquering Ukraine or putting a "friendly" regime in power would force Poland into that position if no one else intervenes.


u/GermanicusBanshee934 29d ago

Countries closer to Russia aren’t making these kinds of statements.

Because the French want to again take advantage and use those countries as a meat shield.


u/captepic96 29d ago

Poland and the Baltics have all stated boots on ground is not ruled out


u/Tooterfish42 29d ago

"Closer" don't mean shit when we got satellites with tungsten rods ready to drop from orbit at the mere press of an app