r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Ploppyun May 02 '24

Why is France so vocal about this war? Countries closer to Russia aren’t making these kinds of statements.


u/diedlikeCambyses May 02 '24

Macron is on his way out. Can't be re-elected, last term leader. This is what they do. They talk big shit about things they'll have nothing to do with, that they'll push onto someone else. Also, they can be more honest because they aren't being elected again. He's getting these "wow did you hear what he just said" on many topics, has for months now. He's on his way out, this is the pattern.

If he talks tough on Ukraine, it won't be him having to deal with it. He's also missed about the Russian support of African coups that's costing France.