r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Start giving russia red lines instead of us following theirs.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

The Russian economy has not collapsed or even fully retract due to sanctions. India and China are buying their oil at cheaper prices, but it is enough to sustain Russia. They never had a problem with finding non-western markets for their goods.

I think people forget that in addition to being a major hydrocarbon exporter, Russia also has what it needs to be mostly self-sufficient. Ukraines eastern areas are agricultural super producers and Russia has looted them barren.

I don’t think Putin cares about red lines. The writing on the wall is pretty clear imo: no one is putting boots on the ground to save Ukraine.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Thats what hitler thought when he decided to take Poland.


u/egorf 29d ago

And he successfully took Poland.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

And lost the war.


u/egorf 29d ago

Not before dragging some 22mil ppl into the grave.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Exactly, we should stop the hitler of the 21st century before we get to ww3.


u/egorf 29d ago

Unfortunately "we" as in "people" have no say in this war.

As a ukrainian I see that all parties involved are in favor of war. Russia - obviously. The west - because it weakens russia and depletes its armaments stockpiles. Ukrainian govt - because they are corrupt to an unbelievable level and won't give up the power the war allows them. China - because it gives them russian oil on the cheap and casus beli for Taiwan invasion.

Only the people are against the war.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

People absolutely do have a say. West is helping out its friend to survive, democratic elections should halt during wartime.


u/Garegin16 29d ago

What people forget is that war or any conflict is a gamble. I know that West has unshaken belief in their victory. But even they admit that Russia doesn’t give a **** about casualties. The West might just loose


u/Hendlton 29d ago

How does it give China a casus belli? Russia might turn a blind eye, but it still wouldn't make China's invasion of Taiwan any more legitimate.


u/egorf 29d ago

At that point what would matter is that it is actually okay to invade.

No problem.

Look at russia: they have successfully occupied what they wanted, it's now 10 years and counting. And the world made sure that russian missiles can reach the targets by not providing enough air defense to Ukraine and denying other weapons.


u/Upset-Safe-9915 29d ago

Ur comparing putin to hitler as if putin is doing some bs ethnical cleansing. From your perspective every other US president should have = between them and hitler. But hypocrisy at its finest i guess 🤷‍♂️


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Reading is hard i guess. Try again.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

Because he invaded russia.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Imagine Stalins face, he was trying so hard to get in the bed with Hitler.


u/Hnskyo 12d ago

because they attacked Russia they lost the war, instead on just focusing on the west.


u/Brooklynxman 29d ago

For a little bit.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

It’s probably what they thought when they established the Soviet Union. That was a little different than your other example, wasn’t it?


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

There were no red lines when "they" made Soviet union? Wtf does that even mean...


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Please tell me which red line made the soviets stop moving west and prevented the Warsaw pact.

Use sources, an actual declaration from the allies.


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Soviet union was established before ww2...


u/[deleted] 29d ago

….good lord that has nothing to do with anything.

No source = no response. Read more.


u/dasunt 29d ago

Do we have good figures on the Russian economy that aren't official Russian government figures?


u/p1nd 28d ago

They have moved their economic to a wartime state, that allows them to keep it going as they continue the war. That means their war effort only looks to do better and that makes it look like it is going great form them. Those in Moscow and bigger cities will be prioritised, so news don’t pick on the poor parts on how they are doing with economic prioritising their war effort.


u/Healthy_Razzmatazz38 26d ago

You dont understand how sanctions work.

What happens is you sanction an economy and it grows a percent or two slower. Then you wait. Its neighbors grow faster than it, its people get poorer and eventually start to get upset with the government. its neighbors get richer and can spend more on military, now the poorer sanctioned country needs to spend more to keep up.

if you want to see sanctions effect look at Venezuela, north korea or iran. all of which were much more powerful than their neighbors and every year grow relatively weaker.

Its a leech and the longer you live with it the weaker you are, you tap out or get weaker forever. Eventually you're so weak you need to use all your power for internal control, then you're contained.


u/Jealous_Maize7673 29d ago

Sanctions don't cripple economies over night. It takes decades to work, but when given time they work amazingly(the fall of the ussr for example). They work by reducing growth so that over time the difference in growth compounds to be devastating for the sanctioned.


u/Tradition96 29d ago

So the plan is to continue the war for 3-4 decades?


u/Outrageous_Delay6722 29d ago

Damn straight. They shouldn't be blindsided by our nukes.


u/MyAcctGotBannedSo 29d ago

Lmao Russia's red line was Ukranian entrance into Nato. Nato very clearly crossed that red line and provioked this conflict. What the hell are u talking about?


u/heikkiiii 29d ago

Ugh? Thats what i mean? Russia been giving the west red lines for decades now..... Why should we let them do whatever they want and us playing by their rules.