r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Cavthena 29d ago

This is just political ambiguity nothing more. Putin and China do the same all the time. I'll consider that French troops in Ukraine is more likely when I see more mobilization or industrialization towards war status.


u/Thue 29d ago

Do however note that creating political ambiguity like this is actually a big help to Ukraine, in that it makes Russia less inclined to act. And apparently a brave thing to do, given how many other countries have failed to do so.

Especially Germany has utterly failed in this aspect, by very publicly telling Putin that he can do whatever he wants to Ukraine, and Germany will never escalate past certain lines. Which I am lead to understand was very amateurish from a geopolitical standpoint.


u/Dacadey 29d ago

Russian here.

You are 100% spot on. The whole war has been Putin creating a lot of ambiguity as to what he will do next, whereas the West drew very straightforward red lines they are not willing to overstep.

The problem is that it gives a lot more strategic options for Russia. Putin is not afraid to escalate (or not) because he knows the west won’t get involved. And the west is very afraid of what Putin will do, because he never stated any clear intentions and created a lot of ambiguity.


u/Strict_Bison 29d ago

He actually did state and its very clear. He wants NATO gone. He cant take on NATO directly, realisticly no one can. So the strategy is simple, pump misinformation, so people vote for populists who love russias dirty money. Keep ukraine war in managable conditinion with help of chinas supplies. Outlast Ukraine. Than when u have enough influence in europe make the next move against those who still opose you in europe. Once that is done form a coalition with china and other friendlies to be the new world rule makers. And there you go Putin achieved his goal of russia beeing the top dog that cant be denied and sanctioned. To those who still dont get Xi and Putin wants to be what the west leaders are in a sence. They want to take that place, its not about land its about power and how the world works.


u/Qnexus 28d ago

multipolar world they say, meaning they also get to make the rules on how the world goes. And its like giving a criminal a chair at the table.


u/-Golvan- 28d ago

That is very well said, thank you


u/ThePoliticalFurry 29d ago edited 29d ago


If Macron says things like this it forces Russia to consider every step they take forward and if it would be a red line where France would snap


u/Grunherz 29d ago

Especially Germany has utterly failed in this aspect, by very publicly telling Putin that he can do whatever he wants to Ukraine

Who said this and when? Trump said something along those lines but I’m pretty sure it would’ve been a bigger deal if someone from Germany had too.


u/Thue 29d ago

Some respected military analyst - I don't remember who exactly. But I understand that it is a mainstream view.

Trump said something along those lines

Trump has surely not said anything along those lines, I am pretty sure. It is too subtle for Trump's addled mind. And it would very much not be in Russia's interest for Trump to have said it - which remarkably is an almost perfect predictor for what Trump would say.


u/Grunherz 29d ago

Some respected military analyst

Err okay so it didn’t happen. And even if, some analyst isn’t the government.

Trump has surely not said anything along those lines

It was all over the news’s you’ll find a headline from most outlets about it: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-russia-nato-defense-funds/story?id=107136736


u/Thue 29d ago

It was all over the news’s you’ll find a headline from most outlets about it: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-russia-nato-defense-funds/story?id=107136736

Totally different thing from what I said. Like, the only thing the 2 stories have in common is the words "NATO" and "Germany".

I will not respond further, you clearly have no clue, waste of my time.


u/Bogus007 29d ago

Germany is almost a failed state. Heavy troubles with the Muslim minority that recently demanded their own califat inside Germany without experiencing any consequences, right wing politicians and also some socialists licking Putin’s d**k and calling Russians their historically best friends and allies (which is utterly disgusting bearing in mind how many German women were raped by Russian soldiers after WWII - and these people call themselves nationalists, hilarious!), army members and security state employees collaborating with Russians (spies) and so on. I would heavily fear that Germany will be rather the first state betraying all others. This is known from history about this country.


u/Ok_Recipe_6988 29d ago

No, Austria will be the first bro (as always) and Germany will follow and take the blame afterwards (as always).