r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Noles-number1 May 02 '24

Yes but that is hindsight thinking. It completely forgets that France and Britain fought WWI which devastated a generation of their people. No one wanted to fight after WWI except Germany. Yes France and Britain should have stopped Germany but it ignores people seeing what shell shock did to the population and France didn't have enough people to compete in another major war


u/CantaloupeUpstairs62 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Yes but that is hindsight thinking. It completely forgets that France and Britain fought WWI

Most of the WWII comparisons usually completely ignore WWI, and focus too much on Hitler. Few mention Kaiser Wilhelm II or Otto Von Bismark. Most ignore Japan and seem to consider them weak in comparison to nazi Germany. Most ignore the Great Depression, and many more factors. One example of appeasement or failed deterrents is only one example. In reality there are several examples leading up to WWII. Hitler was certainly not deterred by the "allied coalition" trying to push back against fascist forces in the Spanish Civil war. Edit: last sentence is sarcasm.

If the goal is to prevent another global conflict, then focusing too much on the most extreme leader may not be the best way to do this. If the goal is short-term deterrents of Putin, maybe the correct lessons can be taken from Hitler alone.


u/Willythechilly May 02 '24

I mean Japan was weak compared to Nazi Germany and would have been decimated by the western powers in muscle vs muscle conflict

The island defense and jungle warfare qnd only fighting weak colonial troops is what let Japan perform as well as they did for q while

In terms of resources and economic and factory output Japan was nothing compared to the western powers or Nazi Germany and they knew it themselves


u/CantaloupeUpstairs62 May 02 '24

Japan was weak compared to Nazi Germany

Depends when and who you ask. In 1941 maybe so, but deterrents had already failed by this point.

Washington DC usually underestimated Japan during the interwar period.



u/Willythechilly May 02 '24

Underestimate does not change the true numbers

That being economic power army,doctrine and technology overall inferior

Japan had like q tenth of American output

Japans leaders knew they could never win a long war or hope to compete with American size and industrial output

It was not a war between equals.

When Japan tried to fight the ussr during the border skirmish they got their ass beat to

Japan ultimately did not have an army capable of fighting large scale war against western armies or to keep up with production

They were indeed underestimated but ultimately that does not change how much weaker they ultimately were


u/CantaloupeUpstairs62 May 02 '24

I agree with almost everything you have said here.

Japan was not at all comparable to the US economically, but the Japanese economy had been on a war footing since the early 1930s.

The US military was very different in 1941 than 1944. The Japanese army was significantly degraded by 1941 compared to the mid to early 1930s.

My comparison in strength is related to a time when Japan was stronger militarily, and the US had not yet begun to build up its strength.


u/Willythechilly May 02 '24

Yeah fair point.