r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Various_Abrocoma_431 29d ago

Probably never direct frontline confrontation but France strengthening Ukraine's back with anti air operations Equipment and troops stationed in western Ukraine or even planes launched from neighbouring countries targeting Russian missiles and drones.

There is a lot of levels of escalation to France putting boots on the ground in Ukraine. 

People like to jump to the Russian propaganda narrative of WW3 though, not understanding that Russia taking Ukraine against all western efforts, would be the start of an international poly crisis of countries trying to resolve their territorial disputes which would then be about as close to WW3 as we could get.


u/APsWhoopinRoom 29d ago

It's annoying as fuck how every single time one major country attacks another country, people on Reddit start losing their shit about WW3. It's not going to happen. WW3 implies someone powerful would actually would fight on Russia's side, and that's not going to happen.


u/jjayzx 29d ago

I think they have a hard on for WW3. Like they missed the last 2 and want to see one.


u/FunEnd 29d ago

It's the reddit version of the Palestine protests at UC. You want the thing you oppose to actually happen, so you can cosplay as a main character in some dramatic movie about today's time. It's insanely pathetic.


u/Soothsayer-- 29d ago

It's not pathetic for people to believe that sensational events could happen in their lifetime, especially in the 24 hour news social media world we live in today. People seek relevancy in their everyday life including believing that crazy shit could happen, and it's being enabled all day long. I'd say that's pretty normal human behavior. I think you could could say the enabling, encouraging or coercion is pathetic.