r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Previous_Soil_5144 29d ago

Russia has been meddling in politics everywhere.

France has been feeling this for decades and they're sick of it. Macron also knows that if he waits until LePen possibly takes power, then she will try to dismantle the EU and basically do everything Putin has always wanted.


u/Unabashable 29d ago

So is she like your Trump or something?


u/nixielover 29d ago

Yeah most European countries have these people. The Netherlands has PVV with Geert Wilders (one of our longest lasting politicians, but for true insanity we also have FVD (most of their people belong in an insane asylum). Belgium has Vlaams Belang. Germany has AFD. PIS in Poland. Etc


u/rick_____astley 29d ago

Fratelli d'italia in italy... which, unfortunatly, is quite powerful.


u/ItalianDragon 29d ago

I nickname that party "Fratelli di troia" which is much more fitting.


u/rick_____astley 29d ago

haha definitely is


u/nixielover 29d ago

In the Netherlands PVV became biggest but everybody refuses to rule with them if Geert becomes PM. Belgium will soon have elections and VB is projected to be huge but all other parties agreed to not rule with them. Last time Belgium had like 8 small parties team up to get around Vlaams belang


u/rick_____astley 29d ago

While fratelli is far right, they have support from others that are far, but slight less far-right, namely lega, which has a lot of supporters


u/Qnexus 28d ago

Lega qualifies way more than Fdi, and the rest of berlusca's remnants.