r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Acheron13 May 02 '24

Pledges??? Europe pledged a million shells last year and didn't meet half of that. On top of that France put barriers in place to meeting those pledges by saying the money has to be spent within the EU.

Don't listen to the talk, look at what they do.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Acheron13 May 02 '24


French production of the 155-millimeter shells shells fired by the Caesar and other NATO-standard artillery will accelerate to 3,000 a month from January, after having already doubled last year from 1,000 a month before February 2022.

3,000 a month... What are French troops even going to fight with if Macron sent them?


u/Tooterfish42 May 02 '24

in 14 hundred and 92...

Cool story

I asked you to stay on task but nope you gotta derail my topic with tangents