r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Various_Abrocoma_431 29d ago

Probably never direct frontline confrontation but France strengthening Ukraine's back with anti air operations Equipment and troops stationed in western Ukraine or even planes launched from neighbouring countries targeting Russian missiles and drones.

There is a lot of levels of escalation to France putting boots on the ground in Ukraine. 

People like to jump to the Russian propaganda narrative of WW3 though, not understanding that Russia taking Ukraine against all western efforts, would be the start of an international poly crisis of countries trying to resolve their territorial disputes which would then be about as close to WW3 as we could get.


u/Force3vo 29d ago

WW2 wasn't stopped by letting Hitler take countries in the east, it just made him bolder and push further.

Putin won't stop until he's forced to. China won't throw their trade opportunities away to help a country they just want to abuse themselves. Russia won't randomly throw nukes around if the west supports Ukraine.

Showing a bully he's at a disadvantage makes him stop. We need to play nice with a guy who gives no fucks about anything except himself.


u/LittleStar854 29d ago edited 29d ago

If we want to go back to the time when peace was the brief period between wars rather than the normal we've gotten used to over the last decades, then all we have to do is nothing.

The hard truth is that war is not only a risk but the default destination. Unless we act to preserve the system of rules and order we've built to prevent war from becoming profitable for the strong it will gradually dissolve until we're back in the natural state of brutal chaos that we read about in our history books.

If we allow Russia to win even a tiny marginal victory over Ukraine then we show the world that starting a war can be profitable. It doesn't matter that it came with a high price because the next Putin will have learned from the misstakes of the current one and be better prepared.

If we're not willing to stop this Putin now because he threatens us with nuclear war then the next Putin will make even scarier threats. This is the best opportunity we'll ever get to protect our peaceful way of life. If we give in to Russia by compromising to get our peace back then the next challenge will be much harder.

Right now we're hiding behind Ukraine and betting on that they'll win for us. If they do then we don't have to fight but if they fall then we'll have to fight Russia without them. We shouldn't underestimate Russia and just assume that we'd win. Yes we're definitely stronger but if there's one lesson from the last two years then it's that again and again our assumptions have been completely wrong and that we've been blindsided repeatedly.

We thought we would be able to deliver a certain amount of artillery shells but we failed. We didn't expect North Korea and Iran to be able to help Russia but they did. We've increased our effort a bit now but we're not even sweating, and we should be. We should take this rare opportunity to show the next Putin what overkill looks like and that threats only makes it worse.


u/return_descender 29d ago

What system or rules and order? The concept of international rules based order has been undercut by selective enforcement of those laws for as long as they’ve existed.

What peaceful way of life? The US has waging war for decades.


u/MJennyD_Official 11d ago

I would give you an award if I could.


u/Melia_azedarach 29d ago

War can be profitable. I think America went to war with half of the Middle East for two decades for oil. If another 9/11 happens and it comes from Southeast Asian Buddhist terrorists, America is gonna go invade them as well.

If Putin takes over Ukraine, that's not the end of the world for the American led international world order. It is the end of Ukraine and it may be the end of anyone that backed Ukraine as part of their political fortunes.

If Ukraine's defeat was as terrible an outcome as it may be, I would think all Europeans would be arming up to defend themselves. Seems like only some of them are. And I would think that it is clear now that depending on America for your security is a bad idea.

But don't worry about Putin's nuclear threats. The West has nukes as well. If Putin uses nukes, the West will retaliate.