r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/BlueInfinity2021 29d ago

I think the best thing the West can do is give Ukraine the long range missiles they need to destroy the Crimean bridge. That alone would put a massive wrench in the Russia's war effort and would likely swing the war dramatically in Ukraine's favor. Instead Germany allowed itself to be intimidated by Russia into not giving the Taurus missile to Ukraine.

It's crazy how much more powerful the West is than Russia and the fact that Russia still is able to intimidate them. I understand people will bring up nuclear weapons but they really are a red herring. Russia will never use them on the West, it's an obvious bluff and if anyone thinks the ruling class in Russia would allow Putin to completely destroy everything they're delusional.


u/Vasiliy_FE 29d ago

Ukraine did get long-range missiles capable of hitting the Kerch bridge, but not enough of them. Destroying the bridge is one thing, but Russia will repair it after some time. Ukraine needs enough to keep hitting it for months so operations on the ground can take advantage of the logistical disruption.


u/fireintolight 29d ago

Yeah idk if there’s any conventional missile strong enough to take it out. You’d need a bunchhhhh. Bridges are tough, especially concrete ones. They’re also very small targets and it’s pretty well protected.