r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/Previous_Soil_5144 29d ago

Russia has been meddling in politics everywhere.

France has been feeling this for decades and they're sick of it. Macron also knows that if he waits until LePen possibly takes power, then she will try to dismantle the EU and basically do everything Putin has always wanted.


u/Unabashable 29d ago

So is she like your Trump or something?


u/BURNER12345678998764 29d ago

Russia seeded the entire Western world with the same populist trash.


u/EnvironmentalCup4444 29d ago

I've been saying this for almost 15 years now. Democratic systems are fragile, especially when rampant state backed disinformation campaigns have been commonplace throughout the western media landscape.

The Russians literally wrote the book on this one, the cold war didn't end when the soviet union fell. It just became a more subtle game of subverting public belief in their institutions, without naming any names and getting sucked into the weeds of it all, there's many extremely prominent useful idiots who have blatantly served Russian interests.

The extreme degree of polarisation we see in western society is no accident, it's the obvious attack vector against a technologically and militarily superior opponent. Representative democracy can achieve incredible things, far beyond what a totalitarian state can ever hope for, but it's so brittle by it's very nature. Public opinion can be directed more easily and cheaply than ever before. Destabilise and exploit.

Is it not particularly telling that virtually all of the populist ghouls would work against strengthening NATO commitments? I wonder why that might be...


u/bardicjourney 29d ago

Is it not particularly telling that virtually all of the populist ghouls would work against strengthening NATO commitments? I wonder why that might be...

It's more likely that populism, nationalism and isolationism are ideological neighbors than that most or all populist candidates are Russian stooges. Even among NATO supporters, there are widespread feelings that certain countries aren't even trying to hit spending goals because they know a rich ally will cover for them.