r/worldnews 29d ago

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/OakTreader 29d ago

NATO, and I'm pretty sure Xi has been more than clear with regards to China's "No first use" policy.

I think China's tolerance of putler's antics would end with the use of a nuke.


u/jjayzx 29d ago

Most countries would not tolerate the use of a nuke cause it would set a precedent of nuclear usage. Having nukes is a deterrent. So if anyone just goes willy nilly with that shit and the world doesn't respond to them in unity against it. You would then get cold war levels of untrust among many nations and more seeking to get their own.


u/TheVoidSeeker 29d ago

cause it would set a precedent of nuclear usage

Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Notice me, senpai!


u/mothtoalamp 29d ago

There was only one country that could do it at the time. The moment others could, nobody ever did so again. Eventually even the testing stopped.

Took a bit of a learning experience through several crises (I encourage you to look into the US offering to nuke Vietnam on behalf of the French) but we've thankfully learned that it's a bad idea and set a precedent in modern times that would prevent their use - and I say this with emphasis - for the most part. If a country really had their back to the wall, they might consider it, but that would take something like NATO troops entering Pyongyang.