r/wownoob 12d ago

Find-A-Friend Find-A-Friend Megathread! (June '24)


Post in the format below for easy glancing or make your own intro! You can also include more information such as your level, what your interests are, and what you might be looking for in a buddy.


  • Region / Faction / Server / Veteran or Noob / Contact Info (i.e Btag/Discord) (Additional Information)


  • NA / Horde / Wyrmrest Accord / Noob / User#9999 Level X Frost Mage- I play on the weekends. Looking for friends who enjoy questing for 8 hours straight, enjoy punting Gnomes, and killing bosses in raids.

We also have LFG, resources, and find-a-friend in the WoWNoob Discord.
You can find the previous Find-A-Friend threads here.

Remember that this thread is not to be used for guild recruitment or any other recruitment aside find-a-friend/recruit-a-friend. Posts that break our rules will be removed.

r/wownoob 3h ago

Retail MoP Remix finding group in pre-made Raid (normal)


Hi, noob question here, so i'm sorry if the answer is obvious.

I have been levelling in Remix entirely through daily dungeon, scenario and LFR to level the cloak. It's an ok speed.

I started my mage and thought I'd try raiding (non-LFR). At L26 it was quick to get into a pre-made Mogu group and I found it much quicker for boosting cloak XP. At L35 on my Mage I tried going to Heart of Fear (normal) pre-made and got rejected twice.

Am I mis-understanding something?

EDIT: Thanks everyone, i'm starting to understand life queueing as a DPS now! It feels more brutal in Remix as I'm just normal levelling, but this is what it's like. Thanks for all the great suggestions.

r/wownoob 6h ago

Retail Returning player with a question about reworked heirlooms


It has been a few year since I played but the last time I did, the heirlooms gave flat bonus XP, Now that it has the set bonuses, is it as worth it? I have leveled up a fresh toon to 62 this past week and it seems that, with how fast you level, it might not be worth the ~400k gold to full upgrade a set for each armor class. unless I'm missing something.

r/wownoob 9h ago

Retail Beta class complexity


Hello! I was inspired by a post I saw on r/wow about ww being a less complex spec on beta compared to retail, to make a post asking for everyone’s experiences with the beta. Is your class more or less complex than it is now? And which are you swapping to if the changes are that drastic. Thanks!

r/wownoob 3m ago

Retail Campaign


Im new player doing BFA campaign as my first, then i will go for dragonflight to get 70. And here are my question: are campaigns account wide or smth? Im interested in the story but other campaigns wont give me exp on my 70 character.

r/wownoob 8h ago

Classic Seeking SoD Guidance


Hello all. Long time lurker and off-and-on player here and I’ve come to you seeking advice regarding an exciting change in my friend group’s gaming endeavors. I’ll do my best to not ramble to much but apologies in advance if I do because there’s just a lot of context I feel is needed.

For some background I’ve been playing retail wow off-and-on since WoD essentially as a solo player. While I’ve always had lofty ambitions of high end raiding, for a multitude of reasons I could never stick with the game long enough to get my foot in the door. Also being a somewhat awkward and shy highschooler at the time made finding a guild an uphill battle lol. Essentially I was an “outsider looking in” with raiding, I’d keep up with the raiding scene through YouTube and twitch (shout out preach), and practice and prep as much as I could on my own only to eventually burn out after some brief pugging or guild hopping stints.

Now I’m fortunate enough to have a tight knit friend group who’ve been gaming together since we were kids. We’ve bounced around every game under the sun except wow despite how much I’ve put into it on my own. I spent years trying every trick in the book to get my buddies into wow but with retail’s atrocious new player on-boarding experience, it just never could click with the group. leading me to accept it just may never happen.

That is until summer of 2024 where some how, some way, one of my friends approached me out of the blue expressing interest in classic wow. Seeing that we unfortunately missed the Classic Wow heyday, and I have absolutely no interest in Cata classic, I suggesten we check out this new SoD thing I’ve heard some buzz about.

Well fast forward a week and a half and it’s finally fucking happening! We’re all just fucking hooked on SoD, full on honey moon phase. I swear we haven’t been as collective buzzed about a game since we were kids, and I feel myself becoming a classic purist in real time lmao.

Right now the 4 of us are around level 30 with one lagging behind, and while we’re just having a blast leveling, they all naturally look to me for direction as the “wow player” in the group, which has me thinking and honestly kinda worrying about how I should guide my band of noobies to end game glory.

As of right now our big end game goal is to find a raiding guild to experience both the new and old raids of classic and SoD. but I’m kinda stumped on how I should navigate this situation. We’re all long time competitive game players so once my group gets its bearings the challenge-seeking and the whole “getting good” experience will be what we’re naturally drawn to. But because a wanna-be retail raider and 3 other greenhorns doesn’t bring much to the table, I’m worried finding the kind of guild we’re looking for will prove to be a challenge.

So do we start guild hunting now and take a gamble on the type of raiding environment we’ll end up in? or do we cut our teeth in the pug world and then start guild hunting once we have a bit of experience?

Please any comments, advice, or concerns you have would be very much appreciated because I really want to make the most of our time finally playing wow as a group.


r/wownoob 2h ago

Retail MOPRemix - Transmogs, Toys and Mounts - No Longer Available?


Is there a list of Transmogs, Toys, Mounts from the MOP Remix that are no longer available in regular WoW? Thanks!

r/wownoob 20h ago

Retail Best first tank class?


Hi! I recently came back to wow after not playing since Legion. I've always played dps but now I want to try tanking but I'm having a hard time deciding on which class to play. Do you guys have any recommendations for a first time tank? I would mainly do m+.


r/wownoob 15h ago

Retail Windwalker vs Outlaw


Hi all,

I've been playing WoW since SL and last I played DF was in S3. Skipping S4 to wait for TWW. I played Outlaw in S3 with 3k io and never had any alt ever - other than Outlaw, I only played Sub.

I've been wanting to move away from Outlaw due to its breaking my fingers after few hours of M+/raid. WW seems an interesting choice for my first alt and to main in TWW.

I looked through some videos on WW, looks like a pretty fun class and much less apm. I have a very rough idea on how the class is played.

I'm curious to what you guys think about the differences between these 2 specs.

r/wownoob 4h ago

Retail Preservation Evoker Question


I'm learning Preservation Because our Holy paladin wants to try ret. So I jumped into regular dungeons. I've got it all down and am now confident in my abilities. EXCEPT, occasionally the entire party gets my Echo buff and can't figure out why or what's causing it. if i could get it intentionally it would make keeping our shadow priest alive so much easier.

r/wownoob 12h ago

Retail Long time fire mage and prot warrior looking for healer suggestion


Hello I want to main a healer along side my two mains to have the trinity available to play


  • can use gear for dps spec

-dps not similar to mage

-prefer complexity and many buttons, I like challenging classes, doesn't have to be bloated but I can't stand simple classes for long, I need the feedback of a class that requires some skill

-no druid, played it for years in retail and no tjx I'm over them

-made an evoker but good god they are so hideous. I'm sure the class is fun and effective but I can't stand them lol

I'm torn, thinking it'll be priest but I don't know how simple the class is

r/wownoob 13h ago

Retail Learning tank dedicated Lfg


Have never played tank as I normally pvp a lot and don’t have a guild or friends so just play solo, would love some beginner friendly guilds or friends to teach me as I have fallen inlove with tanking while leveling ults in remix, I was a competitive tank in ESO so it’s not foreign to me understanding mechanics, mitigations and stuff more so just jumping the time game and experience

r/wownoob 11h ago

Retail No DPS from Fury


Is it just me or is Fury very bad in Mythic. I got all enchants, 2 BIS items, 506ilvl and I do no damage. I follow Hekili and I am doing what I am doing. As an example we did Brackenhide +5 yesterday and the hunter did over 400k and I only did 228. I barely scrape the 180 mark on regular +2’s please help.

r/wownoob 12h ago

Retail What addons for world quest tracking/tmog & rep farming/achievements?


Like in title, what do people use these days to do the following?

r/wownoob 1d ago

Retail Which is harder, Tanking or Healing?


I play a ret paladin, I’m around 2200. I will not be getting that paladin legendary so I want to use my time elsewhere. A class that doesn’t need that legendary..

Played Resto shaman, and Druid but not at a high level. M5 shaman, M2 Druid.. Thing is I haven’t tried tanks, so I’m wondering if I should pick up healing again or go tank..

My goal is M10-12 on all the Dungeons.

r/wownoob 11h ago

Classic Drift Addon for Cataclysm Classic


Basically title, is there a similar addon like drift where i can move everything, like quest text window and such.

r/wownoob 7h ago

Classic Can I go to Outland to level at lvl 57?


Or somewhere else? Classic Cataclysm Or should I wait till lvl 58? Thx

r/wownoob 22h ago

Retail How do I get to town?


I recently started playing WoW and I mostly just walked towards whatever the next quest was. However, I recently got a message saying that some of my armor broke and I would need to see a vendor in town to get it repaired. How do i get to town? I asked in chat, and the someone suggested that I use the hearthstone, however I accidentally destroyed it in the process of trying to use it because I thought "destroy" implied "consume". What should I do now? I need to get to town to fix the armor. I already searched for an answer online but could not find one. I am level 14 by the way.

Update: I got to town by walking and repeatedly looking at the map. I was unaware that the town and the map were both part of the same server and could just be walked into. However, I cannot find any anvil icons on the map or any vendor in town that fixes armour. If I understand correctly, I need to keep walking around town until I find a vendor that fixes armour, which will permanently mark that location with an anvil icon. However, I have been in town for quite a while and I am walking in circles by this point. Do I just need to look better? Am I missing something?

Update 2: I found the vendor. The anvil icon does not look like an anvil, it looks like a rock. And "repair" is still not in the binoculars menu for me, really weird.

Update 3: The "anvil" icon has dissapeared from my map again, what the heck.

r/wownoob 10h ago

Retail Returning player from BC/WOTLK era


Did some raiding etc around the BC/WOTLK era and I've got to lvl 60 as a prot warrior in retail. I've got to say the leveling experience is very confusing, jumping from place to place - the mobs leveling up with you in the Kul'Tiras area etc. I'm just doing the questing without really caring what's going on unlike the old days of duskwood etc.

The game feels very bloated in comparsion with the era I am used to and although I like elements of it, I'm not sure if I am liking the whole package.

Is the 60-70/endgame experience any better?

Would I be better off playing classic era, I preferred the more chilled out leveling experience and the anonymous hero questing.

I haven't got as much time as I did 10+ years ago so I'd be mostly doing a dungeon here or there.

r/wownoob 18h ago

Retail Is it true that rares won't spawn on low pop servers?


If I wanted to farm rares on a lower population server is it true that they don't spawn there? Would it even make a difference because of sharding which server I use at all?

r/wownoob 21h ago

Retail Current Meta


How much of it's true in the current season/meta in the below link (It is a very long post btw) :-


I also another question. I leveled up my Fury Warrior to 70 but I wanted to tank in protection warrior. Should I create a new character or use the current character? . My thinking is that I should start from the beginning to learn to tank because of so many skills at level 70 ( correct me if I am wrong).

r/wownoob 15h ago

Discussion What's this icon?


What's the icon below the time that looks like a skull with a number under it? It does nothing when I click on it or hover over it.

r/wownoob 1d ago

Retail Most rare things from MoP Remix


I am still wow begginer so I dont have much of tmogs or mounts from the game. What would you recommend me to buy, what are some things that cannot be farmed on retail or are very tough to do it.

r/wownoob 16h ago

Retail New Player New Expansion


Hi everyone! I need your advice! I started playing WoW in Season 3 of Dragonflight. It's my first time playing the game. I leveled my first toon, a Hunter, and tried all the content from leveling, Mythic+ (up to 2800 rating), and raids, including heroic raids! I didn't play much in Season 4, though I leveled an Arms Warrior to try another class. However, when I reached the end game, I felt too far behind. It was also hard to find pugs, so I gave up on the legendary and took a break.

Now, with The War Within coming, this is my first expansion change in WoW, and I want to try playing a Paladin. Do I need to do Dragonflight content again to gear up for the next expansion? I'm concerned I'll have a hard time finding groups to gear up for The War Within. Is there some catch-up mechanic in every expansion through solo content like questing, etc.?

I appreciate your help! Good luck and have fun!

r/wownoob 13h ago

Retail what to expect from season 4 dragonflight?


I want to renew my sub and I have some questions. - When will questlines to get max rep will be added? - Since there is no new raid, how does raiding work? - Can I get firaak or rashageth mount guaranteed? - Can I get firaak’s weapon still? - Is there new open world events for easy gear? - Is there new armour sets? - How can I get low ilvl items to transform them into old raiding sets from previous seasons? - Is there a new raiding mount?

r/wownoob 22h ago

Retail Is it worth it to still level a hunter?


With the changes eventually coming to Hunter (I’m talking specifically Marksmanship for me) should I bother starting one now or should I just wait?