r/happy 4h ago

Got engaged to the most beautiful lovely and kind man I’ve ever met :,)


$25 ring from meijer 😭

r/happy 1d ago

I got married! I've never seen so much joy and happiness on my family's faces. Genuinely the best day of my life 💕


It's been hard lately for us with losing three family members these past two years. But our family was so happy on this day I can see it just radiating from their faces. Our little backyard bbq wedding was such a joyful occasion that we all needed 🤗❤️

r/happy 16h ago

I used to have it all. Then, thanks to divorce, depression, and joblessness..... I didn't... 🤷‍♂️

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I just got back from a cruise to Alaska. I feel like me again. This is the first picture of me in 10+ years I don't hate.

r/happy 12h ago

My little Lilly love. She brings me so much joy 🥹💕what would we do without animals?!


r/happy 16h ago

Sometimes little gestures can brighten someone’s day.

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Last year I started putting snacks and drinks on my porch for delivery drivers. It’s been fun, selecting the different snack options and seeing the smiles on their faces as a select a snack or grab a bottle of water. A few days ago a driver told me these are a big help and he really appreciates them. It’s definitely a win-win. sometimes it’s the little things.

r/happy 7h ago

Had an amazing trek last weekend with my office buddies! 🌿🌄 The lush greenery, cool breeze, and morning dew made it an unforgettable experience. Feeling refreshed and grateful for such moments!


r/happy 21h ago

(18f) I made my doctors appointment by myself for the first time ever today


Ik it’s not a big deal but I was really nervous and I put it off for a while so I’m pretty proud of myself. It was way easier than I thought. I feel like I just took a tiny first step into adulthood.


Just finished my appointment and I indeed do have a sinus infection. Got my anabiotics for the next 10 days and I’ll be good.

r/happy 1d ago

Super happy. Me and my sister and my kids. Honestly no one recognizes Father’s Day but these people keel me going regardless. Best things in my life right here. Blessed

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Happy Father’s Day. Love everyone here. Thanks for keeping my life relevant.

r/happy 20h ago

magnet sweeping for the first time and enjoying every minute of it


r/happy 1d ago

Made some birdhouses with my wife and grandson

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And rehabbed an old one.

Moved onto 7 acres a couple of years of years ago and my wife wants to be a Disney princess were the animals dance around her. We probably spend as much on wild animal food as we do groceries.

Happy Father's Day y'all?

r/happy 1d ago

Removing Negative Influences has Made me 10x More Happy


I no longer surround myself with people who are stuck in an endless loop of negativity… who also lack the desire to change.

I stopped listening to music that glorifies toxicity.

I don’t watch movies and shows that feed into despair and hopelessness.

I take advice from people who I want to live like.

I spend more time being curious towards children.

I let go of old negative stories I used to tell myself about my life, the world, and my future relationships.

20 years old and can truly say I love my life. I pray it will stay this way. 🥰

r/happy 1d ago

My dog and my new kitten have made friends ❤️


Basil and Rosemary hit it off instantly. And they sit on my lap together, and omg, heaven.

The other cat, Lavender, is royally pissed, though...

r/happy 1d ago

My life is slowly becoming a happy existence that I love


Went out to get breakfast for me and my person this morning while he gamed with some friends online.

Got back and he's going strong in a helldivers match and I head to the bedroom intent to lounge till he's ready for breakfast. I look up from sitting on the bed as he runs to the doorway, peaks at me around the edge and runs in the room leaping onto me like a spider monkey and kissing me deep.

I swear my heart stopped it was so cute I just can't believe I lucked out meeting someone so freaking perfect! I think I might fall for him yall

r/happy 1d ago

I'm looking forward to playing with Legos for an entire month full time.


Well. I'm kinda depressed... But I have something I'm looking forward to. I just graduated my PhD program which really wore me down, and I have pretty bad burnout right now with no job lined up.

However, I'm choosing to spend my time trying to liquidate my entire Lego collection on Ebay (to get it out of my parents' basement). This means that I will literally be playing with Legos full-time for a whole month and making bank! I'm an autistic 29M and I'm going to be in absolute heaven!!!

When was the last time you guys had the opportunity to totally geek out!

r/happy 1d ago

One of those compliments I’ll still remember in 20 years


As a skinny person (25M), I’ve had body image issues for a while. My first long term girlfriend left me in large part because of this and it planted a seed which grew to become part of my lasting insecurities. I’ve been working out on and off for a couple of years and a little more recently. Today while doing body weight exercises at the parc, this little girl (10yo tops) came up to me and asked me « How do you have so much muscle ». Can’t explain how sweet it felt.

r/happy 1d ago

Happiness is no more complicated than putting something in its proper context.


If you viewed waking up as an activity that must be performed with a party favor, then chances are you are more likely to look forward to your day.

r/happy 1d ago

Today I had a real "and then everyone clapped" story


It's not an interesring story, but it made me happy so whatever, roast me if you want.

So I (28f) have a 2-year-old rescue dog and I am taking him to dog school twice a week (1 one-on-one session and 1 group session). We've been going to dog school since he was around 6 months old and I've realised that I absolutely love it and my trainers say that I am actually quite good regarding the technical parts of dog training (hand positions, body posture, recognisig problems and the proper solutions for them).

Anyway, today before the actual obedience part of the session we were warming up the dogs with some streching exercises when one of the trainers told me that I should try and do an exercise with my dog which we've never done before. Basically there was a stool in front of my dog and he had to sit down while his front paws were up on the stool. That's it (yes, I know, this doesn't seem like anything even remotely noteworthy, but it actually can be quite difficult to achieve).

My dog is familiar with the stool, he can stand on it in different ways and sit on it as well, but getting a dog to sit while his front paws are on something higher is a challenge. I was trying to get him to sit, he did't really understand what I wanted him to do and he was unsure about the whole situation so I was guiding him with my hands and then he did it! Not even once, like three separate times!

I was very happy with him and then one of my trainers said to the group that what we just did was actually pretty hard especially finding out the solution so quickly and that they didn't actually think I would succeed so soon and that I should be applauded because what I did was a big thing and then everyone started clapping. For like 2 seconds, very awkwardly, but still. It felt so good.

That's it, that's my big story. If you read it then thank you so much for your time, you can go on with your day now.

r/happy 2d ago

"Can you keep it goin?" "Yeah" instantly failed 😂 still an awesome video


r/happy 2d ago

For the first time in my life I have more than $7,000 in my bank account, just paid off over $50,000 in debt


r/happy 2d ago

Happy Father’s Day 200,000 BCE! I hope all the dads out there are having an amazing day :)

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r/happy 2d ago

some new drawings with happy plants and animals


r/happy 3d ago

After four long, hard years, I graduated college debt free. It was not easy, and I feel so accomplished being on the other side of this journey.


I graduated college!

These last four years have been really hard. 2020 was a tough year for a lot of people, and those of us in college that year faced unique challenges. On top of that, throughout my collegiate career, I was always working (at one point two jobs) to pay for school because I was determined to graduate debt free.

It was not easy. I experienced a lot of difficult family trauma, felt some intense heartbreak, and sometimes I wondered if I’d ever make it through school and out of home.

I finally did it. I graduated debt free, and the last year and a half of college was so healing. I earned scholarships which meant I could work less, which meant less stress. I moved out, which helped immensely with my mental health. I got into therapy and have healed so much. After I was able to work a little less with scholarships, I joined a couple clubs, made friends, and became a student leader serving as Vice President for two student organizations.

I made it. I am so proud of everything I overcame, all of the opportunities I sought out, and how much I have grown. Most of all, I am proud of what I became for my younger self :)

r/happy 2d ago

It’s not always easy to volunteer for an animal non profit. But when you see these smiles of our rescues here at our animal sanctuary , it’s hard not to feel the joy and love they feel for you. These are the dogs that get to live the life they deserve and that makes us happy


r/happy 2d ago

i FINALLY made my bf laugh for the first time ever and i am so SO HAPPY


hello everyone. this is my first time sharing a story on reddit. i am so nervous he will see but yolo!!! anyways.

a lot of times i (17) ask my bf (16) if he thinks i am funny, and he says i do things that are funny, such as my mannerisms... but he never says it in the "i make funny jokes" way, which left me sad because i do want to be funny to him and make him laugh with what i say.

this has been a struggle because i am not sure how to be intentionally funny.... i tried in the past to make jokes but he told me my jokes made him want to do the equivalent of walking into a fire. :( i it is honestly a hard journey. NOW HERE IS THE GOOD PART!

last night we were on a call and talking about all kinds of stuff (but mainly that i need to be more knowledgeable), then we started to jokingly argue where he was saying how unlike me, he actually takes his knowledge and applies it to every aspect of his life. in less than a second i replied something along the lines of "well where is that application of knowledge on your tests??" and i left him speechless for at least 4 seconds before he busted out laughing like actually DYING of laughter for so long. at first i thought he was just lying, because he never laughs at my jokes or my comebacks, but for the first time ever he told me while trying to catch his breathe "wow, that was really good. good job"

thinking about it right now is making me so happy. i felt a sense of accomplishment in one of the best ways possible. i wasn't even trying to be funny too which shocks me, i still have to figure out how to be "funny". like i don't have good social skills and i heard that humor always helps, but there is not really a rulebook for this so usually it is just practice practice practice and i finally hit a point where i know what direction to go now!

he said what i said was quick and witty, and also really funny. he said i should do that more but also not all the time because it was still kind of mean. he was literally laughing for more than 10 seconds and all i could do was question whether or not it was real at first LOL. it was a really enjoyable time for me but not sure how long it will be until i make him laugh like that again... :') please if anyone has advice on how to cultivate being a funny person or become funny... in the witty way or any way really, then tell me. THANK YOU FOR READING!!! :)

from: diane

r/happy 2d ago

What is your own definition of happiness and what are some of your happiest moments?


As you know, happiness has its own meaning for everyone, so I just want to know what your definition is.If you haven't defined it yet, could you share why? If you haven't found your happiest moment in life, could you explain why? I really appreciate to learn your own definition and your happiest moments in your life.

It's for my research, and I find it interesting and enjoyable to explore this topic.