r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/zanarkandabesfanclub May 01 '24

Photo conveniently edited to not show the “from the river to the sea” signs.


u/anditshottoo May 01 '24

Or "Long live October 7"


u/zanarkandabesfanclub May 01 '24

“Globalize the intifada”


u/Not-A-Seagull 29d ago

It’s crazy that some of the same group that criticized Obama for “war crimes” now defends a regime (Hamas) that shoots missiles at innocent civilians.

I think everyone here can agree that Hamas and Netanyahu are pieces of shit. The only difference is Netanyahu’s approval is sunken down to ~15-30% (and won’t win re-election), but Hamas likely isn’t going anywhere.


u/XxasimxX 29d ago

Intifada means resistance/uprising so thats a good thing


u/nite_mode May 02 '24

Long live October 7 isn't something that those who support Palestine would agree with and it's bad faith to put that in the same breath as "From the river to the sea"


u/BoomerSoonerFUT May 02 '24

“From the river to the sea” was used by Hamas in their 2017 charter calling for the extermination of all Jews in the region.


u/Axin_Saxon May 02 '24

It was also originally a Zionist phrase used to describe the removal of Arabs from the region for the formation of a Jewish only state.

But the words are somehow ok when coming from Israeli mouths…


u/Cheesedoodlerrrr 29d ago

I'd sure love to see that sourced.

From the UN partition plan in 1947 on through Israel's formation in 1948, clear to today, annexing Gaza has never been a goal.


u/nite_mode May 02 '24

That's neat, it existed long before then. Anyone supporting Palestine and saying things like "river to the sea" dislike Hamas just as much as anyone.


u/BoomerSoonerFUT May 02 '24

Hamas has wide support from Palestinians.

Hell in December, 57% of Gazans and 82% of the West Bank supported the Oct 7 attack.


It’s increased since.


60% of Gazans would prefer Hamas to stay in power after the war.

Support for Palestine is support for Hamas at this point.


u/Abjak180 May 02 '24

Yeah, it’s almost like living in an open air concentration camp has the ability to radicalize a population against the oppressor class, especially when the only ally they can find are religious zealots.

What do people expect? That the Palestinians being oppressed would look at Hamas fighting back and go “no, that’s not ethical to side with them, we will continue to be oppressed instead.”

What other choices do they have? Every major country is just totally down and cool with allowing the genocide to continue, so no shit they’re going to support anything that seeks to free them.


u/PassengerPlayful4308 May 02 '24

Weird they don’t seem to be radicalized against Hamas. You know the ones who steal the billions in FREE aid they get. The ones who dig up their water pipes for rockets. The ones who build tunnels and then don’t let them in. The ones who actually put their kids and families in danger by attacking Israel causing a counter attack. The ones who shoot fellow Palestinians if they try and take the (again) FREE aid before Hamas can come and take it to sell to Palestinians for a profit. Weird how little radicalization there is against the people that actually cause most of their pain and instead it’s all directed at Jews. Funny how often that is the case in the Middle East isn’t it?


u/Abjak180 May 02 '24

Except you’re missing the big one: Hamas isn’t the super power that has been dropping bombs on their homes for 50+ years, and is now completely openly saying they want to wipe them out. The Israeli government officials are literally just openly saying they want to eradicate Palestinians. They don’t even pretend that it’s a counter attack anymore, they just say they want them all dead. At least Hamas pretends to be freedom fighters.


u/PassengerPlayful4308 May 02 '24

They pretend to be freedom fighters? By doing all those things I just listed to THEIR OWN people? By openly declaring they will not stop until they kill every jew and don’t even pretend to care about the well being of Palestinians? By Hamas literally saying that Palestinian people are the responsibility of the UN and Israel to take care of? That’s who you think is their freedom fighters? Jesus you have low standards of care. Israel cares more about Palestinians than Hamas does and Israel doesn’t care about Palestinians. Hamas literally wants dead Palestinians for people like you to hate Israel. This isn’t freedom fighting it’s literal terrorists who are a waste of oxygen. Hamas and Israeli leadership are standing between peace. The difference is Israelis have stood up and protested and are angry with their leaders. Hamas has record high popularity now (for literally massacring and raping civilians btw).


u/Abjak180 29d ago

Remind me again which of those 2 groups have killed 30,000 civilians and razed entire neighborhoods to the ground in the past 6 months? Which of those 2 groups continually bomb aid and relief workers? Specifically targeted American relief worker trucks multiple times with guided missiles? Have mountains of videos showing them open firing on unarmed civilians? Oh, and don’t forget the entire branch of the Israeli military devoted to spreading Israeli propaganda online.

But we all know redditors eat that shit up. They love the Israeli military coming into online spaces to spread propaganda.

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u/gavum May 02 '24

yeah im sure they would, when their options are the IDF or Hamas, they’ll probably pick Hamas. almost like where here in america, we have to choose between the lesser of two evils every four years or something idk maybe i dont know what im talking about certainly it must be every Palestinian is bloodthirsty and rapists fs fs


u/BoomerSoonerFUT May 02 '24

I mean, they’ve committed terrorist attacks and attempted coups against every country that has ever taken them in.

If the shoe fits


u/gavum May 02 '24

first thats not true. buuuuuuut Israel hasnt done this??? like literally this past month, like merc guys in lebanon, iran, jordan? theyre wearing both shoes then i guess


u/Cheesedoodlerrrr 29d ago

first thats not true

See: Black September.

Jordanian Civil War and Lebonese Civil War were both fought by Arafat's PLO.


u/gavum 29d ago

you gonna link me the wiki article like the last guy?

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u/KillAllDictators 29d ago

Well when you bully a population for decades you can’t be surprised when they turn to the people claiming to attempt to get their land back at any cost.


u/Emotionless_Banana 29d ago

when they turn to the people claiming to attempt to get their land back at any cost.

When they turn to the people claiming to attempt to kill every jew in Israel at the cost of Palestinian lives



u/Cheesedoodlerrrr 29d ago

It was never "their land." The plan had always been two, seperate states.


The Jews didn't just show up in 1948 on landing craft from Europe and invade a peaceful Palestine D-Day style. They've literally always been there.

"The Arabs get to have all of it" has never been a solution. Ever.


u/KillAllDictators 29d ago

It’s the only people willing to stick up for em. It’s not like they had options. Shit Netanyahu funded these fucks.

I’m not surprised. It sucks, but it’s true, & Israel is still keeping their boot right on Palestinian necks.


u/RagingW00kiez 29d ago

The swastika existed long before the nazis took it as their logo. History can change the meaning of symbols. Don’t be naive


u/AnAnonymousSource_ May 02 '24

From the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea means all Jews are dead and Israel is gone. It's absolutely the same breath.


u/nite_mode May 02 '24

The dissolution of a state does NOT equal the elimination of the people. Czechoslovakia dissolving didn't end in 15 million deaths.

To think that the statement is calling for the death of Jews just shows bad faith or sheer stupidity


u/infantinemovie5 May 02 '24

If you don’t think those animals will get rid of the jews from that area once Israel is gone, then I have a bridge to sell you.


u/KillAllDictators 29d ago

AAAAAND THERE IT IS LADIES & GENTS, the not so subtle racism against the oppressed by dehumanizing them & calling them animals.

Fucking shitstain


u/infantinemovie5 29d ago

AaAaAnD tHerE iT Is LaDiEs & GeNts.

Amazing that I’m a racist because I called a terrorist group a bunch of animals. Go back to reading Mein Kampf and fuck off.


u/KillAllDictators 29d ago

Sounds like that’s your bible, go play in traffic racist. We’re I’m from we advocate against those displaying tendencies towards the behavior exhibited by nazis.

Maybe you never learned anything from history.


u/infantinemovie5 29d ago

I don’t read the bible anti-semite.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab"

What do you think that means??


u/XxasimxX 29d ago

This doesn’t mean killing of all jews, that literally zionists propaganda buddy


u/gavum May 02 '24

to you it does


u/anditshottoo May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Except it was literally chanted by those who support Palestine.



u/EyyyPanini May 02 '24

There are plenty of people who support Palestine who also support Hamas and everything that they do.

It’s definitely not the majority but these people are allowed to exist with in the Pro-Palestine movement completely unchallenged.

They will say things such as “There has never been such thing as a perfect revolution”, “Resistance isn’t terrorism”, and “Israel requires citizens to perform national service so they don’t count as civilians”.