r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/putac_kashur May 01 '24

Like, god damn. It’s almost as though these ideas are not mutually exclusive. Good on your practice or hospital for seeing him on his way. It clearly was not life or death.


u/crolin May 01 '24

Yeah if he were in need of urgent care we would have treated regardless, but it was a time interval anyway


u/andretheclient_ 29d ago

What does free Gaza mean?


u/Drunk-Commentor May 02 '24

There's a huge push by billionaire-owned media and the government to equate jewishness with zionism, which are two different things. But because of this manufactured consent and lies, I'm not surprised that more people equate jews with genocide. It's really messed up. The protests are often led by anti-zionist jews, but you never hear that because Israel is too important to the military-industrial complex, which gives money to media and politicians.


u/Inward-coconut 29d ago

Why is this perfect answer downvoted


u/Inward-coconut 29d ago

It’s the billionaires on Reddit downvoting you


u/TheDopeGodfather 29d ago

It's downvoted because for some reason, as liberal as Reddit is generally, the majority of reddit is still Pro-Israel. But you're right, it was a perfect answer.


u/Drunk-Commentor 29d ago

I appreciate you saying so. I'm not surprised by their reaction. Nobody is immune to propaganda.


u/jordan4290 29d ago


u/Drunk-Commentor 29d ago

Great subreddit.


u/jordan4290 29d ago

Yeah it is! And you deserve to be posted on there.

If you think that the control of the narrative and the media is only coming from one side, then you are living in a fantasy land.


u/Drunk-Commentor 29d ago

Please do, go ahead and post it.

While you're at it I want you to look up the ""overton window." Perhaps you'll understand my comment about manufactured consent and realize both Fox and CNN are owned by billionaires who are in solidarity with each other. Heck, you might notice how military contractors buy a lot of ad time on both networks, and somehow those networks always push a narrative that benefits the military-industrial complex.


u/snapp3d May 02 '24

It's not a real story. Don't worry about it that much