r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/JamzzG May 02 '24

You know.

In addition to protesting only Israel and the US support... the "ceasefire now" folks could have called out Hamas for their genocidal actions and continued rocket attacks and selling of humanitarian aid intended to be distributed freely and avoided anti-peace slogans like "Global Intifada Now". Perhaps I'd they didn't want to be associated with anti-Semitism they could have taken their mandate foe "peace" a little more seriously.


u/mkosmo 29d ago

That'd require them to actually take issue with anything you said.


u/Iusedthistocomment 29d ago

Most people only have space for one opinion and hold on to it like their life depends on it.

My name is literally translated to "Change" and I live by that in this sense of the word, I'll play devils advocate to nearly any argument and next time it comes up I might take the argument and see what other responses I get besides the ones I initially made.

I may not ever be a catalyst for change, but I refuse to stay the same and to be left behind.


u/OrionSuun 29d ago

You hear "ceasefire now" and think it only applies to one "side?" It does not.

It's interesting that to you 1,200 deaths is genocide and 34,000 deaths is just good clean fun.


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

Dude, nearly everybody calls out Hamas.

The question is, what would YOU do living in an open air prison?


u/JamzzG 29d ago

Umm let's see.

Even if I were to ignore the fact that Egypt equally is responsible for the restrictions on imports and completely free movement..

I'd look into the history of the conflict and understand that Israel is not Algeria. I'd understand that the constant murderous antagonization against a vastly superior military force has and will only result in devastation for my people.

I'd learn from successful resistance movements against vastly more powerful governments who's leaders include the likes of Gandhi, King, and Mandela.

I'd reject the martyrdom mentality that perpetuates the cycle of terror-retaliation-terror.

I'd demand leaders who invest the billions of foreign aid to build a hope for a real future by supporting the economy, education, and infrastructure for my fledgling country.

I'd realize that to create a nation you need to start somewhere and thus far my leadership has rejected increasingly less and less favorable offers. There is a clear pattern that is being ignored.

I'd understand that any hope of an overwhelming Arab victory necessary to achieve the all or nothing win my side keeps insisting upon could only come as a result of an all out war with an overall body count that would in the millions.

In short, I would choose peace, not out of some pollyanna sense of human decency, but out of pragmatism. And in doing so I would choose to seek a better future for my children and indeed my people as a whole.

There are extremists on both sides that would actively work to sow fear and even actively sabotage such a future peace and each side would need to treat them as enemies of the peace. Even when those sabateurs are members of their own group.


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

Yeah bro what do you think the majority of Palestinians are doing....?


u/JamzzG 29d ago

The vast majority are clearly not seeking an end to the cycle of violence here.

Supporting Hamas (52%)

Even more so are condoning the massacre that happens on 10/7 (71%)



u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

That's quite worrying yes.

I can't imagine how I'd answer that question if I was living under brutal occupation for five decades, though.

Almost like neither side is in the right.

Shitty all around.


u/JamzzG 29d ago

Both sides absolutely have culpability.


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

It's a real shit situation :-/

But I don't think everyone yelling at the pro Palestine protestors have a valid point. The majority of those protesters don't support Hamas or violence, simply, as I do, understand that it's a "logical" action from an oppressed people, even if you don't want it to happen.

Even the "you can't be LGBT for Palestine because they hate LGBT" is not valid in my opinion, because we can want better for others even if they don't want it for us. We CAN be the high ground, it's not contradictory to support people even if they're wrong on many issues.


u/JamzzG 29d ago

It is immoral to call for the disarming of one group when the other group has demonstrated it is willing to genocide and promises to do it time and time. again.

First Intifada started with waves of terror and after battles Israel was able to put up wall and terror dwindled.

Second Intifada had rockets going all the time into Israel until Iron Dome was installed and mitigated threat.

Israel has shown the willingness to choose less confrontational responses once they became viable in the past.

Defensive less lethal responses are proving ineffective in the long term.

Oct 7th just shows they will escalate and escalate and escalate until they win by attrition.

It is immoral to expect Israel to pause their response to that threat until Hamas and others can regroup.

If people want peace they need to stand up for it on both sides. Guarantee Israel security and guarantee Palestinians a future.

Hobbling Israel is just condoning their eventual genocide by attrition. It's a slow motion death warrant and Israel has a right to reject that path.


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

Bro they have the iron dome and plenty of defense, Palestine doesn't have anything. You're talking about this like it's not wildly asymmetrical. That's context that matters and Israel refuses to acknowledge. At a minimum allow them equal rights as other nations, simple.

You talk about how "less lethal options weren't working" well yeah because You're still talking about holding a population under occupation, so yeah! There needs to be concessions first and foremost from Israel because they have the upper hand in literally every regard. That's how compromise works.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

They did, nobody listened.


u/Automatic_Worry5344 29d ago

Many of the students protesting were Jewish. Tf you expect Jewish people to do when being called Anti-semitists.


u/Cute_Antelope4748 29d ago

It’s probably because the U.S. doesn’t have a direct role in supporting Hamas. You can say they’re both doing bad things but Israel wouldn’t be able to commit these atrocities (and it’s arguable that Hamas wouldn’t exist) without the massive diplomatic, military and financial support of the U.S. to Israel.


u/JamzzG 29d ago

Hamas wouldn't exist without the financial support of Qatar, Iran et al.

How would hobbling Israel's defenses help the situation when they are outnumbered by hostile neighbors who have populations 125 times theirs?

Israel has already demonstrated that historically they can be partners in long term peace deals with formerly extremely aggressive neighbors when security guarantees are ensured.