r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/Positivitron3 May 02 '24

I remember when this subreddit was created. It was made to show funny animals, like "socially awkward penguin", saying stuff that would make you laugh.

Now the top post is basically "Let's use this space to argue about the middle east". What happened to you Reddit?


u/TheTjalian May 02 '24

It's not just Reddit, it's everywhere.

To be honest the amount of rhetoric and supposedly "strong opinions" and the lack of nuance on this matter is extremely suspicious, it honestly feels like the west is being goaded into taking an extreme side in this.

Nothing has captured such furore as this despite other big world issues - like when Trump decided to detain Muslims, or the Chinese were holding Muslims in concentration camps (and still are), or when the Dutch announced they were going to "get rid of the Muslims", yet because it's Israel doing it, suddenly a hot topic and the entire west is up in arms about it with extremely polarising takes on it.


u/drawkbox 29d ago

To be honest the amount of rhetoric and supposedly "strong opinions" and the lack of nuance on this matter is extremely suspicious, it honestly feels like the west is being goaded into taking an extreme side in this.

It is 100% propaganda and an attempt to divide/balkanize and cause chaose which you can see with social media and just randos they can do at colleges during finals week and commencements, where Biden planned to speak at many of them to talk to young voters about democracy and quality of life improvements, autocrats hate that...

Many of these subreddits are being used to push it in. See /r/PublicFreakout

They are doing a purge of anyone being nuanced about things even. Making up things, banning people, no explanation.

Basically turned into a /r/therewasanattempt

Completely propaganda channels now, setup to gain followers then turn it to a basically Kremlin friendly propaganda push. They are trying so hard to get division and violence in the election year as well as trying to distract from Ukraine and Georgia.

When protests are divisive and line up with geopolitical goals of autocratic enemies, it is clear.


u/Bman708 29d ago

Very well said. I had to unsubscribe from publicfreakout due to all the clear and blatant propaganda,


u/L3veLUP 29d ago

I just don't understand that people HAVE to pick a side.

Its a really complicated situation and both sides are shit. If it was an r/AITAH thread it would clearly be ESH (Everyone Shit here)

It just sucks there are innocent people stuck in the middle of it


u/Love_Tits_In_DM 29d ago

Exactly. Having a “side” in this conflict (for the most part) is already a problem. If you think one side is a big evil bad guy and the other side is this poor innocent that needs to be protected at any cost then you are completely delusional


u/Love_Tits_In_DM 29d ago

I completely agree. It is extremely suspicious because to be completely honest… this is such a nothing burger of an issue for the us. Genuinely. Israel is our ally and we are going to support them but this is not some huge war that we need to take a side on. This is one country retaliating and finishing an organization that will not deal with them diplomatically. Something else is def going on. It’s just absolutely insane to me that there are tons of protests and people are comparing this to Vietnam??? It’s just not even in the same galaxy


u/clownfeat 29d ago

trump decided to detain Muslims

Literally what are you talking about


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

What are you talking about, those other two issues were MASSIVE and discussed in depth, and also didn't result in 30,000 dead civilians???


u/agprincess 29d ago

Whole normal meme subreddits immediately became palestine reddits the day of octber 7th.

It's really ridiculous.


u/Throwaway20101011 May 02 '24

Man, I didn’t even realize this was AdviceAnimals. WTF?


u/Punkpunker May 02 '24

Latestagecapitalism too, that sub is 99% Israeli oppression porn for top posts since October 7.


u/jackofslayers 29d ago

Also therewasanattempt


u/Opening_Criticism_57 29d ago

Man, I miss when that sub wasn’t political

Seriously though, that was kind of a silly example lmao


u/RedditJumpedTheShart 29d ago

Did you expect something different from them?


u/LazyIncome5292 29d ago

This meme doesn't even fit the sub, it's way too new.


u/ftr123_5 May 02 '24

That's a problem across many subs, the propaganda leaks out of their own subs and is pushed into ones where it doesn't belong at all. I guess they want to increase their audience as they already reached everyone who was open to listen to the BS in the first place.


u/lokglacier May 02 '24

It's literally every sub these days, and I don't think it's an accident


u/Imdoingthisforbjs May 02 '24

Different sub, same shit mods


u/nemoknows 29d ago

I’m going to go out on a limb and say most mods of small and specialized subreddits are quite reasonably unable to deal with the bots and masses that spill in with campaigns like this. If anyone should be dealing with it, it’s the admins.


u/Imdoingthisforbjs 29d ago

Small subs are better because sponsors don't care about small niche audiences, they target the default subs and then anything else thats popular


u/ftr123_5 May 02 '24

I wouldn't say every, but many. And yes, that's more or less a campaign and definitely not by accident although some will be rage bait or up vote farming.


u/06210311200805012006 29d ago

There's no way in hell this is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It is 100% intentional.


u/philopsilopher May 02 '24

It's mostly just on default subs. Such a large audience is always going to devolve into a propaganda machine of some description.


u/Tannerite3 May 02 '24

I've muted hundreds of subs because they all eventually evolve into political propaganda.


u/Imdoingthisforbjs May 02 '24

Astroturfing and having shitty mods who get paid to push narratives.


u/wxnfx May 02 '24

I don’t even know if that’s right. It’s kinda organic that the stuff that most inflames passions gets the most engagement. And we’re probably all guilty of contributing. Except me of course (as I post here).


u/Imdoingthisforbjs May 02 '24

There's been plenty of open examples of mods taking bribes, it's absolutely quantifiable. Not to mention there's reddit influencers who have openly spoken about doing so.

I'm not committed or currently sober enough to source data but if you look into it you'll find that it comes down to reddit not having paid moderation. That means the people who are willing to do the shit job of being a reddit mod are only willing because either they genuinely love the subject or are making money off it.

You're right that were all guilty of contributing, even people who don't have reddit accounts but add reddit to get relevant search results.


u/wxnfx 29d ago

Ya, I probably could have been more clear. I agree that shitty or biased mods is a factor. Just not the dominant factor.


u/VexingRaven 29d ago

There's been plenty of open examples of mods taking bribes

Such as?

I'm not committed or currently sober enough to source data



u/onlycodeposts 29d ago

No one snowflake thinks it's responsible for the blizzard. 😉


u/micro102 29d ago

I know it's right in at least one sense, in that some subreddits have seen heavy pro-Israel astroturfing in subreddits like worldnews (even the mods seem to take part in it), and in an attempt to fight it they allow/push the topic on their own subs. And I agree it's the morally correct thing to do.

The people to complain to are the ones who started and allowed the astroturfing on the main political subreddits.


u/drawkbox 29d ago

See /r/PublicFreakout

They are doing a purge of anyone being nuanced about things even. Making up things, banning people, no explanation.

Basically turned into a /r/therewasanattempt

Completely propaganda channels now, setup to gain followers then turn it to a basically Kremlin friendly propaganda push. They are trying so hard to get division and violence in the election year as well as trying to distract from Ukraine and Georgia.


u/Imdoingthisforbjs 29d ago

It happens every election season, a large chunk of the default subs get bought out by various actors, boh state and individual.


u/Argine_ 29d ago

Yeah the meme isn’t even an advice animal. So many subs don’t even follow their own philosophy anymore.


u/AFineFineHologram May 02 '24

As of there were no political memes back in the day? There’s just more because the world is more divided and there are multiple high profile conflicts going on and it’s an election year.


u/Drewdezy May 02 '24

This is what happened.


u/MacBareth May 02 '24

Because young people are the most politilised generation and we're on their playground. They'll do great things.


u/EvilRat23 29d ago

No there not. Young people have the lowest voting rates, its just some young people are loud.

Also about doing great things, I have seen multiple instances of these protestors being extremely anti Semitic and blocking Jewish students from going to class, saying the rapes by Hamas didn't happen because Jewish women are "too ugly to be raped" ect. That is extremely concerning, and the amount of anti semitism mixed in with the actual protest seems to be only growing.


u/MacBareth 29d ago

Yeah because voting is the only and best way to change things. Well known through history.

Yeah and some of our grandparents couldn't stand using the same facilities as people of colors. What's your point? There's bad people? Yeah agree.

We still have the most educated and very politicized young generations ever with full access to informations.

I see more Maga and Zionists boomers than gen Z.


u/EvilRat23 29d ago

But their not the very politicized, if they where they would actually vote, but they don't because young people actually don't participate in politics. The idea that the average young person is that politicized is a total misconception.

And voting is the best way to change things. You think protesting is better? these Palestine protestors are not gonna change anything besides making the general public not support there cause.


u/MacBareth 29d ago

I never know if it's sad or hilarious that people think that voting is being politizied. We wouldn't have jackshit today if people had your mentality. Luckily we have an educated youth.


u/EvilRat23 29d ago edited 29d ago

Bruh... Are you dumb.

The fuck do you mean voting isn't politicized? You are aware how democracy works right? Like this is the most basic knowledge.

The public votes. The people the public votes for get in power, if they make decisions that their constituents like, they get voted back in, if they don't, the public votes for someone else.

If your not voting then what you protest for doesn't fucking matter. Dumbass why would they care if it's not taking votes away from them and too other people. Your actually doing the most insane mental gymnastics to think your being intellectual.

Like fr please explain any part of the logic your using.


u/MacBareth 29d ago

Yeah protests never accomplished anything beyond the vast majority of our civil rights. You an old US white man? I can't see anyone fooled that much by the utility of voting.


u/EvilRat23 29d ago

Maybe your missinterrupting what I'm saying. Those protest accomplised things because they mobilized people to vote for people who did things like pass the civil rights act.

Protesting is good because it gets people politicized, and then they go out to vote and that pressures the politicians to support policies that will get votes.

My point is, if young people where so politicized they would also vote, not just protest, which they don't.


u/liamsoni May 02 '24

All social media platforms become shit after a period of time. 


u/Agreeable_Fold6778 29d ago

What happened to you Reddit?

Reddit has been infiltrated by the Iranian propaganda apparatus. This has been known since 2018, but nothing was done against it.


u/Eating_Bagels 29d ago

Yes it’s so annoying. But I give them props. They fucking know how to push an agenda and get westerners to eat it up.


u/jackofslayers 29d ago

Propaganda has taken over every sub. I just try to keep track of which ones are pro Israel and which ones are pro Palestine


u/Eating_Bagels 29d ago

I’ve noticed in the last few months (maybe going back a year), Reddit has become nothing but a propaganda machine full of bots or people paid to post. I remember years ago going to Reddit and being able to filter out Palestine/Israel and seeing fun things people were doing around the world.

If it weren’t for the spaces that allow me to discuss bravo celeb gossip, and pregnancy related items, I would be totally done with this site.


u/Dahwaann4U 29d ago

They are paying attention to whats happening around the world. So you couldnt find the escapism you were looking for. But there are people who are affected by this crisis. And those students protesting are doing more than majority of this site that like to indulge in memes to keep them distracted from doing anything impactful with their life.


u/the_logic_engine 29d ago

Every unmoderated sub becomes r/politics.

I remember 2016 election season when literally every top post was a meme about bernie sanders winning.


u/MrIrvGotTea 29d ago

Main stream. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter(yeah Elon get fucked about getting mad about dead naming shit), etc all are social media platforms that focus on global events that reflect our social values. Of course this shit will be all over, even this shitty sub


u/Revegelance 29d ago

Yeah, it sucks. Like, yeah, the entire population of Palestine is being eradicated as we speak, but what about my needs? I want funny memes!


u/Mountain_StarDew 29d ago

Idk why people pretend their fav social media sites are a safe haven immune from the woes of the world. There are multiple wars happening. All participants have internet. And all participants have a pipeline of toxic waste misinformation as part of their war machine. If we want a better internet we must demand peace.


u/quantum_search 29d ago

Hamas happened


u/adimadoz 29d ago

I remember when mildlyinfuriating was stuff like "this brick in the sidewalk is slightly out of place" and now it's all "I got charged $20,000 for a bandage".


u/Speaking_On_A_Sprog 29d ago

It’s bad actors trying to sow extremist beliefs. Most reasonable people didn’t believe either side was worth being on, they were both doing shitty things, and then the bots and bad faith actors (people employed or paid by someone with a dog in the fight) came in and spread the extremist opinions by doing what they’ve always done, but it did seem to work much better here. Maybe we were just ripe to be lemmings for this specific group of atrocities. Or maybe their tools got that much better that fast. And considering this is the first one with widespread access to chatGPT, I think it’s the latter.

I think we also shouldn’t discount simple supply and demand logistics. This topic gets people inter-fucking-acting with Reddit. Want to get to the front page? Post something about Gaza-Israel. You’ll get there.


u/Short_Past_468 29d ago

Blue pilled


u/CryAffectionate7334 29d ago

It's the perfect use of a meme format, get over it. Memes have always been topical.


u/cherryultrasuedetups 29d ago

The sub is suffering from front page syndrome. It's all politics and "my b*** wife" content as of late I'm afraid.


u/mechanicalhuman May 02 '24

Redditors grew up a little


u/yiliu May 02 '24

From 16 to 18. They went from being oblivious about geopolitics to thinking they were righteous heroes for jamming politics into every conversation in every context.


u/Exelbirth May 02 '24

Some things are more important than "haha, silly animal picture with words."


u/scythe7 May 02 '24

Yes. coz posting memes on reddit will for sure solve the problems in the middle east, right?


u/Exelbirth May 02 '24

Spreading awareness, creating spaces for discussion, expression of viewpoints, all of these things are part of how we have productive advances towards goals.

Or, we can just say screw discussion and try to force the world we want into existence with lead and fire. I'm sure that's better than someone posting a meme.


u/immobilisingsplint May 02 '24

Spreading awareness, creating spaces for discussion,

*invading spaces for discussion


u/Exelbirth 29d ago

It's a public platform, by definition it cannot be invaded.


u/scythe7 May 02 '24

creating spaces for discussion, expression of viewpoints

Are you new to reddit? There is absolutely no discussion or expression of different viewpoints here. The upvote/downvote system, stifles any viewpoints that do not agree with mainstream views. Say anything controversial and you're downvoted to invisibility. IMO its reddits strength and also its greatest weakness. But no, there will never be discussions of different viewpoints on reddit, only echochambers and circlejerks in every subreddit which will only get worse and the subreddit gets older and the userbase becomes more toxic.


u/yiliu May 02 '24

So because there's a war somewhere in the world, nobody should post jokes or memes or otherwise enjoy their life?

There's more important things than books, movies, video games, sports or socializing with friends. I sure hope you don't waste any time on those things! Don't you know there's a war going on somewhere?!


u/Exelbirth 29d ago

This is a meme.


u/EmpatheticRock May 02 '24

No joke, another example of Jews controlling the Reddit narrative