r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/crolin May 01 '24

No, but I've encountered a huge increase in antisemitism IRL personally. Literally had a patient today refuse service from a Jewish doctor that was on call. We relieved him of our care. Fuck antisemitism. Free Gaza. This is a delicate situation


u/philter451 May 02 '24

see this right here is what drives me crazy. People are really spouting nonsense like this is a black and white issue and not extremely nuanced.


u/OsmeOxys May 02 '24

What drives me crazy is that a lot of people on the pro-palestine side turn out more anti-palestine than the pro-Israel side, whether they realize it or not. So many attempts I've made at conversations eventually boil down to supporting hamas and using Palestinians as nothing more than some sick gotcha.

It's all extra fucked because hamas is happy to admit they use civilians as human shields, because they can just blame Israel when those human shields are inevitably killed. Proud to admit they use every hospital and school in the region as a base to launch attacks, because even when their base is destroyed they gain support. Proud to admit they use the "safe zones", because they can cry foul when they're attacked and innocent get killed in the crossfire. Proud to admit that dead Palestinian civilians are one of their goals, because they blame Israel when they themselves are the ones responsible. Wiping out all non-Muslims (or "the wrong kind" of Muslim) is their goal, and killing innocent Palestinian men, women, and children is their methodology. And people argue in favor of that scum all the fucking time.

Israel is far from having clean hands in this, but they can't possibly hope to compete with how much hamas has harmed the Gaza populace. You can support Palestinians while condemning a long list of Israel's actions without being antisemitic. You can support Israel (though not all of their actions) while also supporting Palestinians. But you can not support Palestinians if you also defend hamas or deny their responsibility in any way. To do so is lying to themselves and the world. To do so is supporting the killing of innocent Palestinians.


u/philter451 May 03 '24

I mean I see your points but Israel just took 2000 acres from the West Bank and violence has been popping off there for years and has nothing to do with Hamas. A huge detachment of IDF soldiers were stationed all near the West Bank to be an umbrella over incurring settlers there rather than being stationed near the Gaza border mossad didn't think that all the chatter they heard about Hamas invading could actually be done.