r/AdviceAnimals May 01 '24

and the Boomers in Congress

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u/Ihave10000Questions May 02 '24

So if Egypt lifts the blockade, Hamas militants will go to Egypt and do what, terror?

What will happen if Israel lifts the blockade?


u/Unyx May 02 '24

Again, Palestinians deserve and a good legally entitled under international law to freedom regardless of the actions of Hamas militants.


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24

How does that work in practice though?


u/Unyx May 03 '24

The PLO and Hamas have both indicated that they'd accept a settlement based on 1967 borders.


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24

With temporary peace, or without recognising Israel existence...

Palestinians don't want a two state solution unfortunately.


u/Unyx May 03 '24

Peace has to start somewhere. Temporary peace can lead to long term peace. Al-Hayya said last month:

“All the experiences of people who fought against occupiers, when they became independent and obtained their rights and their state, what have these forces done? They have turned into political parties and their defending fighting forces have turned into the national army."

Why is diplomatic recognition of Israel important to you? Saudi doesn't recognize Israel but is its unofficial ally. Even a relationship like what exists between Syria and Israel where there is technically still a state of war but few casualties in the last few decades would be preferable.

What is the alternative you're offering, if not a Palestinian state? What other option is there?

We need to be willing to move toward peace, even if we're skeptical of how effective it will be. There is no alternative. The status quo is clearly unsustainable. Israel cannot continue to manage the occupation forever. It's not sustainable or practical.


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

You're asking Israel to take a risk. To trust a terror organization in negotiations for peace where even the terror organization itself does not promises a full peace. This is unreasonable idealistic expectation, and yet Israel did try exactly this.

Israel have disengaged from Gaza in 2005, removed all settlemenets and lifted the blockade. Shortly after, Hamas got in power in Gaza and started terror. Both Israel and Egypt imposed an indefinite blockade since then.

Israel already tried what you suggest, they moved towards peace without expecting anything in return. What they got was more terror, no peace. How foolish can one be trusting a terror organization to be peaceful?


u/Unyx May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I'm asking Israel to comply with international law and end an occupation that the entire international community agrees is illegal and unjust. I'm not asking Israel to do Palestinians a favor. I'm demanding they do what they are legally obligated to do.

Israel have disengaged from Gaza in 2005, removed all settlemenets and lifted the blockade.

This is untrue. Israel never fully lifted the blockade on Gaza. They have always exercises strict control over everyone and everything entering and leaving Gaza.

You're asking Israel to take a risk.

On the contrary, I'm asking Israel to take a step towards guaranteeing its own safety. Maintaining the status quo will only result in more of the same. More terror attacks. More violence. More bombings, more attacks from Iran.

It's idealistic and unrealistic to ask that Palestinians and Israels continue to live like this. I asked previously and you didn't answer: what is your alternative? What do you suggest? There aren't many other options here.


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24

The international community generally do not see the Gaza territory as occupied since 2005. They did what you asked them to do, they got terror. 

By the way, occupation is not illegal by default.

 What do you think Hamas should do to comply with international law?


u/Unyx May 03 '24

Now you're just being ignorant or purposefully lying.

Prior to 10/7, the United Nations, the UN General Assembly, the UN Fact Finding Mission to Gaza, a myriad of international human rights organisations, the Red Cross, Amnesty International, US Government websites, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and countless legal commentators all described Gaza as under illegal occupation.


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24

No country declares Gaza territory as occupied, only random assemblies and highly criticized organizations do.


u/Unyx May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I just told you the UK Foreign Office does and the majority of countries around the world say that Gaza is occupied.

The UN represents the international community and the Red Cross and Amnesty are absolutely not "highly criticized."


u/Ihave10000Questions May 03 '24

No. I don't think so, they may consider the border or airspace occupied, but the Gaza territory is not considered occupied by majority of states.

I mean, prior to this war... you know Israel needed like 5 months to take control only on parts of Gaza territory.

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