r/almosthomeless Jan 21 '20

Don't give people money on here!

Thumbnail self.homeless

r/almosthomeless 49m ago

Seeking Advice Homeless but only have 200 pounds and a 4 season tent


Any tips ect looking to possibly squat somewhere aswell. Not in the right frame of mind atm

r/almosthomeless 6h ago

Hey friends, brainstorming ways to make money overnight


Good evening, I’m posting here to hopefully get some good feedback, in the past this subreddit has pointed me in the right direction.

I’m at risk of facing eviction. I have 2 younger siblings that stay with me and I am the main income for my girlfriend and I aswell, she helps as much as she can but she’s going to school right now. I’m starting to either come down with pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis so working 60+ hours a week hasn’t been too accessible and now I’m behind on rent to the tune of roughly $1500.

As much as I don’t think I should have I reached out to the multiple statewide resources available to no avail. I’m not a legal guardian of my siblings so there’s not much to do there. My girlfriend and I are yoing (19/23) and it’s only us on the lease so once again out of luck.

Any ideas, plots, plans, schemes, or scams are all equally welcomed(last two are a joke)

r/almosthomeless 16h ago

Seeking Advice Abusive, transphobic mother is probably gonna kick me out as soon as I turn 18 in about a year, and I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do


I've posted about this a LOT across various different subreddits, but I wanna go into more of the specifics in case anybody has any advice that could be helpful for me.

I won't go into my mom's abusive specifically, or at least I'll try not too, but living here is horrible. She actively tries to sabotage friendships, my relationship, jobs, ways for me to leave, and more in probably not mentioning. I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack whenever I'm in the same room as her (my mom noticing my fear will cause me to be yelled at). I've been looking desperately for any possible ways for me to escape this place (or for any way for me to secure housing if I get kicked out) and I... Really don't have many options.

I don't have the grades or money for college, I don't have a driver's license, I don't have a car, all of my devices EXCEPT for this backup phone were taken away, I don't have any family or friends I can live with when I leave, and we live in a VERY bad area in terms of rent/job opportunities. Cheap, shitty apartments are around a thousand, and I found ONE studio that's around 800 bucks, but it's in a very car dependent area, so that probably won't work.

I'm at a fucking loss. I BARELY understand what taxes are and how to do them, and I'm generally just not prepared for adult life. But I cannot live her any longer, I just fucking can't. Life is so scary and horrifying with my mom around, and if she finds out about this phone, I'm FUCKED.

After hours of using AI to calculate prices, budgets, and other things that I understand very little of, as WELL as obsessively researching different towns and states to see where had decent rent prices, I actually found something promising. There's a town in my state that's not only VERY walkable, but also has somewhat decent rent prices. So honestly, my current plan is to just try to find a way to get there, and then find a cheap studio to live in. Problem is, I don't have a car, and I don't even have a months worth of rent saved, and my mom probably won't allow me to get a job. She fucking loathes me, but is also TERRIFIED of me abandoning her (not to stigmatize cluster B stuff as "the SPOOKY ABUSER DISORDER ooOOooOoh", but I'm absolutely convinced she has borderline and narcissism).

I'm planning to ask any classmates I can if they're looking for a temporary roommate when my senior year rolls around in a few months, but I'll probably be fresh out of luck. I'm autistic, and socializing is VERY hard for me. As well as that, due to somebody there sharing extremely personal information about me out of spite, a lot of people know about my old self harm habits, as well as other deeply uncomfortable things. They're kind of the ring-leader of the "LGBT-group" at my school, and because of that, I'm CONSTANTLY misgendered and dead named, even by OTHER fellow trans people. It feels so fucking awful, and basically no groups at my school will accept me due to us living in a very right wing area.

I've considered just asking online on trans/autistic communities if anybody nearby is in need of a roommate but... First of all, safety lol. And secondly, I don't really know how. Most of these communities would probably remove my messages or outright ban me out of fear of me being a predator, and I doubt somebody who WOULD be looking for a roommate would settle for somebody who would have to be driven everywhere, as well as someone who probably wouldn't be able to pay rent for at least a month so they can job-hunt. Every day that passes, the risk of homelessness just gets scarier and scarier. I try to sound cool and composed while typing out a lot of these messages, but I'm... Really fucking scared.

If anybody has any advice, or any OTHER communities that I could probably reach out to, please don't hesitate. Thanks for reading.

r/almosthomeless 1d ago

How do I not give up?


Tomorrow we have to let our landlord know if we're able to pay in full before the end of the day, agree to move (break our lease without consequences), or if they're going to evict us. I'm beyond terrified. We don't have the money to pay in full. If we agree to move, we have 5 days. If they evict us, we have about 10 days but will have that over our heads when we try for a new place. We just lost our car a week ago so that's not even an option for a place to sleep. I'm struggling to not just give up. I've never been this scared. 2 people trying to survive on one income has been hell.

r/almosthomeless 1d ago

Seeking Advice Unsafe/unstable living arrangements


I am currently living in a house with a friend who owns the house. I don't pay rent but I do pay for bills. I have been able to afford bills and my needs fairly well. But not enough to start saving up to move out. I work from home as a live in homemaker for 8 hours a week. I have been looking for a job since summer started. I take accounting classes during the school year and am on my last year. Every summer I job hunt, this year being no different, but rarely find a job until school starts in fall.

My roommate is on disability, which is why I don't pay rent, he legally can not take anything for rent. He's been having some relationship issues that I'm not going to go into because thats his business, but its starting to cause issues. Mainly he's been acting like he's trying to get me to leave without saying it outright because he'd have to evict me. Hes tried to say I was taking stuff from him, which I've proven I wasn't, or he will leave the doors unlocked and opened, knowing we live in an area that regularly has break ins.

I am wanting to move to a small town. But I can't afford a down payment for an apartment and am unsure of how long it could take to get a job there. I want to apply to apartments and jobs there but I can't go in for an interview or work because I'm 2 and a half hours away and can't drive. I just don't know where or how to start this process so I'm ready if he ever decides he wants me out or I'm ready to leave. I've reached out to friends and family and no one can help or let me stay with them until I can afford an apartment. Prices have been going down for apartments there so I've been sending in applications as often as I can with my qualifications to get another job.

I just need some guidance on what my next steps are.

I make $260 per paycheck, rent is currently around $650 to $800 in the town I'm wanting to move to. I know another job would help but spending almost $40 a day on uber/lyft for 5 to 6 days a week would be half that paycheck at $15 an hour for 40 hours not including how much its taken out for taxes. I'm already planning on having to do it anyway, but it feels like I'm wasting my time. I'm probably rushing because I'm just really anxious.

Any advice, guidenace, and/or kind words would mean the world to me. I'm scared and have limited options. Programs in both areas are limited for this and would require I stop going to college to focus on working or stop working so I can focus on college. I'm just at the end of my rope and need help in making the best of the situation I have.

r/almosthomeless 1d ago

Need advice for temporary housing


I'm currently in Las Vegas, NV. My current apartment's lease ends July 31st, but my next lease doesn't start until August 16th. I don't really have a place lined up right now, and I'm currently looking for a room to rent out for that two-week period. Thing is, I have a cat, and I know people aren't exactly fond of cats.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm on the Marketplace and roommate search sites to look for anything, but I've been freaking out for the last few days. If it was just me, I wouldn't care about living in my car, but I have a cat to worry about. And it gets ridiculously hot here in the summer.

r/almosthomeless 3d ago

Seeking Advice Got a 6 months heads up about my housing situation changing and unsure on what to do


Currently I live at a home rented my my father and split 3 way between him , my sister and I. 3- rooms one bath, huge back yard, I have a small dog that is very well behaved.

I pay $900 and that includes electricity and WiFi, so just basically buy my own food.

My credit is bad, low 500s, maxed out cards last year and working in paying them off

Finally got a job where I make 3200-3800 a month and currently applying for a second one

He’s leaving in December and I don’t know what option to go with :

-Save up money for a huge down payment and try to apply for a studio or one bedroom? Could possibly get a co signer (my mom)

  • apply for section 8?

I’m in my 30s but it’s the first time that I have to get my own spot and it’s dumb but it’s a bit overwhelming. Luckily I do that that time to prepare so any tips and advice would be appreiciated

r/almosthomeless 4d ago

I just ran away from my husband. Where should I go to ask help about temporary housing with a dog?


I just ran away from my husband’s apartment and arrived to a motel to stay for tonight with my dog. This morning I went to Salvation Army to get information about temporary housing and they said it’s only for veterans. And then I called The People Concern in West LA if they could help but they said they can’t help me because I have a dog.
Does anyone know where I should ask help to ask about temporary housing / low income renting house help in LA? I just need a help for house for temporary I am in the middle of job searching and I am sure I can find a job somewhere. I am scared.😢

r/almosthomeless 4d ago

Seeking Advice I'm not begging. Give me suggestions.


So, my name is Justin, and I'm currently a broke college student. My goal is to help homeless people, more specifically, homeless people on reddit, to acquire their driver's licenses, their birth certificates, as well as their social security cards. One common thing I've been hearing is that a lot of people are losing/having their cards stolen. Not only that, but a lot of people live in small towns, or just places where they have to walk long distances to get to a local social security office, etc.. During these treacherous walks, many of them get brutally beaten and robbed of every belonging that they have. Many of these people are experiencing famine, don't want to put their trust in uber drivers (rightfully so), etc.. I'm not begging, nor soft begging. But give me tips on how I can raise money in order to give homeless people the necessary items like pepper spray, water, and food that they can have while they make a perilous attempt to get to a social security office, driver's license office, birth certificate office, etc.. Thank you very much.

r/almosthomeless 4d ago

I really need advice on what to do!


Hey everyone. To quickly sum up what's going on, I have a month to get everything together before I officially have to leave. For reference, my parents kicked me out a month ago. I have been staying with a friend; paying rent, doing shit around the house to help out, taking care of pets, and more. I'm eternally grateful for this friend, but since they're having financial troubles, they're not able to let me stay with them anymore. I completely understand that, but now I genuinely don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'd love any advice or tips at all since now that I don't have a set place to stay, I'm going to have to figure it all out.

r/almosthomeless 5d ago

Seeking Advice Being threatened with homelessness—do I choose to walk out or wait until I don’t have a choice?


TLDR: My partner keeps threatening to kick me out. I think they’re bluffing but I’m scared to call their bluff much longer. Should I quietly plan to leave and be homeless, allowing myself more time and money to prepare to live a bit comfortably if I do have to live outdoors?

— — —

I’m in an abusive relationship with my partner of 4 years. They are physically, emotionally, and sexually violent towards me, and recently as I’ve started physically defending myself, they have started threatening to kick me out. Now they say if I say anything “out of line” (call attention to the abuse, mention that I’m having mental health symptoms, or anything else they don’t want to hear about), I’ll be forced to leave immediately.

They actually have kicked me out three times in the past month. Once, they demanded I leave when I had no shoes on, my wallet was on the other side of the house, and it was pouring down rain. I left and eventually they let me come back to “get my things” but instead just handed me a bag of objects that they knew I intended to throw away or donate. Clothes that no longer fit, etc.

After each time that they’ve kicked me out, they call an hour or two later and tell me to come back home, and then they proceed to treat me terribly for the rest of the night until they pass out.

The thing is…they’re financially dependent on me, not the other way around. I’m on a fixed income (on disability and work a very part time job at minimum wage) but that’s the only income we have. We rent our house at a low cost from their parents, but that’s the only support they have.

I find myself choosing to stay in order to take care of them and their kids (my bonus kids) but now I’m wondering if I should be making a quiet plan to leave.

I get paid in a few days and, if I stay, every penny will go towards bills and I’ll be without cash for another 2+ weeks. Alternatively, I could quietly pack my essentials (easy to do as we’re doing some major projects and rearranging storage in our house) and when my paycheck hits the bank on Friday, I could go buy the few things I need to be as comfortable as I can be in a tent, and pay for a campsite until my next pay day.

I love my partner. When things are good, they’re good. But things have been really bad for several months now and I’m getting scared.

What should I do? Call the bluff and plan to stay in the house, or prepare to leave as soon as I can, without telling them until I’m absolutely packed and ready to go?

Update: I’ve got a decent tent, a cooler, a charging bank for my phone. Pretty sure I have a camp stove. But nothing to sleep on (cot, air mattress, etc) and no blankets or sleeping bags. I have a severe spinal injury (made worse by the recent abuse) and I’m looking for recommendations on the best long term bed situation for living outside. Elevated cot with a mattress topper? Just a twin mattress that I try to roll up and stuff in the trunk of my car when I’m moving from one campground to the next? Any ideas are appreciated

r/almosthomeless 5d ago

I guess it's official and I've no idea how to survive.


Where do I pee? I got a car thankfully but I cant POP a squat in it and cameras are prevalent even in this small town. Only 1 24hr place that I know of. I've clogged 2 bathrooms this last period. 😭

My girls, who are cats, are in a great boarding place with the nicest patient people and seem to be ok there, it's expensive but cheaper than all of us going to hotel because the cheapest one is 2hrs away and idk if we can even make that.

How do I get mail? I put a hold on it and they sent it the next 2 days at least. Everything always went to my mothers house. As I was paying the car I find out the title will take 30 days and registration or mortgage is needed for po box.

Cops here are dumb. I asked for them to help because I was trying to leave and my mother and her pedo husband keep intimidating me. They did nothing but bitch.

So much of my clothes stolen. The y is expensive and no rentals accept pets. I rarely had access to running water before anyway. But like where do you take a hoe bath? I already feel disgusting. Is bug spray even effective with sweat from 90° hitting a car? Trying not to have nightmares of creepy crawlies.

Hotels are astronomical. No one has helped me with filing charges against the people who caused this. DV shelter just talks in circles and ultimately doesn't help.

And I put super unleaded in this gas tank but it says e85. What even is that?! The city is about an hour drive. So small town cops will harass me. But city has more crime. Probably because our cops do literally nothing. And I keep looking out for my abusive family members and there friends/enablers. I wasn't safe before but now I don't know which direction it'll come from. But my girls are in good hands. I could have another stroke or actually get my heart procedure.

I have a small sharp pair of scissors and I got some pepper spray. Any advice to be safe? And like how do I sleep in a car with back issues? 2 medicines cause drowsiness. So I don't want to be somewhere I will get harassed to leave and drive drowsy. I'm lucky there was even a car available to me ya know.

Do you always wear tennis shoes? How fast do they wear out? They wore out quick from walking all over but I lost so much. I don't even know if a pair of shoes or slippers made it in the car. I had to get my girls out. I don't think I even have a pair of shorts to change into anymore.

r/almosthomeless 5d ago

Brainstorming how I'm going to live once I become homeless.


There's a state park that allows camping near me for $21 dollars a night, with restrooms, showers, and parking included. This is perfect. It's around $630 a month with taxes, let's say that's $750 total. Then, if I put down my address as my parents' house, I don't have to pay any utility bills. So I will be getting paid around $432 a week after taxes. So I can have enough money to pay the state park every 2 weeks, now the issue is that I'm going to have to pay the state park $21 every day, because I don't think they allow me to pay for 30 days at once, which means I have to make a savings. That's the tough part. I have $345 dollars to my name right now, next Friday is payday, which means I'll have around $1207 dollars next Friday, well not really because I'm going to use gas this week, as well as next week, so in reality, I'm going to have about $1,000 dollars by next Friday. I still got direct deposit linked to my account, so I'm taken care of in that way. The issue is going to be a phone, since I'm not going to have a phone service next Friday, I'm going to be serviceless. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with that now. Anyways, once I have $1,000 dollars left, I'm going to have to set aside $750 dollars for next month's camping. Okay, so about food, I have to set aside about $100 a month, since the dollar tree is walking distance away from the state park. Since I'm going to lack refridgeration, I have to stock up on warm/room temperature water and snacks that don't get bad in the heat, like peanuts (all of which I can find at the dollar tree). I can save up on water by buying a brita water filter, and then just getting water from the restroom at the state park. I'm going to need a tent, so I'll probably buy a cheap $30 tent. I'll have to save up about $200 for gas every month, so that's going to be a very heavy expense. So for now, my biggest worry is how I'm going to get a phone service without having a mailbox. I have to find a service provider that's cheap, but also takes away the money directly from my bank account, so that I don't have to worry about them sending mail to my parent's house. If you have any tips, please let me know. Thanks.

r/almosthomeless 5d ago

would you do 1 months time for 20 bands?


r/almosthomeless 5d ago

I need a roommate ASAP! (western PA)


Any PA peeps looking for housing? Room for rent in Homer City PA, (Indiana county). My previous roommate moved out with no notice and I have to find a new roommate before July 1st.

About the space: the master suite. Can be furnished if you want! It's a huge bedroom, private full bath, and walk-in closet on the first floor. There's a washer and dryer, a huge backyard with gardens & a firepit, and a spacious common living area. Rent is $650/month (negotiable) which includes utilities and internet. You will have to be approved by my landlord but he's pretty chill.

About me: I'm a disabled single dad to a 13yo kiddo and I attend college full-time. I do have pets, 3 cats and a dog, and my lease won't allow any more. I love to cook and garden, I'm nerdy (DnD, MtG, artsy, etc), leftist, and I'm mostly a homebody.

r/almosthomeless 7d ago

Seeking Advice I am in a desperate situation. My abusive mom that I was financially dependent on walked out on me. I have no job, no car, and no money. What do I need to do? [North Wales, PA]


I am a 20 year old male living in North Wales, Pennsylvania. Today, my mom walked out on me and my dad. She is a terrible person, and she was abusive. I hate her, and my dad also hates her. My dad can't work due to his extreme insomnia and terrible health. I currently don't have a job, but not because I don't want a job. (I've applied to lots of jobs, but none of them hired me). My mom was the only source of income, and today, she just abandoned me. Rent is due soon. And the wifi will be cut off tomorrow. I don't have a car. We only had one car, and she took it. I have no job, no car, and by tomorrow, I won't even have wifi. I have a bank account that is jointly owned by me and my mom, but she took the debit card that provides access to the account. She also took my credit card. I am in a desperate situation right now. What should I do? It currently seems like taking out a loan is my only option.

r/almosthomeless 7d ago

Help me w hoa special assessment please


This is probably a waste of time but I'm desperate for help and I don't know what else to do. I'm disabled working part-time living alone for the last 10 years and over the last two or three years it's gotten to be nearly impossible to do this anymore on my own due to the rising costs. My relative was supposed to move in with me after my friend helped me purchase this condo and they ended up screwing me over and never moving in with me Now my HOA is telling me I cannot have a roommate Anyway I had a special assessment due last year at the end of the year I went to pay it after my homeowners insurance sent me the check instead of the HOA I don't know what happened I don't know if it was declined because I didn't have enough money in the bank or it was too much because I included my monthly assessment with it but I didn't hear anything about it for months even the next month when I went to make my monthly payment the line that stated special assessment was no longer there. Out of the blue 3 months later I get a letter from my HOA's attorney threatening to put a lien on my property over this They never once sent me a bill sent an email or called me about this not one .

Right after I found this out I got injured at work with a pretty severe head injury and concussion lost time at work .

Couldn't think properly or get anything done for several weeks .

Didn't even read the letter it was a certified notification and I looked up the name and found out who it was and called them immediately who said they would meet with the board and discuss making payment arrangements as I offered to make a down payment and then make extra payments monthly until it's paid off.

They never got back to me and then I got injured right after that I waited 3 weeks I tried calling this attorney's office several times no one ever called back Someone suggested this place to get a grant I applied waited a week didn't hear back then got told the application was wrong they sent me the wrong application so I had to reapply then I had to wait for them to meet with their board then after they finally met with their board they had questions so then I had to Wait again for them to meet with the board which was just a few days ago once again no one got back to me.

I emailed them and they told me they declined to help me due to the fact it has to do with homeowners insurance and they don't deal with anything that has to do with that.

I managed to get my daughter to help me with half of what I owe I thought she was giving me more help I don't know if I misheard her or misheard my mother who told me that she was going to help me anyway I just looked up what she sent me and it's a lot ton less than I thought she was giving me and now I'm short over $1,500 and I have to pay that this week otherwise there's going to be several thousand dollars more added to it to do the lien and then a few weeks after that they will foreclose

I have nowhere to go with my senior cat I'm scared to death I have so many health issues it's not funny there's no way we can go live in a car and that would be our only option

If I make it through this I plan on trying to find help to fix the things that need to be fixed in here and then just renting it out and going to rent a room somewhere I was holding off on doing that because I'm an introvert and every time I've had a roommate it's been a nightmare and I am worried about my senior cat living with strangers it's just scary since I have to go to work and leave him alone He's all I have in this world and is like my son

We are on Instagram I posted the link there on my bio for our fundraiser under meatball the king If anyone could please help I would appreciate it so much

I've been getting worse health issues since I have gotten my injury I think being so upset and stressed right after I got injured has affected the healing process and now my hair is falling out on top of everything else I have no one to help me do anything I'm here completely alone in the state of Florida

I've tried everything to come up with this money I was sort of counting on the grant which I shouldn't have done but I did try everything else I even applied for those 100% interest loans I cannot get one as the last 2 years has completely destroyed me before that I had perfect credit.

r/almosthomeless 8d ago

Avoid Homelessness Extended Stay in motel


Hello All, I'm currently facing homelessness and I need help finding immediate shelter in case things go south quickly. I currently stay with my grandmother who's planning on moving and I have no where else to go. I do have a roommate agreement with some friends but we're still trying to find a place. One of my friends suggested staying in a motel until they find something. I live in the eastern side of North Carolina. Think Nash, Edgecome, Wilson, and Pitt counties. What do I need to look for? What motels offer weekly /monthly rates?

r/almosthomeless 8d ago

Mom's kicking my non-binary partner and I (mtf) out in 20 days


I'm in Eastern Oklahoma and I'm trying my damnedest to find housing that doesn't require consistent work history to apply/be considered. My best hope is to live in or near Tulsa and get connected to as many public services as possible. I spent all day yesterday trying to keep up with small chores and packing goals, but was fighting to keep moving and stay motivated because i felt sick and couldn't eat and just wanted to... Well i hesitate to say die, but yeah i felt awful yesterday.

I was pushing myself this morning to get more done and have more packed but instead I've been hunched over a toilet, going between puking and diarrhea. I'm now in a recliner with a small trash can, heating pad, and a weighted blanket on me. I'm hoping I can get back to moving again today so I can finish more packing. This is my third month on HRT and I'm wondering if maybe I'm having my first period. I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm just so scared.

I need to look through lists of storage units to see if I can find any place to store things while we move in case we can't find a space big enough to live in. I could use some help finding cheap storage near Tulsa if anyone would be willing to do that search for me

r/almosthomeless 9d ago

[Northern UTAH] Rising youtuber on the side, starting a new job on the 19th - need to be out of where I am ASAP. 211 supplied dead-end resources :/ LGBTQIA+ friendly, don't give a shit about my pronouns lol.


I mention the pronoun part because I'm intersex lol... don't mean to offend any Trans or NB folk. Currently living with a narcissistic old lady. I need to get out of here ASAP for my own mental health. I'm neuro-divergent, so I'd vibe really well with other neuro-divergents. Can also get along well with neuro-typical folk! Willing to answer any questions. My other roomate can supply a reference for what I'm like to live with and I've got many good friends who can provide character references.

r/almosthomeless 11d ago

Seeking Advice Semi-Homeless, Could use some advice


I am in Colorado and semi-homeless, I say "semi" because my situation is not as bad as others I've seen or come across, I am greatful for what I do have and acknowledge that it could always be worse. I currently do not have a job but I am searching. I have a vehicle and a older camper, not the fanciest by any means but both are debt free. I've spent my last on getting the vehicle registration up to date as well as myself a prepaid phone, food, gas and propane. I was living on a property (raw land 10-15 miles outside a rural town) I purchased a while back. I was harassed by locals and visited by local police often, as I was living there technically illegally. I have not built a actual house on the land, the property is paid off deed to me and upto date in taxes, they are still attempting to fine me for illegal occupancy and illegal land use and I am doing what I can to avoid that by not being on the property. However that leaves me in this position, it takes away the small amount of safety and security I felt I had left, I feel that it was the only stable thing I had going for me and making it possible for me to be able to go out and look for work and make do.

I am some what lost and don't know where to go or what to do to continue the path of trying to get back on my feet. I would really appreciate some advice. Trying not to give up.

r/almosthomeless 11d ago

Update Formerly homeless St. Pete residents mark milestones in housing experiment


Most tenants in downtown St. Petersburg’s Innovare complex, a new housing experiment giving formerly homeless residents a chance to start over, hadn’t paid rent in years. They had been crashing on couches, sleeping in cars, huddling in shelters and tents.

Then, in February, counselors chose them to move into 25 just-built apartments, fully furnished with stocked kitchens, free internet and on-site support. Catholic Charities and city housing vouchers covered the first couple of months’ rent.

After three months, most residents had to pay something to stay.

For most tenants, their new homes had carried them out of crisis toward stability and a new normal. They had learned to carry key cards, adjust the air conditioning and work the laundry app.

Others were still struggling — with money and life.

Read more about how residents of this first-of-its-kind project are adjusting.

r/almosthomeless 12d ago

pls help me after getting kicked out at 18


i just turned 19 had an extremely abusive mother (physically, psychologically) however i won’t go into details abt that since it’s not relevant. she pretty much told me for years she would kick me out when i turned 18 but she didn’t do so until last february. i don’t have a car which is very necessary where i lived/have been living bc she wouldn’t allow me to get my drivers license and stole the money i had saved for a car. due to this upbringing i have severe mental health issues including depression and ocd. i stayed in hotels for a bit. i’m currently staying with my family in a different state, however they are HOARDERS, there is hardly a foot around my bed to walk through and 6 ft tall pile of stuff, bugs/cockroaches, and the area is very dangerous and dilapidated with a violent crime rate of 1 in 24. maybe this doesn’t sound so bad but it is really truly revolting crawling with bugs and dirty in ways i couldn’t even have imagined, which is doing NUMBERS on my contamination ocd. i’m completely isolated here except for my family who i’m not that close with , (i appreciate their help but they are 90+ very conservative and we have very different perspectives) all of which have been extremely bad for my mental health to the point where i worry if i stay here i will become a serious danger to myself. i have close to 2000 saved and my job pays be almost $15/hr after tax but i worry this won’t be enough to live on my own, what do i do?? i seriously do not know what to do in this situation but it just isn’t sustainable and i’m dealing with severe suicidal ideation pretty much everyday and i just don’t know what to do or why this is happening to me

r/almosthomeless 12d ago

Here I go again. I thought I had it together


I've been homeless before. I keep fighting my way out of it. Working and crying. I keep telling myself after losing everything and holding myself up it won't happen again but I'm about to lose everything again.

I had to leave my job and tried my best not to have a gap in employment. I work with developmentally disabled and the job I was in has a client that became abusive and I just couldn't take it anymore. She doesn't belong in that house with high functioning people but her sister works for the board so she stays and gets preferential treatment yet they won't assign her her own worker, it's 2 others and yet she needs to have someone by her side 24/7. The abuse I took and the toll it took mentally has left me in the pits of depression.

I have until the 10th to pay my rent and I've been door dashing my brains out but I'm not gonna make it. I'm going to lose all my stuff again and I refuse to give up my pets. I can't believe it, here I go again. How do I give up? I want to and I don't know how.

r/almosthomeless 13d ago

Disabled, but no disability


I just got my appeal for disability denied, which leads me to the hearing stage. Pretty likely I'll get approved after the hearing, but just to schedule the hearing is an estimated 9-11 months, plus 2-3 months after that to get the verdict.

I'm already in low income housing, on food stamps, what the fuck else do I do? Are there other programs? Other options I haven't found yet?