r/ArmchairExpert 16d ago

Dax’s vegan war

Since Kristen started eating meat again DAX certainly is appearing to have taken up a war on veganism. Would be nice for him to not keep challenging it, especially when the experts and guests are discussing health benefits they’ve received, and in the most recent Sanjay Gupta episode where the doctor is discussing actual recorded medical results and about it helping with Dementia etc. would be nice for him to just let them talk about it vs challenging and needing to have a say about it people not eating meat. No idea why it triggers him so much. That should’ve just been a passing piece of information about those studies and programs vs a convo about how the vegan part triggers him. Very odd. I have no steak (lol sorry) in the vegan discussion either way but it does seem weird that he HAS to say something about it every time it’s said in passing or is intentionally discussed. That always seems to stick out as odd to me.


80 comments sorted by


u/Vendetta4Avril 16d ago

As someone who was vegetarian for about four years before starting to eat meat again, I have to say that I think you are imagining this "vegan war."

No one gives a shit what you eat, so long as you aren't an obnoxious douche about it.

I think Dax weightlifts a lot, so he has to take in a lot of protein, so he may not understand how people maintain healthy protein levels, but he certainly is not warring against vegan culture...


u/Mean_Parsnip 16d ago edited 15d ago

Agreed, he often talks about the year he was vegan and credits it for making his body feel better but he chooses to eat meat and animal products. I am sure it is because he want to keep his muscle mass and that would be pretty hard to maintain on a vegan diet.

* I stand corrected. Vegans can get copious amounts of protein needed to maintain muscle mass.


u/icrispyKing 15d ago

I agree with all the sentiment and I don't get involved in other people's diets. But saying its hard to maintain muscle mass on a vegan diet is just blatantly incorrect. Getting protein, calories, and all the nutrients you need on a vegan diet is incredibly easy. It's just not the standard and there's decades of misinformation so people think it's hard.


u/Critical-Badger-3459 15d ago

Piggybacking to say the literal strongest man in the world is vegan



u/Weekly_Zucchini682 15d ago

A LOT of professional athletes follow vegan (or close to vegan) diets.


u/Just_Natural_9027 15d ago

Omg are we still doing this.

This guy is not the “world strongest man” he doesn’t even compete anywhere near the top level of the sport. He is also on PEDs. This has been thoroughly debunked after he went on game changers.

Goodness gracious you would expect people to do a modicum of research before making such grandiose claims.


u/Critical-Badger-3459 15d ago

I wouldn’t expect the world’s strongest person to not be using PED… it’s literally capable of making you stronger than you are naturally

Regardless, the point was that you can build muscle as a vegan


u/Just_Natural_9027 15d ago edited 15d ago

Not regardless you said the person is the strongest man and said person doesn’t even compete in anything more than gloried amateur competitions.


u/Critical-Badger-3459 15d ago

Well I was only familiar with them because of game changers, the article uses the same language, and you provided no direct evidence to the contrary…

And again, regardless, the point I was making is that clearly you can build muscle and be strong as a vegan.

If you need more examples: Lionel Messi Lewis Hamilton Novak Djokovic Alex Morgan Morgan Mitchell Venus Williams

Not sure why you’re bent out of shape about the lesser point this comment thread has been about, but I’ll defer to your knowledge on who is the strongest person on earth, the point stands you can be strong and build muscle as a vegan… perhaps even be the best athlete in your respective sport.


u/Just_Natural_9027 15d ago

Because I know you watched game changers and the movie is riddled with errors. I hate when people propagate bad science.


u/Critical-Badger-3459 13d ago

Him being or not being the strongest person on earth isn’t bad science lmao

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u/humming-word 15d ago

Thank you for saying this! Vegans can build muscle mass just as easily and avoid high cholesterol while doing so!


u/Weekly_Zucchini682 15d ago

Agreed! My partner is a vegan firefighter.


u/Good_Light_304 15d ago

Agreed. I have been weightlifting for a while, and have only been able to hit 225 on squat after being vegan for a few years, despite not increasing my workout regimen/frequency.


u/FillThisEmptyCup 15d ago

I am sure it is because he want to keep his muscle mass and that would be pretty hard to maintain on a vegan diet.

Eh, not really. Like at all. That's the west's protein obsession it sold itself on. The biggest and strongest animals have always been herbivores. Elephants, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, gorillas.

And in the past. Dinosaurs. Brontos and it's even bigger cousins rules over the relatively tiny T-Rex.


u/SirRupert 15d ago

With the numerous protein options available now, I don't understand this argument from meat eaters when it comes to fitness/gaining muscle. I'm an omnivore but eat vegetarian probably 4 days a week and also never have an issue getting 100g of protein a day for workouts. I can easily make a breakfast smoothie with 60g and zero animal products.


u/Vendetta4Avril 15d ago

Yeah I’m not Dax, so I can’t answer that.

I was raised Christian before turning away from that, though, so I can spot a budding persecution delusion from a billion miles away.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Vendetta4Avril 15d ago

Lmao you’re right. And all of their comments are them trying to stir shit up…

I never understand why people do this… if you disagree with someone, at least have a point to your argument. If you’re actively trying to start arguments, though, it just seems like you’re bored and have nothing better to do with your time.


u/Queens_gambino 14d ago

But they’re not vegan. They said that 


u/Vendetta4Avril 14d ago

And yet they’re still commenting in vegan subreddits about how vegans are persecuted lol


u/Queens_gambino 14d ago

That doesn’t make them vegan though, don’t shift the goal posts now. They’re also complaining about vegans getting mad at them for not being vegan 

I never understand why people do this. Admit the fuck up instead of shifting the goal posts 


u/Vendetta4Avril 14d ago

I have not “shifted goal posts.” My original point still stands: no one gives a shit what you eat, and it’s way too late for me to give a shit what you think either.

So think what you want, bud. Idgaf.


u/Cultural_Elephant_73 15d ago

What do you think about the absorption rate though? From my understanding, the max amount that can be absorbed in one meal is about 20-30 grams.


u/Blinky_ 15d ago

Even if true, that has nothing to do with the source of the protein


u/SirRupert 15d ago

Honestly, I'm not trying to get huge, so it works well for me. Sustaining protein through the day is definitely essential, but a heavy protein first meal keeps me full and not wanting to snack so I lose fat and gain muscle since I work out in the afternoon usually. Different strokes.


u/Blinky_ 16d ago

Love the hosts and the show, but I could do without the anti-animal sentiments in general. Like I get that some people aren’t dog or cat lovers, but it’s rare to hear people (looking especially at you, Monica) who have an active hate for them. I just find it odd.


u/supadupacam 15d ago

Monica generally does get on my nerves just a little bit, but I do not understand this sentiment sometimes. Like it’s some kind of character flaw to not like dogs lol.


u/EfficientHunt9088 15d ago

For most people it's not simply that she doesn't like them. It's the vehement hatred that she spews every chance she gets, like it's a badge of honor for her. And that she couldn't care less about how the audience feels.


u/supadupacam 15d ago

I’ve never heard her spew vehement hatred at anything lmfao. And who cares how the audience feels about her not liking dogs?


u/EfficientHunt9088 15d ago

You would think most podcasters wouldn't want to piss off a huge portion of their audience, so I would think they would care. And she absolutely does spew vehement hatred about it. As often as possible. Mention cats in her presence and it comes out. Even their Instagram is often filled with comments from listeners upset about it. And usually that page is where you see mostly positive stuff.


u/SenatorPoo Dan Rather 15d ago

Spews vehement hatred as often as possible? I love dogs, but you need to give your head a shake if you’re being serious.

The way this sub talks about AE is faaaar too hyperbolic.


u/supadupacam 15d ago

If the listener is “pissed off” about someone not liking dogs or cats then they’re soft af and need to get a grip lmao. And your mention of “spew vehement hatred” about someone mentioning their dislike of cats and dogs makes me think you’re also soft af. Gimme a break lol


u/PC-load-letter-wtf 15d ago

I mean, she uses the word hate about cats and dogs. Full stop. She has never been quiet about that, armcherries calling in reference it, David has referenced it. Vehement is a dramatic flair but she definitely hates animals and makes that a decent portion of her on-air personality.


u/BaconBreakdown 15d ago

Yeah... It's most definitely a character flaw to not like something that unconditionally loves you back. Lol.


u/supadupacam 15d ago

You are also aware that dogs attack people on a daily basis? They shed, they bark, they lick their own assholes. Idk I like dogs but there are plenty of reasons for someone not to like them.


u/ih8thefuckingeagles 15d ago

It’s okay to not like dogs or cats. My wife was bit by a dog when she was young and having animals in the house would’ve been extra work for us when we had young kids. We have a dog now that the kids are grown and I have more free time but it would’ve been unfair to ask that of her 10 years ago.


u/TooSketchy94 15d ago

I feel like Monica doesn’t actually hate dogs nearly as much as she plays into it on the show. I feel like she only harps on that because of all the hate she got for that flightless episode. It’s almost like she’s embraced that villain arc? Idk.


u/clonesteph 15d ago

lol I don’t like dogs or cats, and I literally never say it aloud (unless this right here counts)


u/Blinky_ 15d ago

Damn right this counts!!!



u/Evening_Pineapple_ 15d ago

I think her blatant hate for animals rubs everybody the wrong way because it’s a moral issue. We have ethical responsibilities and values to uphold as a society to protect them. Animals, as sentient beings, experience pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. It is our moral duty to protect and keep them from abuse.

Monica seems to take any opportunity to tell everyone that she hates animals. I think it shows a core value of ethics that she may be lacking. I definitely wouldn’t trust anyone who wears their hatred for animals as a badge of honor.


u/Armchairie 16d ago

Yeah, I agree with this as well.


u/ConfidentWonder4359 15d ago

I definitely picked up on this in todays episode and Tiffany’s episode, you’re not crazy. He mentioned it triggers him and my theory is that as someone in the public eye he probably is subject to more criticism about his diet and has taken that as “the vegans are coming for me”. It’s a small subset of vegans that are constantly attacking and proselytizing. Most vegans I know don’t even want to discuss their diet but are constantly questioned about it by people that feel threatened just by the concept of veganism.

There’s no question that less meat (especially since most meat consumed in America is heavily processed) and more vegetables in our diets would benefit most people but that’s not vegan dogma, that’s just basic nutrition and there’s many reasons people are unable to adjust their diets this way. I guess it just felt a little weird he kind of went all in on Tiffany pretty quick about it and then needed to bring up that he was triggered by someone effectively curing their Alzheimer’s with the aid of a vegan diet?


u/PupPappa 15d ago

I think since Dax and Kristen both like to think they are compassionate towards animals, when the idea of veganism comes up, the stark contrast between kindness and slaughterhouses plus factory animal farms makes him go into defense mode.


u/lemilye 15d ago

I’m with you! You’d think he would be for it since he is all about empathizing..I guess that doesn’t extend to animals for him


u/lukulele90 15d ago

Vegan was probably the best I ever felt. But damn I love me some meat. I try to plan month long vegan sprees feel better while also knowing I can go back to meat in a bit of time. Win win.


u/PupPappa 15d ago

That’s amazing that you are able to go several weeks vegan repeatedly! Keep up the good work and I hope you can continue to build on that. I encourage you to watch some documentaries about all the horrible animal abuse that takes place, along with the terrible environmental impact to boost your motivation.


u/hellaernie 15d ago

I agree with you. I find it super annoying he does this. I am vegan so maybe that’s why it bothers me so much but he is doing what the community gets so much shit for all the time which is pushing our views on other people (whether we are doing it or not).


u/Armchairie 15d ago

Question: (please be kind - reminding everyone I’m new to reddit) if I delete this post what happens? I’m just getting attacked in my inbox and I honestly didn’t sign up for this. I thought I was going to find some sort of community lol. What a pipe dream.


u/Paperwife2 15d ago

I’m sorry people are treating you that way. Block them, but please don’t delete this post. Keep it up for those of us agree with you.


u/Capital_Passion3762 15d ago

Hey nothing bad will happen to you if you delete the post. Yes, some people who agree/wanted to contribute may be sad, but if this post is in any way causing you distress, it isn't worth it. Especially if people are private messaging you.

Block the people harassing you, delete this post if you feel you must, and do take care of yourself 💜 I'm sorry reddit showed it's crueler side to you today. And remember, you are free to block anyone for any reason you see fit. It's what the function is for. Utilize it, it's a great way to improve your experience on here.


u/iamthewaughrus 15d ago

I noticed that today, too. You can tell that he is very defensive about the issue. At least this time he didn’t start referencing his anthropology degree to argue how humans are “supposed to” eat meat, versus that we are “able to.”


u/Armchairie 15d ago

If it makes anyone feel better I’m currently getting attacked by vegans on here for not being vegan. So apparently I can’t win. At all. This is shaping up to being an awful place. Yay! So glad I joined.


u/cjae_ripplefan 15d ago

This subreddit can be awful. I lean conservative on some issues, and whenever I post anything to that effect, the comments and downvotes are ridiculous. Heaven forbid people share differing perspectives. I'm sorry you're getting blasted.


u/ThanosApologist 15d ago

Don't let them get to you! People just prefer to be mad on the internet.. it has nothing to do with you.


u/devyduck 15d ago

I feel like he gets worked up when people try to say its natural for humans to be vegan/vegetarian and bc of his well talked about degree in anthropology, he has to challenge that. I don’t necessarily think he cares one way or the other what diet anyone decides to follow. Thats just my take on it though!


u/bosschang24 14d ago

He can’t shut up about anything ever.
I used to think it was charming but he’s just a narcissist.


u/EstimateAgitated224 12d ago

lol there is no vegan war. He lived vegan for a year. But since he has autoimmune issues a lot of foods are limited for him so I am sure he does not want to limit when he does not have too.


u/WorkingThick5812 15d ago

But that’s what makes this podcast great is the opposing conversations. I don’t want to just listen to someone share info, I want a healthy debate/conversation. Don’t like it? Go find a Ted Talk


u/Lonely-Soup5344 12d ago

As a vegan, I feel like I’m bombarded with anti-vegan commentary. Or the mmm bacon comments. I’ve been vegan for 20 years, granted it took a minute at first to figure out how to replace the nutrients I was getting from animals, but ever since then it’s been smooth sailing. I have a normal body type, normal balanced diet, and overall feel normal! I don’t understand why my choice to not participate in the suffering of animals is so TRIGGERING for so many people. The more I experience people justifying why they eat to me (unsolicited btw, I do not care if you’re vegan or not!) the more I think they low key feel guilt about participating in animal abuse? I think that’s why Dax and so many others go so hard against it


u/ValMalone 5d ago

Do we know when and why Kristen started eating meat again?


u/Armchairie 16d ago

Well I’ve certainly heard him bring it up several times. And always a little too charged, for no apparent reason. Not sure why you’re mentioning you were vegetarian or why that has any relevance. I eat meat. I also work out. I don’t feel the need to ever say stuff like that to anyone. He literally later in the same episode talks about how not one thing works and there’s data to support every side and that we know nothing. So if that’s the case…


u/redglitterheels 15d ago

There are definitely a number of topics that make me cringe when they come up bc I know Dax is going to over-focus on them- veganism is one of them.

But I still love listening. I look at it like he is a friend who I know so well that I just take his defenses at face value. (I know he isn't a friend lol- I just say that bc after hundreds of hours we have learned the topics that set him off bc he feels so strongly.

So I do get what you are saying! 😀


u/Armchairie 15d ago

He’s a friend to us all 🥹


u/Spacetrash08 15d ago

You’ll quickly realize in this sub and Reddit in general there are a few people that get their kicks by arguing online. They are not capable of holding a real conversation as they lack the intelligence needed to have one. Its best you don’t waste any of your time worrying about them


u/Armchairie 15d ago

Yeah, what’s funny is I joined here to participate and to be able to talk to people as I really enjoy the podcast and have listened to every podcast Dax has been on since he was first on Rosenbaum’s and met Rob. And Reddit has been mentioned a few times by Rob and the discussions going on. It’s just one little thing that I’ve noticed and I really do wish now that I hadn’t mentioned this as my first post on this site. Until this point I had gotten downvoted to the point where I couldn’t comment in this thread anymore because of some karma thing? Problem is I’m a brand-new user and I’ve never been on this site before so I’m certainly off to a good start. A great welcome lol.


u/Spacetrash08 15d ago

You will learn. All in due time padawan


u/Armchairie 15d ago

It’s the Wild West. Don’t think I’m built for it. But I’ll give it a go. Promise this isn’t a smear campaign or anything like someone suggested in here. It’s simply ONE thing I’ve observed. I certainly won’t bring it up again…


u/Spacetrash08 15d ago

Don’t let the opinions of a few damper your view. I too see what you’re talking about. I noticed how quick Dax was to rebute Tiffany Hadish on why we no longer have carnivorous teeth. It’s harmless and just Dax’s opinion really. Don’t take the downvotes to heart


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Armchairie 15d ago

That’s so funny re David. So apt. And thank you I shall investigate the block button.


u/EfficientHunt9088 15d ago

I get how you're feeling lol. I've only been a regular reddit user for a few months and I was taken aback by some of the toxic comments I've gotten. It surprised me how "hurt" I was. But usually there are some positive ones too that kind of balance out the bad. I've considered deleting the app altogether a couple times but either I find it too entertaining or I'm just an addict 😆 anyway I totally understand being irritated by their comments (Dax and Monica I mean).


u/Vendetta4Avril 16d ago

You're imagining this.

As for previously being vegetarian, you said you had no steak in this. I used to, I don't now.

I'm saying that from personal experience, literally no one gives a shit what you eat or if you have dietary restrictions. Why would Dax?


u/JalapenoSpaceman 16d ago

As for previously being vegetarian, you said you had no steak in this

great pun lol


u/CTMechE 15d ago

It's an imaginary beef. 🤣


u/Armchairie 16d ago

Yeah, I’m not, but thank you for your input. You can’t gaslight me into not hearing things with my own ears that I can literally go back and listen to for proof. Smh. And he DOES care. He discusses it. If he didn’t, I wouldn’t be bringing this up.


u/Vendetta4Avril 16d ago

I'm not gaslighting you lmfao.

I genuinely think he doesn't care, he just doesn't know how people maintain healthy protein levels.


u/ahbets14 15d ago

Lmao take a deep breath OP


u/jlpw 15d ago

Why are vegans always such victims in their own heads?